Service Ace

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Once the court was cleaned Yahaba had sent a text to the volleyball club group chat telling them to come back. The other members of the team tensed when they saw the five students enter. While it was common to see Hajime irritated it was unusual to see Oikawa without his lively humor. It felt like the calm before the storm.

"#8, Iwaizumi."

That voice was one that Yana knew far too well for her liking. She took a second to calm her nerves as she turned to face her old coach. "It's Student Coach Iwaizumi." Her voice was pleasant, but her gaze was hard. She didn't need to answer to #8 anymore. She wasn't a player and she definitely wasn't a Shōsha player. "Is there anything you need Coach Omori?"

He scoffed. "Right, right. Looks like Iseri was right. I actually thought he was joking. You know how he is." he flattened out the crinkles on his grey jacket. The fact that his hair and jacket were the same shade of grey wasn't doing his appearance any favors. He scrunched up his face a little while staring Yana down. "You are wasting your potential here. The girls' team misses you and is resulting in them failing all their shots."

"With all due respect, I'm perfectly happy as I am now. As for the team missing me, I can assure you that they probably held a party when I left. You cannot blame me for the Shōsha girls' drop in performance." If Yana was being honest, she did feel just the slightest taste of gratification from knowing that the team was struggling without her. She didn't want to sound too boastful, but she was most of the reason the team could continue their risky plays. If one of the members messed up their attack Yana would keep the ball in play. If there was a block rebound Yana saved it. It was her job as a Libero to cover for the team. "The team was too reliant on my covers." Yana stood with her head high. After confronting Iseri, dealing with Coach Omori was easy. "If the team is too reliant on their Libero to save them then what do you think will happen when you take the Libero away?"

"Don't get too full of yourself. A Libero is easily replaceable." Coach Omori kept his composure as per usual. He might not have physically shown his bitterness, but his voice alone was enough to convey the message.

Yana scoffed. This time Yana flaunted the status her skills earned her. She wanted to sound as pretentious as she could. "Oh? Have fun trying to replace the Number Three Libero of the National Girls' Division. I'm sure it'll be so easy." Yana began to walk away, "Tell whoever you get as a replacement, that the Sylph gives her kindest regards."

Yana smirked in triumph as she took her place on the bench next to Aoba Johsai's Coach Irihata. Oh, that felt so good. By the time Yana had just settled into place the team finished their warmup drills. If it wasn't for the overwhelming pressure on their side of the court, she would have grumbled and whined a little. It was hard to believe the pressure came from four students alone.

"This was your previous school, any information on the players?" The coach asked as the team crowded around them.

"I can't say I know what the team is like as a whole, but I do have some advice on some of the members. As you know Iseri is the captain and Middle Blocker of the team. He has a long reach and fast reflexes, but he isn't exactly the best at jumping. Kechi is their setter, he is very unpredictable, he moves on impulse rather than strategy. I highly doubt even his own teammates know what's going through that mind of his."

Yana subtly pointed at an excessively generic looking player wearing #4. "He is the Ace. Think of him as a cookie cutter male protagonist in a fantasy world. He claims to have a 'super-secret special skill' but I've never seen it so I'm not sure what it is."

She gestured to #5, "Just like his sister, Sawa is a Right Wing Spiker. But unlike Kechi, Sawa has incredible amounts of stamina but he tends to not give it his all unless he really gets into the game. I'm not really sure about the other members because they seem to all be first years."

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