Chapter 6

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Stella's POV

A week has gone by. Josh and I haven't hung out, much less spoken to each other, since the night I left his house only to come back to reality, also known as hell. I don't want to see him until the bruises fade. He sends me a text every morning and every night asking me how I am doing, I reply with a simple "fine" or "good", completely lying to him of course.. I have avoided Lucille completely, but I haven't left the house but once or twice except to go to "school".

Today is Friday, December 7th, otherwise known as my birthday. My 18th birthday.

Yes, although I turn 18 today, I have no plans of leaving the orphanage. Not yet. Bea and Ryder need me to be here for them, to take any slaps or punches that are thrown at them by Lucille. It's my responsibility to protect them from the wrath that I caused Lucille to develope. Some people say that she used to be a nice lady. But I have a lot of trouble believing that, but every person is nice until you get to know the real them, which the real Lucille I have become very familiar with these past few days.

I decide its time for me to leave the comfort of my room and I go down into the kitchen where all of the kids sit around a huge table, eating their breakfast before heading off to school.

"Happy Birthday Stella!!" Bea says as she runs up to me and give me a hug, she pulls out a macaroni necklace she must have made at school and hands it too me, "I made this for you!"

"Oh wow! Its beautiful!" i place the necklace around my head, "Thank you so much Bea!!"

she smiles and runs back to her chair. Ryder stands and gives me a hug and tells me happy birthday as well. None of the other kids tell me happy birthday though. They all act jealous when its someone else's birthday but their own, but I don't see why, birthdays are just another reminder that someone gave birth to me and decided to give me up. I sigh and sit down next to Ryder and pour myself a small bowl of cereal.

Once all the kids are finished we are sent off to school.. I walk alongside Ryder and Bea until I reach Mrs. Parker's house. I walk in the door and set myself down at the desk she has set up for me and turn on the computer to get to work.

"Morning Stella! How is your face?" she asks and sets a cup of tea in front of me.

"Not any better. I don't know why, the bruises usually fade by now, its been almost 5 days but its still there." I continue to type on the computer.

"I don't see anything," she inspects my face and I take a wet paper towel to wipe off the makeup I have placed over it. "Oh dear heavens, it looks like its getting worse." she runs to the kitchen and gets a bag of ice and tells me to put it on my face.

I wince at the cold pressure being placed on my face but soon relax as it is relieving the constant sting. "I don't know what to do."

"what do you mean?" she gives me a weird look, "Oh right today is your 18th birthday! I have something for you!"

"No, I said no presents!!" she waves me off with her hand and rolls her eyes.

"oh hush, child. I would never not get you a present for your 18th birthday! okay so I don't know if the size is right, but anywho, hold your wrist out and close your eyes!"

I do as I am told and soon feel cold metal being placed around my wrist. I open my eyes and am shocked at what I see. She got me a pandora bracelet, with four charms already on it. One with a little girl and a 'B' engraved in it, one with a soccer ball with an 'R' engraved on it, one with a piano, and the other is of a dog. I gasp and look at her, "this must have costed a fortune!!"

"It was no trouble at all, dear. I tried to buy charms with the things that are most important to you, I hope you like it." she says smiling.

"Like it? I love it! This is the best gift any one has ever gotten for me, thank you so much." I wrap her in a huge hug, but I am forced to let go when I hear the front door swing open.

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