King and Queen

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Yana had planned on asking Rini how her 'date' went yesterday but she had ended up working on her little 'club project' for a majority of the night. I'll just ask Rini how it went later.

Yana yawned and pulled her jacket closer. Today she had opted to wear her club uniform instead of changing in the locker room. It was one of the colder mornings so there was no way she was walking to school in a skirt. Yana had woken up later than usual, so she didn't have time to eat nor tie up her hair. "Hajime, do you think we can make a petition for tracksuit jackets with hoods?"

"Probably not."

The morning breeze played with Yana's auburn hair tossing it every which way. "That sucks, I could really use one right now" She sighed and let the wind do its thing. She could probably salvage her hair once she got inside the gym.

- ----AT THE SCHOOL GYM-----

"Oh wow, I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair fully down" Yahaba circled her once. "You have really long hair."

Yana nodded. "Yeah, I usually keep it tied up, but I woke up later than usual today. I thought I had a scrunchy or something in my locker, but I was wrong."

Yana heard heavy footsteps stomp into the gym and a faint smell of breakfast followed. She knew it wasn't either of the coaches, and since everyone was already in the gym there was no way it could be anyone else in the team either.

Curious, Yana turned to the sound as it stopped. By the door stood a boy with short-cropped blonde hair and styled with two black stripes running across the side of his head. Yana leaned over and whispered to Yahaba. "Who is that?" He was wearing the volleyball club uniform, but she had never seen nor heard of him before.

"That's Kyoutani Kentaro. He is a second year. Oikawa gave him the nickname of 'Mad Dog'" Yahaba raised an eyebrow. "He was pretty famous in middle school. Unfortunately though, he refuses to cooperate with anyone, but his skills are without a doubt the best in our grade." He clicked his tongue "I am convinced he clashes everyone."

Yana hated using Kageyama as a reference point but sometimes it was necessary. She didn't really have anything else to compare to. "So basically. He is an angry version of Kageyama?"

Kunimi and Kindaichi spluttered somewhere in the background. They had been listening in on Yahaba's explanation too.

"Something like that yeah."

Kyoutani gave a brief glance though the team, his eyes lingered on Yana for a moment longer trying to figure out who she was, but ultimately dismissed her. He didn't care enough to guess who she was. "Why the hell are the third years still around? I figured they would have retired already after that embarrassing loss at the inter-high tournament." His voice was a little gravelly as he spoke without a filter.

Yana had decided that she really, really didn't like this guy. He walked in like he owned the place, apparently didn't come to practice for months and when he came back he had the gall to talk shit right to everyone's faces. Yana, like the other third years, were absolutely ready to throw hands. Hajime was already rolling up his sleeves.

A lighthearted laugh escaped Oikawa. "You're just as amusing as always, Mad Dog-chan!" Oikawa could easily handle the situation without the almost inevitable fist fight. "Kyaa, I'm so glad I was able to play on the same team as Oikawa!" He scoffed then his tone suddenly changed back to serious. "...That's what you'll think when this is all over."

A shudder went through Kyoutani's spine as he backed up and growled. He knew danger when he felt it.

Yana grit her teeth in a poor attempt to hide her scowl. She obviously couldn't just start something now that Oikawa used his power move and solved the situation. Instead of standing around staring down the feral creature she left to take a seat on the bench and work on the assignment she was given. She was pretty much almost done. If she worked on it during lunch it would probably be finished by the start of after school practice.

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