The Hinterlands

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This was very bad. Jack's precious queen has been taken and there was no time to waste. Jack had sprinted back to Town Square and went straight for town hall to find the mayor. Low and behold, he was up on the stage and quickly noticed Jack.

"Mayor" Jack started, "I have a favor to ask. Five Holiday Leaders are trapped in Oogies hideout and has (Y/n) as well". The Mayors face turned from happy to sad/worried. "What"!?

"I have to follow Oogie to Christmas Town. While I'm gone, I'd like you to kindly escort them to a safe place and then return each of them to their own worlds".

"You want me to save the Holiday Leaders"?

"Exactly". The Mayors face turned from sad/worried to happy once again. "You can count on me, Jack! I won't let you down"! Jack then quickly left to get back to the Holiday Doors, which is now known as the Hinterlands, but was met with another familiar monster. The Hanging Tree. "Jack" Hanging Tree called out to have him come over, "I'm so glad you're okay. Oogie took the Spiral Hill road toward the Hinterlands. But his minions are swarming everywhere. They're guarding Spiral Hill gate. You'll probably need Zero to help find the gate key. Go trounce those monsters and save us all"!

"I will Hanging Tree. And thanks" Jack said happily.

"Like I said before", Hanging Tree continued, "hordes of corpses roam the graveyard at might. Be careful". Jack then ran off back to the cemetery and summoned Zero who was happy to see him as always. "There you are, Zero! I need your help to find the Spiral Hill gate key". Zero, being the good boy as he is, understood his objective and flew off to find the key with Jack following close behind. Zero was a fast flyer but he still managed to keep up. They both finally made it to a specific grave marked as "Hen Bane" and low and behold, there was the key.

"There it is! Thanks Zero". Zero barked happily and now Jack had to make it to the Spiral Hill gate. More small skeleton monsters tried to fight him but they were still no match. He powered through the fights like it was nothing. It was as simple as scaring a cat to him but he wondered how difficult fighting Oogie for the second time would be. Hopefully it would be the final time. As he got through the gate and reached the Spiral Hill he took a small chance to remember the night that you were the one for him.

You were seated on the Hill crying and it pained him to hear those cries of despair from someone he cared about. As it goes in Halloween Town, singing is what drives, inspires and provides strength to all. Jack had felt the all to normal feeling in his hollow chest and began to sing to you that night and when you joined in, that sealed it. He knew you were the one for him. And that first kiss gave him the one feeling he never knew he had. Love.

It was one of the best memories he had ever expierenced with you and would often reflect on that night. He wouldn't have changed a thing. Not one detail needed to be different. But as he thought about it more, he had quickly realized that he had to keep moving and save you or else those amazing memories will become sad memories. He quickly made it down the Spiral Hill and went down the road and noticed something off.

Everything was starting to change. Everything looked abstract and was nothing but black and white and cold and had an empty feeling to it. The Hinterlands definitely didn't have this type of feeling before and Jack assumed it was because of Oogie. As he kept going, it made him feel confused but he made it to the where the Holiday Doors are supposed to be. The Independence Day Door was the first one to be noticed and had an imprint of Oogies face on it. All of the Holiday Doors did and he knew what he needed to do.

With each Door he had, he placed them back and the only one left was the Christmas Door. He wasn't sure what to do. Oogie is at Christmas Town and without the Door, he can't get there. Nit knowing what else to do, he decided to head back to Halloween Town to see if there were any other clues but was only met with two giant skeleton monsters, each with battle axes. One skeleton monster was an ice monster and the other was a fire monster. They could easily wipe him out and he was outnumbered. His soul robber is useless for this battle and he acted to fast as they started to try and attack him.

As he continued dodging the attacks, the thought of you entered his mind. The song he sang to you was on his mind and it was, without a doubt, one of his favorite songs.

My dearest friend

If you don't mind

Jack had dodged an attack and managed to slip under them.

I'd like to join you

By your side

Jack had managed to use the soul robber to wrap it around one of the skeletons legs and trip him over, making him fall on top of the other monster.

Where we can gaze into the stars

Jack had spun around and was getting ready to use his pumpkin fire on the ice skeleton.

And sit together

Now and forever

Jack had let out an explosion of fire that it melted the ice skeleton in a heartbeat. All that was left was Fire Skeleton and obviously, fire won't work on him so he had to use his other perk. His version of "Sandy Claws".

For it is plain

As anyone can see

He had spun around and was now in his "Sandy Claws" outfit and with all his might, he had managed to conjure up snow from the power of the suit and extinguished the fire skeleton to a pile of ash.

We're simply meant to be

As he spun around back to his normal self, sparkles fell from the sky and it was the final door he needed. The Christmas Door. "Now I have all the Holiday Doors. I've got to hurry to Christmas Town"! As Jack sprinted back to the Hinterlands, the thought of you pushed him to run faster. He knew he couldn't lose you. He needs you. He loves you. He always will love you. And nothing would ever come between that.

Authors notes:

Ok. As I've said in the last chapter, this story is almost finished. It may only have two or three chapters left. After this is finished, I really encourage you to check out my other books. I'm working so hard on them and I think you'll like them if you give it a chance.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

The love from my Pumpkin King (SEQUEL) (Jack Skellington X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now