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"So," Steve clapped his hands together, making Oliver smile, "What do you want to make today?"

Tapping his little finger against his dimpled chin; just thinking. Once his decision was made, Oliver rubbed his little baby-chubby hands together, "Umble E!"

Exaggerating his excitement and deliberately widening his eyes, Steve giggled, "A bumble bee?! Is there going to be a flower?"

Proudly, Oliver nodded, and Steve made sure that the toddler's smock was on and covering his clothes properly. When Steve decided that that was ready to go, he popped open the paints. Although Oliver's motor skills were still developing, Steve still thought that he was the most artistically gifted child he had ever met with the most phenomenal imagination.

But he could be biased.

While Oliver used his hands to paint his masterpiece, Steve decided to welcome early spring with a simple bumble bee collecting pollen from a beautiful purple flower. For a moment, just enjoying the quiet moment between him and his son. Knowing that once their next little guy was born, he'd probably have less moments like this with Ollie. At least for a little while.

Worried, Steve chewed on the inside of his cheek before deciding to be the adult that he was and ask, "Are you excited to be a big brother?"

"Uh –" he drawled out as his little tongue poked out in his concentration "– huh."

"Yeah?" Steve smiled, feeling a little relieved. Guess Bucky was right, I was just paranoid. "Are ya gonna show him how to paint?"

Dipping his hands in blue paint, he pushed them against the paper, then started moving them around. All around, he nodded, "I paint good!"

"You sure do, squirt," Steve fondly agreed. Encouraging his son's creativity, "Maybe we can even paint some for your brother. How does that sound? You think that Cookie Monster will like that?"

"Yeah!" Oliver cheered, momentarily abandoning his painting, and wrapping his arms around Steve, getting paint all over his baggy t-shirt. Not that he minded. It was just a lounge shirt anyway.

Pulling back, Oliver leaned over and kissed Steve's abdomen. In his womb, his little guy wiggled. He was growing out of space and a sharp pain erupted across his spine. Grabbing his bump, Steve blew out a deep breath as he waited it out. Knowing that Braxton Hicks were preparing him.

"Papa okay?" Oliver's little brows furrowed in a concerned expression that he definitely inherited from his Mimi Sarah. It was always bittersweet whenever Steve noticed those types of things.

Eyes prickling with tears, Steve sniffled and assured the toddler, "I'm fine. Cookie's just getting a little too big."

Nodding, Oliver giggled, "Cuz he eated all da cookies."

"He's getting big because he ate cookies?" Steve clarified with a small smile on his face. Oliver nodded again and beamed up at his papa, causing the omega's smile to grow. Poking the toddler's covered belly, he joked, "Must be why you're getting so big, huh?"

Giggling even more, Oliver said, "Uh huh."

Steve continued tickling the toddler. The sound of those jovial giggles tattooed on his soul, branding him so he'd remember it forever. Letting this linger and marinate in his heart.

Chuckling, himself, Steve pulled back, allowing the little boy to catch his breath. He kept beaming up at Steve though, looking so much like his daddy. Oliver's features being a constant reminder of their love.

"So," Steve started. Putting away the paint, he asked, "What do you want to do now?"

"Eat cookies!"

"Of course," Steve laughed. Minding the wet finger paint on his shirt, he headed for the sink. And considering Cookie Monster was shifting at the thought of eating cookies, Steve decided to give in. Just this once.

As he helped Oliver wash his hands and shrug out of the smock, the toddler sang the iteration of Baby Shark, but for washing hands. Something that he had picked up from his lovely cousins.

While Oliver dried his hands, Steve headed for the laundry room to change his shirt. Sure, Steve didn't mind paint on his shirt, but he didn't want paint on their furniture. So, he traded one lounge shirt for another on his way out to the kitchen. And just in time too since the two and a half year old was standing on his tiptoes, reaching for the cookie jar. Fortunately, he was still too short to actually reach it, tiptoes or not.

"Mr. Oliver," Steve placed his hands on his hips, watching as the toddler jumped and whipped around to face his papa. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Gettin' cookies," Oliver giggled.

Shaking his head, Steve lifted Oliver onto his hip. Blowing a raspberry on his cheek before setting him back down and getting two plates from the cupboard. Oliver started bouncing around the kitchen in his excitement, and Steve couldn't help but laugh. Even as he decided to only give Oliver two cookies while giving himself four. He was eating for two after all.

"Do you want juice?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Oliver continued hopping around. Dancing along to a song that only he could hear.

With plates of cookies and glasses of mixed berry juice, Steve carried it all over to the table in two trips. Helping Oliver sit in his booster seat before taking his own seat. Together they enjoyed the afternoon snack.

Oliver danced in his seat and tried to steal one of Steve's cookies. Steve simply laughed and decided to split his last cookie with his son. Knowing that he'd give him anything. Rubbing over his abdomen, he reminded himself, them. He'd do anything for them.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now