Dr. Finklestein

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The three little trouble makers just won't let up, will they? It was becoming very distracting but the two of you still pressed on with the same question in mind.

What is Oogie planning?

After Shocks defeat, you and Jack entered the little witch shop. You've been in here before and knew what to expect. The smells of herbs and certain potions was very potent and strong but nonetheless, welcoming. "What's the matter, Jack" asked one of the witches behind the counter.

"I'd like to buy a bone biscuit" Jack said simply.

"A bone biscuit" the witche started, "I'm sorry, but Corpse Kid just came in here a moment ago and bought the last one".

"What" you and Jack exclaimed. "Where is he" you asked.

"He might be near the fountain" Jack said taking the words right out of the witches mouth. "Come on" he said as he grabbed your hand and ran out the door. Sure enough, the little monster child was alone by the fountain. "Corpse Kid" Jack said quickly, "That bone biscuit you just bought from the witch shop? I need it from you".

"What" the little monster asked confused. "You want my bone biscuit? No way! This is mine"!

"My fine boy" Jack said calmly, "I need that biscuit to save the Doctor from Oogie Boogies clutches".

"Oh... but this biscuit's mine! Still, I guess you need it more than I do. I know" he said excitedly, "If you can pass my quiz, the biscuit is yours-"

"Jack, we don't have time for this-" you said to try and stay on track.

"Hold on, (Y/n). Just wait a second" Jack said to you calmly. "What quiz"?

"It's about Halloween town, so it should be easy for you but I want (Y/n) to do the quiz. She is the Pumpkin Queen after all".


"A wonderful idea" Jack said.

"We don't have time for this" you repeated.

"Oh, come on, (Y/n)" Jack said nicely, "I know you can do this. I have every bit of confidence in you". Jack then kissed your cheek and stepped aside so you could face this little monster. You approached and heard the first question.

"Question 1. How many bolts does Dr. Finklestein have on his head"?

"Oh no. Uhm... Six"?

"Booooo" the little monster said. You got it wrong. "Question 2. How many fingers does Jack have on one hand"?

"That's easy. Four".

"That's right! Question 3. What is the name of the town in which Jack lives"?

"Halloween town" you said quickly.

"That's right! Question 4. What is Jack's last name"?

"Skellington" you said quickly. These questions were getting easier and easier.

"That's right! Question 5. What is the most basic element of Halloween"?

You froze and turned to look at Jack. "Come on, (y/n)! I know you know this" he said encouragingly. You sighed and tried to remember. "Uhhmmm...". Corpse Kid was still waiting for an answer. "Jack, I can't remember" you said sadly.

"Here". Jack stepped forward. "It's thrills and chills"!

"That's right"!

"Dang it" you said loudly. "I'm sorry, Jack".

"It's alright, (y/n). You just have to keep learning. Your still the Pumpkin Queen" he said and kissed you to make you feel better.

"Question 6. What shape is Jack's doorbell"?

The love from my Pumpkin King (SEQUEL) (Jack Skellington X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now