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"He's beautiful, Tibs," Bucky complimented as he gazed lovingly down at his nephew. Tenderly stroking his finger over the newborn's black curls before caressing his warm-ochre brownish-yellow cheek. When his little eyes opened up to look at Bucky, the alpha smiled down at him and cooed, "Hi, handsome. Whatcha thinkin'?"

"Probably wondering why his uncle looks so funny," Tibby weakly joked. Spending the last forty-eight hours in labor being hell on her naturally petite frame.

Playfully, Bucky narrowed his eyes at his youngest sister before returning his attention to little Jeremiah. From beside Bucky, Steve let the baby wrap his hand around his finger. Tightly gripping it the same way the little baby being there gripped his heart.

With all of Steve's extra hormones, tears streamed down his face and Oliver tugged on his pants. When he looked down at his son, Oliver asked, "Papa sad?"

"No, baby. I'm happy. So happy," Steve smiled, wiping his tears and sniffling. Removing his finger from Jeremiah's grip, Steve hefted Oliver onto his hip so the toddler could see his new cousin.

"I love Hair-my-none," Oliver said, leaning over to kiss the resting newborn.

The adults in the room laughed and Steve corrected, "Jere-uh-my-uh."

"Hair-nuh-my-none," Oliver repeated, causing the adults to laugh again. Genuinely not understanding what was so funny since he thought that he was pronouncing it correctly.

Deciding to let him say it however he wanted to say it, Steve simply kissed Oliver's forehead, "That's right, bub. Your new cousin, Jeremiah."

"I love him," Oliver beamed.

Nodding, Steve held him a little closer until his baby brother decided he didn't like their cousin getting all the attention and started kicking against the walls of Steve's uterus. Feeling his unborn brother, Oliver kissed his hand before placing it on Steve's bump. Rubbing his hand over the top of the curve and marking it with his wrist.

"I love Cookie Monser too," Oliver cuddled closer to Steve.

"He loves you too, squirt," Bucky leaned over to kiss the two and a half year old's forehead.

Having enough love for the moment, Oliver squirmed and demanded, "Put down, papa!"

Knowing that he just wanted to play with Lucy's new Peppa Pig playset. Rolling his eyes, he set his son down. Reminding him, "Play nice."

Straightening, Steve supported his lower back with his hands. Soothing himself by rubbing at his aching muscles. He would've hoped that having a toddler would've strengthened his crooked back, but it appeared that it hadn't. Of course, he wasn't sure what he was expecting since he was the same size he was when he gave birth to Oliver, and he still had eleven weeks until his due date. He couldn't fathom how much bigger he was going to get. Nor could he imagine how big their little guy was going to be as he passed through the birth canal.

Not wanting to think about that, he sat down in the chair beside Tibby's bed and raised his arms in Bucky's direction. Wiggling his fingers as he silently gestured for his new nephew.

Kissing his little forehead, Bucky passed Jeremiah to Steve. With his large belly, it was easier to support the nine pound baby. Caressing Jeremiah's round cheek, Steve hoped that his son was smaller, if only to make the delivery easier on himself.

"Knock, knock," Mandy poked her head into the room, her daughters entering ahead of her.

Immediately the ten year old and the almost four year old crossed the room to where Steve was sitting. Harper looked over to her aunt and asked, "Can I hold him?"

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now