Chapter 8

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Stella's POV

my eyes flutter open from the sound of violent coughing. I sit up in my bed and realize that i'm not in the orphanage, and a small smile places itself on my lips. I'm free. I can walk out of this room and not worry about getting slapped or have to deal with ungrateful little pricks all the time. The coughing catches my attention again, so I leave my room and go into the living room and find Josh in the kitchen cooking.

"Morning sleepy head" he says in between coughs, I look at the clock, its 12:49

"Well, we were up late.." I say shyly, remembering the confession I had made just a few hours ago. I sigh, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I just woke up coughing." I walk up to him and place my hand on his cheek.

"Josh, you are burning up." I say, "go lay down and i'll fininsh this," he hesitates, but I push him to the couch and make him sit.

"Stella, I am really fine." he goes into another coughing fit again.

"yeah, sounds like it." I say sarcastically, then i finish what he started in the kitchen.

"Damn it I was gonna make you breakfast and everything" he says.

"Its the thought that counts, but you're sick! I told you lastnight you would."

He rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. well on another note, how are you feeling this morning?"

"Relieved." I say and let out a huge breath. "Do you have any medicine?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't done much shopping."

"Well I need to go to the store anyways," i go to my room and change into something suitable for the cold weather and slip on my shoes, tying my hair back in a ponytail, "Anything you need?"

"a kit kat bar would be nice!" I laugh, "but here, take my card" He hands me his credit card, but I refuse it.

"No, Josh. Its fine, i can pay for it, its no biggie." He wraps me in a hug.

"you are so stubborn, but be safe, call me if you need a ride home." he says.

"you aren't going anywhere in this cold weather, mister. thats what got you into this in the first place. I'll see you in a bit, if you think of anything you need, text it to me." he nods his head and I leave.

I text Ryder telling him to meet me at the cafe before i head to the store so I can tell him everything. I never got a chance to explain everything to him that day.

After I explain to him all that happened, he sighs.

"I'm so sorry, Stell. Lucille has been going on and on about how much she hates Mrs. Parker, but she isn't that upset about you being gone." he says.

"Don't feel sorry for me, I'm glad it happened to me and not you or Bea.. speaking of Beatrice, where is she?" I ask.

"She is at the orphanage. I think she has an interview tomorrow. I am really excited for her."

My face lights up, "An interview?! she actually got one? wow, this is great. But what about you?"

"I'll get by. Only 6 more months til the end of the school year, and I can do summer classes at a college on my scholarship. I think I can deal with her for a few more months, she isn't too abusive my way, probably cause i'm much bigger than her. " I laugh and so does he.

"Just, please take care of Bea, I am going to try and figure out a way to see her without going near Lucille, I don't want her to know where I am." I say.

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