The Final Play

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The sounds of squeaking shoes, bouncing volleyballs and scattered cheers were as always overwhelmingly loud. But at this moment in time Yana heard none of that. She paid no mind to her surroundings as she found herself engrossed in the game before her. All she could hear was the whistle and the call outs on the court.

At first, the set seemed to be going in Aoba Johsai's favor until Tanaka managed to rile up Kyoutani. Yana stood up to signal a member change. At this rate Kyoutani would hinder the team more than help.

"Aoba Johsai member change, #16 out, #13 in."

Yana sent in Kunimi and gave him a thumbs up in encouragement. Yana focused her attention on Kyoutani as he passed the bench. Before she could say anything, Coach Irihata spoke up first. "If you want to go back on court you have to calm down first."

Kyoutani surprisingly didn't say anything back and instead grit his teeth and walked back to the warmup box. He didn't have anything to say for his actions, because even he knew that for the past few points he had been repeatedly blocked.

Yana had wanted to say more but he walked away before she could even attempt to. She turned back to face the game.

"You dug your own grave by letting the opponent's provocations get to your head. That's a real shame."

Yana furrowed her eyebrows as she tuned into the conversation but didn't turn around. Is that Yahaba? Yana heard a very irritated growl followed by words that almost sounded like a grunt.

"Shut up."

Yana suddenly froze, she knew exactly who owned that voice. Which only meant one thing. Yahaba was giving a lecture, and to Kyoutani no less. Honestly, she expected things to go downhill very fast.

"There are plenty of other people who are dissatisfied with this situation. Myself included. How is it that someone who cares so little and causes conflict can easily get a spot on court." Yahaba paused. For the first time he looked away from the match and at Kyoutani directly. "Someone who can help the team win will be put on court. It's as simple as that. Right now, you have been chosen, so go out there and accomplish what you need to."

Yana wasn't quite sure what to make of his thoughts. They weren't bad, that's for sure. In fact, they were surprisingly insightful. Perhaps it will be fine after all.

"Well, this was all just for show. To look like a mature, understanding teammate." Yahaba slammed Kyoutani into the door and held him still by the collar of his shirt. "Listen up. This is a very important moment for the third years, if you dare go out there without the conviction to actually win... I won't let it slide." Yahaba's voice was low as he glared at Kyoutani dead in the eye.

Yana turned around to the sound and was mid-way through getting up to stop the very real possibility of a fight when the coach shook his head. "Let them sort it out."

Yana obediently sat down still worried for her teammates. She strained her ears to try and hear the last part of Yahaba's power move.

"As long as you are on the court, you are on a team." Yahaba released him and turned back to watch the game. "Please. Lend us some of your strength."

Yana was the only third year who heard Yahaba's speech. The intensity of Yahaba's words hit hard. It was surprisingly out of character compared to his usual carefree self. But at the same time, it was reassuring. Even Yahaba himself knew the importance of this match and felt it just as much as the third years did.

The next time they sent Kyoutani back into the match, even Yana could tell that he was nervous. It was the first time any of the team had seen that expression on his face. Much to Yana's surprise and relief, Kyoutani was actively trying to sync with the team.

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