Aliens and Spaceships

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Yana hopped off the train. She was back in Tokyo.

"Yana!" Kuroo and Kenma waved her over to get her attention.

Yana grinned and pulled them both into a hug. "I'm back!" After the trio successfully hugged things out they released each other and started walking. Kuroo took one of Yana's suitcases and Kenma took the other.

"How'd the project go?"

Yana groaned and shifted her backpack to a better position.

"That bad?" Kenma looked up rather interested.

"Naturally, we didn't manage to convince anyone. I mean, yeah we still got full marks on it, but you know." Yana pouted. "I would have liked someone to at least humor the idea."

"Oh? Do you believe in aliens now?" Kenma teased with a smirk on his face. He had a feeling that she might have ended up coming back with a tinfoil hat. Considering it was a year-long project he wouldn't put it past her. Much to both his -and Kuroo's- relief she didn't go too far down the rabbit hole.

"Not at all!" Heat rose to Yana's face as she vehemently denied his question. There was absolutely no way on earth or out of earth for that matter, that she would ever believe in aliens.

"Whatever you say shortstop." Kuroo shrugged noncommittally. "You can deny it all you want but I know.

Yana pouted and deflected the comment. After a few minutes of pleasant chatter and walking she gasped. "Oh my goodness! I forgot to tell you. remember Aiko and Rini?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Well, during the graduation ceremony, Aiko asked Rini to be his girlfriend! I was actually surprised that he finally got the memo. Rini told me that since they were going to the same college, she would still try win his heart, so when it was Aiko who finally asked her to be his girlfriend my soul just. Oh, it was so cute."

Kuroo and Kenma glanced at each other. Prior to meeting up with Yana they had a game of rock-paper-scissors to see who would be the one to ask. Kuroo was the loser. "So, speaking of relationships. What about you and your boyfriend?"

Yana willed herself to keep walking as she looked down at her feet. "Well you see, I-I uh." Yana pursed her lips, the bright mood from before had dampened to a much sadder one.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Kenma bumped her shoulder with his gently. "You can tell us in time."


Oikawa's eyes widened as his gaze landed on a familiar head of orange hair. He was just out walking by the beach and he never expected to see someone he knew from Japan. "Is this for real?"

"The Grand King!?"

"Photos, now." Oikawa and Hinata immediately stuck themselves together and look a rather intense looking selfie. Once the pair had sent them out to their respective friends Hinata was the first to speak.

"What are you doing here Gr-Oikawa?!"

"That's my line."

Hinata's enthusiasm levels rose even higher. "I'm here to train using beach volleyball!"

Oikawa was taken aback for a moment before he began to laugh. "You really are a crazy kid sometimes, Shrimpy." Oikawa ruffled his hair back. "Beach though, huh? I think I can see what you're getting at."

"Now, what about you? What brings you here?"

"I'm playing in the Argentine League right now. Well, that and something else..."

Hinata's eyes glimmered with excitement. "You're practically next door! But, why Argentina? You seem like you'd go to Italy or something like that."

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