Chapter 21

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Song of the Chapter: Loving You, Loving Me by Dave Barnes

Stella's POV

I wake up to an empty bed and a turning stomach. Words cannot describe how nervous I am for today.. For one, I have to meet all of Josh's famous actor friends, and two, I have to make sure that I take perfect pictures. I mean come on, this is Hollywood's hot-shot couple at the moment, and I would hate to disappoint. 

I roll over and look at the clock and it is 11 o'clock. 

Shit, I have to be there at 12. 

I hop out of bed and jump into the shower. While I stand in the shower, I mentally prepare myself for the day. I need all the preaparation I can get.

I quickly do my make up and hair and then I put my dress on. The dress is a short teal blue tanktop with cutouts on the side, the cut outs are placed where you can see my feather tattoo on my side, and my hair pulled to the left. Once I am content with how I look, I rush too the wedding venue. 

It is in an aquarium ballroom for the reception, and the wedding itself is on the beach. 

"Oh thank God you are here!" Miley's mother says to me and then rushes me into where she is getting ready. 

I snap a few pictures of all of the bridesmaids and Miley while she gets ready. I smile to myself when all the girls smile and giggle at stupid jokes and chat about a movie they all went and saw a few days prior, and then the flower girl comes up to me and tugs at the bottom of my dress, "whats this?" she asks, tugging at the locket Beatrice gave me that I made into an anklet.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" A brunette woman says to me and tries to pull the little girl off of my leg, I snap a picture. 

"Oh no! its fine! I like kids." I smile at her and bend down so I am eye level with her, "Its my locket, do you like it?" 

She nods her head, "Where did you get it?" She asks, swinging her curls side to side. 

"It was a um..." my throat tightens, "It was a gift." I smile. 

Then she grabs my anchor neckleace in her tiny fingers, then she smiles and runs away. I snap a picture as her curls bounce and she retreats to Miley's side. 

"I am so glad you could fill in, God you are a live saver!" Miley laughs, "Stupid bastard bailing and shit" she whispers in my ear and I laugh. 

"Its no problem, really." I smile. 

"We'll pay you as soon as we get back to LA. I promise!" 

"No, don't pay me. Its your day, and I love taking pictures, really." I insist. 

"Oh stop it, we are going to pay you! No excuses!" 

I sigh in defeat and then I hear the wedding planner knock on the door, telling me that they are about to start.

I run out of the room and out to the beach. I take pictures of the water and the decorations as I wait for the guests to start filling into the chairs in the sand. The first group is an elderly couple. Snap. Then I see a few actors that I recognize come in, snap. Then the Hunger Games cast seems to come in one big pack.. Jennifer, Woody, all of them. 

I stand at the front off to the side awkwardly and I think a few people recognize me from a few months back and the whole "Mystery Girl" crap, because they point and whisper. I just smile and wait. 

Then the groomsmen come in, Liam at the front, and he does look mighty handsome.. But behind him is Josh, in his suit and bow tie and my knees go weak. My reflexes pull my camera up to my eye and snap a picture, I take a few then I pull my camera back down, and he and I make eye contact. 

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