Chapter 18

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Song of the Chapter: Irresistible by One Direction

Josh's POV

I am jolted awake by the sharp, chesty coughing coming from Stella on the other side of the bed. But she still sleeps soundly. The coughing sounds like it is coming from deep in her chest, and last night, I didn't notice a cough.

She remains quiet for a few minutes, then starts coughing again, but this time she wakes and sits up and lightly slaps her chest to try and stop coughing. I sit up and rub circles on her back,

"Are you alright?" I say, and move her hair away from her eyes.

Once her coughing subsides, she just shakes her head, "I feel like shit."

I lay back down flat on the bed, pulling her with me, "what doesn't feel good?"

She puts her head on my bare chest and I run my hand up and down her arm. She takes a deep breath, "My chest feels heavy, and my throat is killing me."

"Its probably the flu or something, just try and sleep some more, you need rest." I kiss her forehead.

"Hey, watch it with that, I don't want you to get sick too, if its the flu."

"If I can still kiss you, it would be worth it." I smile and I feel her arms tighten around my abdomonen.

"You're silly for saying that. But what time is it?"

"almost 8." I reply.

"Good." She says. I feel her breathing slow, and then slide out of bed, careful not to wake her. I have an idea.


I walk downstairs and everyone else is awake.

"Oh you stayed last night?" Corie says, smiling as she makes a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, we got in late and Stella insisted I didn't drive alone." I smile at her and sit on a bar stool.

"Ah, good old Stella. Always thinking." she sets a cup of coffee in front of me and I nod to thank her.

"I think Stella may be coming down with something, she was coughing all night, and I want to plan something nice for her, but I need all of your guy's help."

They all crowd around me as I tell them my plan.


"Okay so we got it?" I whisper to them as I hear Stella walk down the stairs. They all nod and make their way back to where they were sitting.

"Goodmorning," I say to her and kiss her cheek. She smiles and sits next to me, "How are you feeling?" I ask.

she shakes her head, "Not that great."

Corie places a few types of medicine in front of her and a smoothie. "Thanks," she mutters and takes the medicine.

"So," I start, "I need to go back to my hotel room and then go to a few meetings today, so I will be back later to check on how you're feeling."

She sighs, "oh alright I guess." I give her a light peck on the nose and tell her to feel better and then I leave to go to one of my meetings and get everything ready for Stella. Nolan is going to drive her to the doctor later, and while she is there, that is when I will go set everything up with Corie and Avery's help.

Stella's POV

Its late afternoon and Nolan hasn't swiped a smile off of his face since we left the doctor. Turns out, the doctor says I do have a minor case of the flu, but it damn sure doesn't feel like a minor case.

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