No more tricks

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After leaving Dr. Finklesteins tower and heading towards the pumpkin patch, you couldn't help but think about what Jack said to Sally.

"I'm so sorry, Sally. I'm here now. Don't you worry. I'll always be there for you"

The way he said it made it sound like he had wanted to say it to her for the longest time. It sounded so sad yet so happy all the same. There was a little voice inside you telling you that this little interaction he had with her may have sealed something you didn't recognize. But that would have to be pushed aside for now.

You and Jack continued onward towards the pumpkin patch, which was the largest part of Halloween town. Jack had taken you there plenty of times and it always seemed like it was getting bigger every time. As you all made it there, the very first monster you laid eyes upon was seen. You had come to learn his name after some time. "Behemoth".

"Behemoth" Jack said to him as you two approached, "The pumpkin patch is a mess"!

"It's the bad-uns. They ruin it. Break the bridge" he said and it was almost impossible to tell what his emotions were since he always sounded the exact same way with everything he said. He didn't sound happy or sad or angry at all. He just spoke. You and Jack saw that the bridge connecting to the other side of the pumpkin patch was broken. "The big pumpkin head. Bad'uns eat it, too. My precious pumpkins".

"Hmmm..." Jack then turned to you. "Come on, we'll have to find another way-"

Before Jack could finish talking, the sound of the Halloween town alarm, which sounded like a loud screeching cat, was heard and started producing an all to familiar voice.

"Hello? Testing... Testing... 1 2 3. Am I on"?

It was Oogie Boogie!

"A-hem! Denizens of Oogie town! Jack has returned! According to the reports, heh heh... He and his queen are enjoying our dangerous Oogie Town so much, they're screaming in horror! Rejoice! This is all thanks to your efforts! Ba ha ha ha"!

Jack got closer to you and it was what Oogie said next through the siren that made you and Jack nervous of what would happen next.

"Barrel, my star pupil, my prodigal son, my shining star. Be a good boy and finish the work your half-witted, half-pint, half-alive playmates could not. Because if you don't there's more than half a chance I'll be very very very ANGRY"!

The talking was ceased and Jack only felt way more overprotective of you. He knew that an attack was about to happen. "Stay close to me (Y/n)". Jack started to lead you the other way around which involved swinging across the green river and fighting more of Oogies ghosts. As you two kept walking, the three little trouble makers jumped up and scared you two which made Jack shove you behind him. "Hey Jack, want some candy" Barrel asked holding a red and black lollipop.

"No thanks" Jack replied with anger and irritation, "I've had enough of your treats". The three troublemakers jumped down to the ground. "Aw, Jack" Lock said, "We're just getting started".

"Our biggest trick is yet to come" Shock said.

"Your gonna get so lost. And, after what we did to the Mayor's house-" Barrel stopped talking immediately and realized his mistake. "Oops! Wasn't supposed to tell you that. Catch you later, Jack"! The three troublemakers then ran off but when you two tried to chase them, the path was closed off with a large tree root.

"Oh no" you said, "Jack, what did they do"!?

"I don't know, (Y/n)" he said.

"Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry. I let you down". Jack quickly looked up to see the tears forming in your eyes. "I'm a horrible queen. I'm so sorry". Jack gently approached you and took your hands in his. "My dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. This isn't your fault, none whatsoever. And you are not a terrible queen" he then lifted your chin up so you could see him...

"Your my queen, and I've got the best one in the universe. Remember that".

Jack then leaned to kiss you, which you accepted, and he held onto you in a very comforting way. He knew this was getting out of hand for the both of you but he also knew that together, you two could accomplish anything. You both pulled away from the kiss and he wiped your tears away. "Thank you, Jack".

"Anytime, my dear. Anytime. Now come on, let's go. We have to get to the waterfall cave. I bet that's where their going-"

"But how are we gonna get there? Barrels got the place set up like a maze" you said.

Jack started to laugh at your statement. "Oh my dear" he said as he placed a hand on your shoulder, "I know this pumpkin patch like the back of my hands. We can go through this with no problem". Jack started to lead you through the maze like no problem and it did take awhile but you both finally made it too the waterfall. The memories of Jack taking you here were very peaceful memories. He would dance with you by the water, you two would discuss more ideas for Halloween town here sometimes and you two even fell asleep here one time. It was definitely one of your favorite places.

When you both finally made it into the waterfall cave, you two found that the cave only housed more monsters for Jack to fight but none of the three troublemakers were here. "Where would they go then" Jack asked but then got an idea. "I got it! Come on, (y/n)"! You followed him and arrived at the giant pumpkin head to see Oogies ghosts flying around it. "They're attacking from within. We'll have to climb up. Hold onto me" Jack said to you. You got up to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders to hang on.

Jack started swinging up by grabbing onto the exposed branches with his soul robber. You held on tighter and it didn't seem to faze Jack. He carried you like you didn't weigh an ounce and it really showed just how strong he was. Finally making it up to the pumpkins mouth, you two got in to hear the sound of munching and crunching, only for you two to see Barrel sitting on the ground with three of Oogies skeletons eating some pumpkins and they were quick to notice you two.

"What!? You made it through my maze"!? Jack set you down but still kept you close behind him. "Now Barrel" Jack said sternly, "It's time I taught you a lesson". The three skeletons started attacking Jack but he was aiming more towards Barrel. You quickly backed off into a corner of the pumpkin and only watched this all unfold. It did make you feel uneasy since Barrel was still a child but another voice from within you told that this was justifiable and well deserved but still needed to limited.


Jack quickly looked over. "Please, don't hurt him. He's still a kid"! Jack understood and continued fighting the skeletons and you couldn't help but notice that Jack did purposely hit barrel with the soul robber a couple times and you did feel that he deserved it for trying to hurt you and Jack but he was still a child. It all ended with Barrel sitting down and his head spinning but yet another holiday door came down from the ceiling and it was the Thanksgiving door. Jack quickly got a hold of it but you went to speak to Barrel. "Barrel" you said as you got down one knee, "Pranks are one thing, but real danger is not a good idea".

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)".

"I'm sure you are. Here, stand up" you said as you extended your hand to help him stand up. He looked surprised that you would be so kind but he accepted your offer regardless. "Now, no more serving Oogie and no more tricks" you said sternly.

"Ok, (y/n)". You and Jack then left the giant pumpkin head safely since you had to hold onto him again. As you both got down, Jack asked you, "Do you really think he'll stop serving Oogie"?

"All we can do is hope" you said plainly. Jack knew you were right. "Your right but I still don't trust him or the other two" he said.

"I understand but let's keep going. We still have a lot to do" you said encouragingly. Jack smiled and took your hand. You both started to head off knowing that this whole thing was still far from over and you two needed to focus. But the question still remained.

What is Oogie planning?

Authors notes:

Ok, at the time I'm writing this, I have reached 300 followers. 😃😃😃. Oh my God!!! That's incredible! I can't believe I made it this far. I can't believe people actually like my writing. It's amazing. Thank you all so much!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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