Sally's story

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Jack was frozen in shock. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. "Sally"!? Then rushed forward to embrace Sally to which she smiled satisfyingly and returned his embrace. "Jack, I missed you so much".

"I missed you too"!

You just stood there awkwardly until you finally cleared your throat to get their attention. "Oh! (Y/n), I want you to meet Sally. She's a dear friend of mine" Jack said as he lead you towards Sally in a excited tone.

"It's nice to meet you, Sally" you said as you extended your hand.

"It's nice to meet you too". Sally shook your hand and her skin was extremely cold to the touch and Sally was quick to notice that your hand was very warm. She also noticed the lack of details to suggest that you were a monster or just dead in general. Jack could see Sally looking at you curiously and explained it. "Oh, Sally. (Y/n) is actually a human-"

"I know, I can tell. How did you find this place" she asked curiously.

"I found it on accident. It was over a year ago actually" you said. Sally looked shocked and smiled. "Sally" Jack asked quickly, "Where have you been" he asked.

"I told her to leave, Jack" Dr. Finklestein said. "Why, Dr." Jack asked.

"She had poisoned me and stole from me too many times" Dr. Finklestein said begrudgingly. "Certainly not one of my best creations". You then felt offended for Sally and you looked over to see her look upset. "Hey" you said defensively, "That's not nice"!

"Nice or not, she belongs to me" Dr. Finklestein said. "Now, I'll get started on the scare device you need for the pumpkin patch".

Dr. Finklestein rolled away towards one of his tables and Jack quickly asked, "Where were you Sally? I searched high and low for you but I couldn't find you. Even the witches couldn't find you".

"Oh, Jack" she said sadly, "I didn't leave willingly. Oogie had Lock, Shock and Barrel kidnap me while I slept".

"That's horrible" you said.

"What did Oogie want with you" Jack asked getting serious.

"He wanted to lure you in a trap so he would become the Pumpkin King" she continued, "But after you gave up looking, he still kept locked up to do something different". You felt so bad for her and Jack was flabbergasted. "That explains him trying to hurt me and (Y/n), but it still doesn't explain what he wants with the holiday doors".

"Whatever it is, it can't be good" you said.

"I know" Jack said plainly. He started to think. "Whatever the case is, I can't let him win". Jack then faced you, "Promise me something, (y/n)" he then took a hold of your shoulders, "Please promise me you'll still be by my side and not leave my sight. I can't let anything happen to you my queen-"

"Queen" Sally asked curiously.

"Aah yes, Sally. (Y/n) is my Pumpkin Queen" Jack said proudly. This statement really confused Sally. A human? Why a human? "Oh, that's-- that's wonderful" she said sadly.

"Sally? Is something wrong" Jack asked as he took a step towards her.

"Oh no, I'm just a bit tired is all" she said, obviously lying.

"Aah, I see" Jack then looked towards Dr. Finklestein, "Doctor"! Dr. Finklestein wheeled himself around to look at Jack. "Yes, Jack"?

"Is Sally still allowed to stay here? She's tired and requires some rest" Jack asked.

"I suppose so. But she's not allowed to cook for me" Dr. Finklestein said as he wheeled back around to continue with his device. Jack felt satisfied and said, "Thank you, doctor" Jack then turned to face Sally, "You have nothing to worry about, Sally. Dr. Finklesteins tower will protect you while me and (Y/n) figure all this out". Sally looked like she wanted to say something but she looked defeated. "Alright. Thank you, Jack". Sally made her way back down the lift but you could still tell that she was very upset which prompted you to ask Jack more about her.

"So, Jack"?


"How did you meet Sally"?

"Sally is one of Dr. Finklesteins earlier expierments and she met me during an award ceremony many years ago" he said, reflecting on the past. "She was a dear friend of mine, and I hope she still is. But one day, she planned to tell me something and asked me to meet her on the spiral hill but she never showed up" he concluded sadly. "I always wondered what she wanted to tell me".

"Well she's back and safe now, Jack" you said walking towards him and holding his hand. "If i were you, I'd stop by her room to see if she's alright" you suggested. "You're right" he said but then Dr. Finklestein rolled back over. "The device is finished and I think this will also aid you, Jack". Dr. Finklestein handed Jack the scare device as well as box. "What's this"?

Jack opened the box and saw that it was his "Sandy Claws" outfit all stitched up again and looking fresher. "It's my "Sandy Claws" outfit"!

"Wow" you said, "It's been awhile since I've seen it".

"That outfit really suits you! As for the scare device, hide it in your Sandy bag and use it to stun Oogies monsters"! Jack understood and started to lead you towards the lift to go down. "(Y/n)" Jack asked while the lift was descending.


"While I talk to Sally, I'd like for you to wait outside her door".

"Of course".

The lift came to a stop and as you both descended down the long spiral walkway, you came across a big door. Jack walked inside leaving you outside to wait. You knew it was wrong but you wanted to know what was happening and you pressed your ear up against the door. You could hear them talking but couldn't make out what was being said. The only thing you heard was this...

"I'm so sorry, Sally. I'm here now. Don't you worry. I'll always be there for you".

After a couple seconds, you could feel the door open and Jack walked out looking upset. "What happened"?

"Nothing, (Y/n). Don't worry. Come on, we got to hurry". He quickly took your hand, once again, and dashed off towards the door. The thought of what you heard through the door was replaying in your mind over and over again. You wanted to ask what he was sorry for but you didn't want him to know you were being nosey.

So, for now, you just kept your thoughts to yourself.

Authors notes:

Ok, Here's another chapter. This new schedule is really working out and I'm very proud of myself for staying on top of this. And I also hope you enjoyed reading it.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

The love from my Pumpkin King (SEQUEL) (Jack Skellington X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now