Kitty Claws

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"Nice receive!" Kageyama called out to Tanaka as he easily made contact with the ball. Once more Hinata crossed the court and dashed to the other side, he was already mid jump by the time Inuoka noticed him.

Inuoka hastily jumped up to block Hinata only before Kageyama swiftly changed toss direction and sent it to Asahi, who slammed it to the ground with a force far greater than any of the spikes Yana had seen all match.

"Karasuno got themselves a Libero and a Spiker, how unexpected." She turned her attention to the whole court. Yana felt like just now she realized what Coach Irihata meant about Karasuno being a mismatched team. The Nekoma members weren't as individually talented as those from Karasuno but as a collective team there were much more unified. Karasuno on the other hand, seemed to have a mix of incredibly talented individuals who weren't quite in sync with each other yet. If perchance Karasuno was able to properly combine their strengths, they could be quite a formidable enemy.


A few more minutes passed before the coach stood up. "Nekoma High School, timeout"

"Our usual way of playing won't work. Out of their eleven points, #10 has scored four of them, but he also functions as a very effective decoy which frees up the other players to score." Coach Nekoma let out a single laugh. "Karasuno has really found themselves a monster."

"Yeah, #10 is crazy."

Coach Nekoma waved away the thought. "I mean their setter. His tosses are not only incredibly fast but also incredibly controlled. He is able to send the ball to the highest point of the Spiker's swing. That being said, that toss can't just go to anyone."

This time it was Kuroo's turn to speak. "It only goes to the little orange shrimp." His hazel cat-like eyes seemed to glow with humor and playfulness. It gave the rest of the team shivers, nothing good came out of that look. "#9 is a genius, we can't really change that, but we can do something about it. Afterall, a 'genius' can't win if he is only a one-trick pony."

"Since Shouyou is the pivot point of their attack..." Kenma's earlier mumbling turned into in-depth ideas. "...all we need to do is stop him. If we let him run around freely, we won't be able to catch him, so instead we should narrow his range of movement." Kenma turned to face Inuoka. "You are the most agile person we have, Right?"


"All you need to do is chase him. Wherever he goes, you go too. Even if a level doesn't seem clearable at first, after playing it over and over again, you can conquer it." There was a silence as the team understood what Kenma was implying.

Before timeout was over the Coach gave his final words. "If their #9 and #10 are like an Oni and his iron club then all we need to do is take away the club."


"Argggggh, dammit!" Inuoka had jumped countless times trying to stop Hinata and Kageyama's quick attack. He pouted as he returned to his spot after another failed rally. Nekoma had decided to gather all the blockers on the right whenever Hinata was in Vanguard. The plan was to force Hinata to run to the left and close to Inuoka.

"Inouka may not be the smartest or even the best player. But there is one thing he can do thoroughly..."

Just as predicted Hinata ran to the left.

" would be a display of great strength" Nekoma finished.

Hinata jumped and immediately smacked the ball as fast and hard as he could muster.

Inuoka leapt to the side, his reaction time just as fast. "ONE..." his fingers tapped the ball and changed its course. "TOUCH!"

The ball was slowed just enough for Yaku to send a clean dig to Kenma. Kenma jumped up to meet the ball halfway in a setting motion.

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