New Game

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"My Name is Yana Iwaizumi; I am ten years old. I've been practicing volleyball since I was five. I'm here to take the position of Libero." The small umber haired girl bowed to the coach and her new teammates. "It's nice to meet you!"


"I'm resigning from the Volleyball Club." She handed the coach a completed resignation paper. "As you know my family and I are moving, so I won't be able to attend the next competition season."

The coach scratched the back of his head as he took the paper and signed it. "It's a shame. You are a very effective Libero."

"Thank you, sir."

The coach remained as stone faced as ever. "You may leave." He shooed her away and closed the door behind her.

Yana let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. The only time Yana had ever seen her coach change expression was during a competition so one would think that she would be used to his gaze by now. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. She shook her head as she continued to walk through the empty halls of her school, only to stop at the trophy case.

A plethora of trophies were neatly arranged in the glass confines. Plenty of 'first place' trophies, three 'second place' and only one 'third place'. Under some mysterious fate all the members of her elementary volleyball team managed to stay together all the way to the second year of high school. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant scenario if anything. She sighed as she eyed the single third-place trophy. It was the first and only third place they earned. After that competition the team got a new coach and eventually drilled into all the members -herself included- that winning was everything. At first it was fine but after more and more trophies came in the fun from the game was replaced with something akin to distaste. Volleyball became a chore.

Yana started to walk again. The team eventually became a toxic mess of fumes and pressure. They weren't allowed to make a mistake. The team aimed for gold and only gold. Anything less and it would be punishment drills for days. She shuddered at the memory of doing weeks' worth of diving drills after they only reached silver. "Oh well. It's over now."

Yana's phone buzzed.

Kuroo: Come over to Kenma's

Kenma: Why is it always my place?

Kuroo: because you hate going outside.

Yana: True

Yana: And will do. See you there!

She slipped her phone back into the pocket of her purple and white checkered skirt and began to walk to Kenma's place. Kenma and Kuroo have been her best friends since they were nine. When she first met them, it was at a kids' volleyball camp. Kuroo was more reserved back then, while Kenma was a little more unapproachable. She looked back on the memories fondly. The reason she was able to be friends with them in the first place was because she accidentally hit Kuroo in the face with a stray ball, since learning they lived a few houses away from each other, the three were practically joined at the hip.

It wasn't long before she reached the house, it was a pretty standard house if she had to be completely honest. Kenma lived the closest to Nekoma High. As much as she wanted to go to high school with the two boys, she was unable to since she was just outside of the school zone.

Yana knocked on the door twice before it was opened by Kuroo. His hazel eyes and cat-like pupils never failed to make Kuroo seem more intimidating, especially with his height and stature. He filed out pretty well since he joined volleyball, becoming more muscular and well built compared to both Kenma and herself.

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