Stars and Aliens

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"There is no hope." Yana groaned as another spike easily went through her attempt at a block. "My blocks are like a sieve. I suppose this is what I get for not practicing it for two years. I should have asked Kuroo to help me practice."

"Kuroo?" Kunimi asked, only the minimal amount interested. He figured the longer Yana and Matsukawa talked, the longer time he had to rest. His desire to rest was considerably higher than his curiosity.

"Ah, my childhood friend! He plays Middle Blocker. We practiced a lot with our other childhood friend, Kenma."

"You mean to tell me. You have two childhood friends. Who not only play volleyball but actively practice with you, and you never asked them to teach you how to block properly?" Matsukawa rubbed his temples. He was a pretty laid-back guy and usually this wouldn't bother him so much, until he remembered a similar scenario with Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Oikawa -as per usual- had done something stupid that Iwaizumi needed to clean up. Is this what it feels like to be Iwaizumi? Matsukawa called out to Iwaizumi on the other side of the gym. "Iwaizumi! I appreciate you!"

Matsukawa looked back to his teammates only to find Kunimi and Yana a few paces away talking. "Just touch it once and we will deal with the rest. If you can at least do that, Matsukawa can work hard for us."

Yana nodded looking more determined than she did a few minutes ago. She could at least get a touch on it. She apologized to Matsukawa internally, between the trio he would definitely have the hardest time. Yana put a hand on his shoulder, she felt a little awkward because of their height difference and it probably looked that way too, but she continued undeterred. "It's all on you." She gave him a thumbs up. "You'll do great.

- ----AFTER THE MATCH-----

Unsurprisingly they were absolutely destroyed by their opposing team. While it was unfortunate, everyone saw it coming. The trio had tried their best but couldn't quite get that many points in. Yana had at least managed to block some balls and tap a few others. She was probably on an amateur's level now compared to the disaster she was before. "Sorry about the diving drills." Yana looked down ashamed she had let down her team. Sure, she wasn't playing her usual role but that shouldn't have been any excuse for how badly she had done.

Kunimi gave her a hard pat on the back but didn't really say anything.

"It's fine. The drills weren't that bad." Matsukawa pat Yana on the head. "Damn, you are shorter than I thought." he grinned.

Yana looked up at him appalled. "Gasp! How dare you say such blasphemous things."

"I'm a heathen I can say whatever I want." He shrugged.

As soon as the coach went over the events of the day, he dismissed all the students for dinner.


Just as it was foretold, only the second day was especially difficult. That's not to say the other days weren't as hard, it was just that by the third day they were all used to the morning workout.

During the third day, Yana had been learning how to properly analyze a match as well as all the players on the field. On the fourth day she had to come up with multiple different strategies she could utilize during a game. If she was going to be a student coach, then she needed to learn what the responsibilities of the title 'Coach' were.


After dinner, Yana had decided to take some time for herself. She sat in the middle of a nearby park and pulled her large shawl closer. Apart from the occasional chilly breeze the night was a bearable temperature. The warm rays of the sun had long since died out and revealed the darkness of the star-filled sky. Yana sat on one of the park's swings. Due to living in the city, she didn't often get to see the beautiful fairy lights in the sky. She always wondered how bright the stars would shine if she wasn't in the city. She found her thoughts drifting aimlessly. I wonder if aliens do live up there. Wait, what? No.

Yana had become so engrossed in the blanket of stars that she didn't notice the sound of footsteps behind her. "They look like fireflies, don't they?"

Oikawa's presence was unexpected but not unwelcome. "I've never seen a firefly."

Oikawa sat beside her on the second swing. He too found himself gazing into the starry sky. It was a cloudless night with the crescent moon providing the minimum amount of brightness. It was one of the better nights to stargaze. "Fireflies look like tiny glimmers of light that slowly dance around in the air. They look like stars that seem so close you can touch them."

Yana closed her eyes trying to imagine little flecks of light floating around in a small swarm, not too different from the sparks of a frozen firework. "You'll have to show me one day."

Oikawa shivered slightly from the cool air "Yeah." He had underestimated the cold and neglected to bring a jacket, he instead wrapped his arms around himself and rubbed his biceps trying to get at least some warmth from the friction.

" you want to share? We'll probably need to move a bench or something though" Yana showed Oikawa her wool shawl. In the low lighting her shawl looked more like a dark grey than a velvet blue, but appearance didn't matter when it held the promise of warmth.

Oikawa nodded without much hesitance as the pair migrated to an empty bench. No sooner than they sat, Oikawa felt half of the already warm shawl drape over his back and shoulders. A gentle smell of vanilla tickled his nose. Despite it being wool, the fabric wasn't itchy or rough to the touch, rather it was soft and cozy. "Thanks."

"No problem."

They sat in a comfortable silence just basking in each other's presence and enjoying the stars. For some reason Oikawa could have sworn that the stars glittered more tonight than they ever had before. "I can't believe it's already been four days; tomorrow is the end of the camp. The fifth day is just packing then taking the bus back home."

"Yep" Yana sighed "After this we'll have to go back to working on our project."

Oikawa gasped and looked at her like she had personally offended him. "Why did you have to remind me like that?"

Yana raised her eyebrow. "You and I both know that we need to have a long overdue meeting to compare our research."

Oikawa had nothing to say back. He did have a pile or two of research that he needed to sift through with Yana's help. "Fine." He grumbled begrudgingly. "This Saturday? I can pick you up and we can walk to one of the nearby cafés for lunch or something?

"I'll be busy this Saturday."


Yana was about to agree before she caught herself. "Hold on, we definitely won't be able to get work done while we eat lunch."

Oikawa pouted. "I was asking you on a date."

"And I was asking for a study meeting."

Oikawa stood up abruptly "Sooooo~ 'Study date' on Sunday." He gave her the 'ok' sign before walking away proudly. "No matter what you say tomorrow, I won't change my mind any time soon. Nighty nighty Yana-chan!"

Yana was left sitting on the bench, she pulled the other half of the shawl back to her body and snuggled into the leftover warmth Oikawa left behind. Yana had originally planned to go back inside but she decided that just a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.


A hand grabbed Yana's wrist tightly, "Zumi! I told you not to go outside! What do you think you are doing? I said to watch me!"



"H-W-what?" She was jolted awake by Hajime. She wasn't even aware she had fallen asleep. Yana looked around a little disoriented. "How long was I out?"

"When Shittykawa said he saw you out here, I thought you would have already gone back inside. Imagine my surprise when I saw a certain someone asleep on a bench." he rubbed his knuckles on her head for a noogie. "You know it's dangerous to fall asleep here."

Yana finally escaped from Hajime's hold. "Yes."

"Next time, go to sleep inside when you are tired. You have a bed for a reason, Yana." He sighed and held his hand out to her. "Come on, let's both go inside."

Yana took his hand and used it to help her up. "Thanks for waking me up." She knew that Hajime had no idea the weight her words held and what he had saved her from, but she wanted to at least say thank you. I don't need memories coming back as nightmares.

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