The Sylph

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It was a solid five minutes before the commotion died down then another five minutes for Yana to pack everything up and greet the team on the now tidied up court. Yana pulled her mask down, but she kept her hood up. "You guys did great!" Yana turned and gave a double high five to Inuoka. "I'm so proud of you."

Inuoka returned the high five with much more energy than the team thought he had left. He had spent most of the game chasing Hinata and he still had energy to bounce around.

"Our little pupper is growing up." Kuroo wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. He paused as a shit eating grin made its way to his face.



"No." She backed up.

Kuroo wrapped his arms around Yana and covered her with his body heat and sweat."

"Kenma! Help meeeee" Yana squeaked as she attempted to squirm out of Kuroo's hug. Kenma looked away and pretended that he didn't see nor hear Yana. She gave up rather quickly and stretched her hand out to try to get Yaku's attention. "Yaku, save meeee."

Despite being 'team mum', Yaku didn't make any move to help.

"I don't know Yana. That banner from earlier. Should I really help you after that?" He shrugged.

"Mwahahaha! Payback!" Yamamoto cackled.

"What a shame."

Before Yana gave up, she tried one more time to wriggle out of Kuroo's grip. Unfortunately, all that did was pull her hood off, Yana made eye contact with the little Libero from Karasuno. "Shit." She fumbled to pull her hood back on. He wasn't present during the Aoba Johsai practice match so perhaps he didn't recognize her. Of course, the world had a way of dishing out well deserved Karma.

"You're 'The Sylph'!" Nishinoya gasped. Amazement didn't quite cover the way he felt. It was more like someone took his spark of wonder and poured kerosene all over it. "YEEAAH, you're awesome!" At this point, the other members of Karasuno gathered around to see what the commotion was all about.

Kuroo slowly released Yana so she could stand on her own. Yana felt the heat grow in her cheeks and reach all the way up to the tips of her ears. It took her a while before she answered. Yana had contemplated lying and saying that he was mistaken, but from the proud grins Kuroo and Kenma were sporting, she couldn't exactly lie to him. Yana cleared her throat and willed her cheeks to stop blushing. "I'm surprised you realized who I was at a glance." Yana put on her best camera smile and lowered her hood. "I didn't think anyone out here would know me."

"I can't believe you are actually here! You are like. ARGHHH! You just- I am your fan." Nishinoya stared at her in awe, no longer able to make coherent sentences. He took the closest person, which just so happened to be Tanaka, and used him to stabilize himself as he jumped up and down in the air.

Yana was honestly impressed as Nishinoya practically did handstands on Tanaka's shoulders. If anything, she was flattered. She was never a fan-meet kind of person, but she was grateful that people liked her enough to support her.

Nishinoya took both of Yana's hands in his own. Her hands were calloused both front and back from years of playing. "Can I have your autograph?" His eyes sparkled so brightly that there was no way that Yana could refuse -not that she was planning to say 'no' in the first place.

"Sure, but you have to let go of my hands first."

Nishinoya quickly let go and bounced around all giddy. He ran faster than anyone had seen him move before. Nishinoya pulled a white shirt from his bag that said 'Three-Point Headstand' on the back. "Please, sign this!"

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