Mobile Games

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Hajime watched as his cousin talked with Watari. He wasn't really sure what they were talking about. It was unusual to say the least. "Iwa-chan!" Oikawa called out to his best friend; arms outstretched for a hug.


"Whaaaaa, how mean." Oikawa raised an eyebrow as he noticed one of his teammates talking to a girl. A fangirl perhaps? Oikawa wasn't against it; he would be a hypocrite if he was. He spoke to his fangirls all the time, but that didn't mean he wasn't curious. "So~ Who's that cutie? You never let the fangirls talk to our members in the middle of practice."

Hajime weighed the pros and cons to telling Oikawa who the 'fangirl' was. It was a surprisingly easy decision. "Find out yourself" He huffed. Hajime really hoped that Oikawa wouldn't take his words as a challenge and actually try to find out who she was. He didn't need his cousin fawning and gushing about how 'cool' Captain Oikawa was.

"Hmm~" Oikawa's curiosity spiked. Who was this girl? Why was she talking to one of his teammates? What were they talking about? Who was she to Iwa-chan? He made it his personal mission to know, he couldn't help it. Oikawa began to walk towards the pair before he was stopped by the sound of the whistle. "Watachi! Who was that pretty girl you were talking to~?"


Oikawa froze in brief confusion. "But Iwa-chan is here though?" As far as I'm aware, he doesn't have a sister.

"O-oh, sorry. Iwaizumi Yana, she didn't really tell me much else about herself. I haven't really confirmed it but I'm going to assume that she is related to Iwaizumi, they don't look that much alike, but they aren't exactly that far off in terms of appearance either." Watari gave his captain an apologetic smile.

Someone related to Iwa-chan? And he didn't tell me?! How could he? Oikawa clutched his heart dramatically. "I thought we were friends Iwa-chan!" He took a quick glance at where he last saw the girl, but she was gone.

"Hah? What are you spewing now?"


Yana quickly retreated up to the observation stands and reunited with her backpack. While she was talking to Watari she could see the Oikawa walking towards them. Someone she didn't want to interact with at all costs. Yana heard the whistle indicating the start of a new game. Hopefully the Libero fares a little better at his job. She looked down and quickly found him. Good form.

She turned to see who was serving. It was Hajime, his serves weren't as brutal as Oikawa's, but they were still pretty strong. The sound of the serve echoed through the gym as the ball went flying in Watari's direction.

Yana held her breath. Moment of truth. The ball quickly made contact with Watari's forearms and bounced right up in the air while staying on their side of the court. It was a perfect receive. She grinned proudly from the stands. She didn't really help much, but he took her advice seriously and applied it in the match.


Watari grinned as he caught the first serve. It was so much easier to balance now that he had a solid stance. Once he came to his senses his team had already spiked the point.

"Watari, that was awesome! That was the first time you stopped Iwaizumi's serve!" One teammate slung an arm over his shoulders.

"Thanks, Yahaba. Though I did have some help" Watari turned to look for Yana. "Remember the girl I was talking to?" Watari waited till his friend nodded. "Well, she was the person who gave me a few pointers."

"Was she in the girls' volleyball team?" Yahaba asked.

"Uh, I don't think so. I've never seen her before today. She is somehow related to Iwaizumi though." They both turned to Iwaizumi expecting an answer.

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