Tokyo Boys

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Yana felt dead on her feet and she was very much looking forward to sleeping on the bus ride home. "Is everyone packed and ready to go?" Yana called to the rest of the team. She saw a couple of nods and heard a chorus of yesses. "Great. If you have forgotten anything, we aren't coming back for it." She hid a developing yawn and flagged the boys over. They needed to leave early in the morning if they wanted to make it back to the school by the afternoon. "Come put your bags in the compartment and get in the bus." Thankfully the process went smoothly, though with only fourteen people -herself and both coaches included- it should have been a smooth transition.

Yana was the last one in; she took the empty window seat beside Yahaba. She could have sworn that it wasn't even ten minutes before she passed out asleep. The only sleep she managed to get last night was when she was outside on the bench, so the nap was welcomed with open arms.

Yana was the type to sleep soundly and pretty unbothered by her surroundings. Though, that didn't apply to last night when she spotted a centipede crawling on the wall. See, Yana wasn't too scared of spiders, but it was the centipedes that really got to her. They just had so many legs.

It wasn't a surprise when she screamed bloody murder which had the coaches and the team running to her aid. While it was flattering that they all came to see if she was alright, she didn't appreciate when Hajime brought the centipede closer to her while holding it with his bare hands. He was trying to show her how 'harmless' and 'not scary' the creature was. Though if she was being honest, Yana didn't remember much of that conversation because she was too busy being terrified of the bug.


"Kenma! You have to eat." Kuroo held out his hand so Kenma would place his phone in it.

Kenma looked up at Kuroo, "Do I have to? I'm not hungry."

Kuroo raised an eyebrow, "I'm sure Yana doesn't want to see her childhood friend half dead from not eating."

"Kuroo, I won't die from skipping one meal."

"But if I tell Yana you skipped a meal -and you and I both know that she will ask about it- then she would give us both the disappointed face." Kuroo sighed, usually 'disappointed faces' didn't bother him, and it especially didn't bother Kenma, but Yana's disappointed face made them feel like they had kicked a puppy on accident and didn't bother to say sorry.

Kenma knew Kuroo was right. Neither of them enjoyed seeing that. "Fine. Fine, I get it." He grumbled as he placed his phone in Kuroo's hand and took the plate of food from him. "I'll eat like half of this."

"You mean all of it." Kuroo deadpanned. There was a brief moment of silence as Kenma stared down his food.

"What about three-quarters of it?"


Kenma sighed as he began to eat. He really didn't feel like it, but he did need to eat at one point.

A little while after, Kuroo put his empty plate away. "How do you feel about tomorrow?"

"What about tomorrow?"

"You know, the practice match, seeing Yana again. That stuff" Kuroo leaned back on the dining room chair causing his back to pop. "We haven't seen her in months."

"We saw her a few days ago." Kenma shrugged. Truthfully, he was rather excited to see her again. The pair had missed her and her antics. It was just so different when Yana was around. Recently, Kenma had found himself counting down the days till her and Kuroo's graduation. After they graduate Yana would be coming back to Tokyo and the three of them would be completed again. You can't exactly go on a quest when you are missing a party member.

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