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"Stevie, you don't have to do that," Bucky sighed from behind him.

Sniffling, Steve shook his head and continued sweeping up the shattered ceramic pieces. It was one of Steve's plates. The one he brought his sugar cookies over on. Leftover blue sprinkles could be seen mixed in with the green pieces of plate.

Although Steve knew that it wasn't because of him, he still felt guilty. George had been eating one of his cookies when he had his heart attack. Steve's cookies clogged his father-in-law's arteries. It was all Steve's fault for baking all those unhealthy, fattening, and sugary sweets. All Steve's fault for bringing them over every time he came over. Steve should've known –

"Stevie," Bucky grabbed the broomstick.

Shaking his head, Steve assured, "It's okay."

"Your back's already been bothering you," Bucky insisted, pulling the broom closer to himself.

"My back's fine," Steve said. With his chin, he gestured to the dining room where the kids had returned to finish their gingerbread houses, "Go make sure Oliver's okay. His chin was already starting to bruise."

Really, Steve wanted to tell Bucky to go lie down since he hadn't stopped shaking since George was taken away. Not even Winnie's phone call informing them that George was in surgery helped. But Steve couldn't blame him for not relaxing at that. He just wanted his husband to take care of himself. The kind alpha deserved that much.

"He's allowed to have another popsicle, if he wants one," Steve added, certain that his spouse would go to their son.

"Then, go see if he wants one."

Shocked, Steve's eyes snapped up to Bucky. Although Bucky hadn't said it unkindly, Steve still wasn't used to Bucky choosing not to be with Oliver. Usually, Bucky was jumping at the bit to be around the toddler. And Steve knew that having the two and a half year old near visibly eased the alpha's nerves.

Yet, Bucky stood there with a heavy brow and a set jaw. Since he wasn't giving anything up physically, Steve searched the bond. Only to find that it was muted. Not sure if it was a white noise from the fear that still resided under the surface or if it was because Bucky was fighting for control over himself. Whatever it was, Steve didn't like it. James Buchanan Barnes was an open book, and that was the way Steve liked it.

Now though? Steve felt sick. The baby in his womb rolling as the nausea in his stomach roiled. Faster than fast, Steve took off for the bathroom. Not even having time to drop to his knees and barely enough time to lift the lid, Steve hunched over and puked up all the contents in his stomach.

Just like every other time Steve had been sick, Bucky followed him into the room. Wetting a washcloth and placing it on the back of his neck while he rubbed over Steve's back. And as much as Steve appreciated his husband's kindness and concern, he couldn't help the guilt that coursed through him. Bucky needed to take care of his own needs right now, not be worried over Steve.

"Don't," Steve hurled again, waving at Bucky to stop.

Instantly removing his hands, Bucky's scent started to sour. Which definitely didn't help Steve's current situation as his stomach contents quickly evacuated. Especially not when the guilt seeped out of Bucky, straight into Steve's heart.

Once everything that could be purged, was, Steve flushed and immediately cleaned himself up. Assuaging his mate, Steve told Bucky, "Don't worry about me, honey. You've got enough on your plate; you don't need to worry about my random upchuck."

Brow still heavily furrowed, Bucky softly asked, "What kind of alpha am I, if I don't take care of my omega?"

"The same alpha who usually does," Steve shrugged. Supporting his lower back, Steve clarified, "I can take care of myself, Bucky. Especially today."

Bucky's lower lip quivered, "I can't take care of myself. I can't think of what's going on."

Knowing better than anyone how to deflect and repress, Steve didn't' want his husband to do that. Reaching up, Steve wiped Bucky's tears. Wanting nothing more than for him to be relieved. After all, George was in surgery. Winnie was supposed to call as soon as he was done. More than that, Silas was sporting two new casts: one on his right wrist and the other on his left ankle, practically completely fine. Then, of course, there was Tibby who was pushing new life into the world.

There was so much that Bucky could distract himself with. Steve supposed that he should feel lucky that Bucky set his attention on him.

Bringing Bucky in for another hug, he simply held the larger, muscular alpha. Marking him the best he could with his much calmer scent. Deciding that he'd stand there all day, holding him, if he had to. It was his privilege and honor. There were a lot of omegas and betas and probably even some alphas who would go their whole life wishing for an alpha as kind and as good as Bucky. So, for as long as Steve had him, he was going to appreciate every moment. Even the bad ones.

"Papa, daddy, MOVE!" Oliver sternly demanded, causing the two men to turn their attention to the toddler.

Finding the small brunet holding himself and his legs crossed, Steve side-stepped out of the way so Ollie could enter the half-bath. Immediately, Oliver got to work pulling down his pants and Pull-Up. As he settled on the toilet and started going, he proudly grinned up at his fathers. Blissfully unaware why the house was quieter today and wrapped up in himself than his weepy parents.

"I big boy!" Oliver exclaimed once he was done and pulling his pants back up.

"You sure are," Steve confirmed, watching as the toddler put down the seat and closed the lid before flushing, just as he had been taught. As Oliver rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands, Steve told him, "We'll have to put a sticker on the chart when we get home."

"Okay!" Oliver preened as he used more pumps of soap than necessary. When he was drying his clean hands, Oliver's little brow line furrowed and he asked, "Daddy sad?"

Trying to think of a way to tell his son without scaring him, Steve just stood there for a moment. Bucky was the one who brought Oliver into his arms and easily fibbed, "Because you're growing up so fast! Soon enough you're going to be graduating from college and moving into your own place! What, ya gonna drive us home tonight? Huh?"

As Bucky curled Oliver up, he blew a raspberry on his stomach, smiling when the toddler giggled and squealed. Of course, that made the other younger kids swarm Bucky to get his attention. Forming a half-circle around him as they jumped and grabbed onto him.

For the first time that morning, Bucky smiled. Surrounded by their nieces and their son, Bucky eased. Caught up in tickling the giggling children and playfully tossing them onto the couch. Never giving one more attention than the other because he loved them all.

Steve stood off to the side. With even his wombmate picking up movement in his excitement, Steve ran his hand over his baby bump to appease him. All the while, watching his alpha surrounded by pups with their happy scents billowing around them, Steve knew that he'd have ten babies if he could keep that scent always.

"Wait," Bucky told the kids, standing up and reaching for his phone.

When Steve's own phone vibrated, he pulled it out of his back pocket. Clicking on the notification, Steve found a message in the group chat. A picture of a smiling George, fresh out of recovery and giving the phone two thumbs up. Steve let his shoulders slump in relief at that and he could tell that Bucky did too. He was okay. They were okay.

It was all going to be okay.

Twice as Cute: Green Series 4 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AUWhere stories live. Discover now