No Rest for the Wicked

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A few days had passed since the escape room challenge. As it turned out there was one more clock in the room that all the members missed, so unfortunately, they didn't clear the game. While it was disappointing it was a nice step back before the tournament training really began.

"Oi, Shittykawa, it's time to go home." Hajime crossed his arms and waited by the gym doors with Yana right beside him. It had been an entire month since the coach had given out the practice suggestions. Yana was pleasantly surprised to see the rest of her teammates had been following the rough timetable. There was only a little over a month left before the spring tournament and everyone was getting antsy, Oikawa most of all.


"Just one more~" He called back without looking.

Both Yana and Hajime looked at each other, they had a feeling this would happen. For the last few weeks Oikawa had been continuously staying behind later than usual to practice.

"Tooru, please, it's been over an hour." Yana sighed and held up his bag.

Oikawa puffed up his cheek in protest but still continued to tidy up. The pattern of staying back late and spending more and more time practicing started off small then eventually reached a point where he was disregarding the resting periods on the practice sheet. Since the coach had pointed out that the tournament was getting closer, all the members had been working considerably harder. Yana herself included.

"You know there is such a thing as too much practice." She chose her words carefully as the three of them slowly walked home. Yana knew that Oikawa was working the hardest out of everyone. "It's starting to take a toll on your physical health and soon your mental state will be at risk too."

"Eh~ Yana-chan, you worry too much, right Iwa-chan?" When Hajime didn't agree with him Oikawa looked at the pair stunned. He knew it was bad when Hajime didn't take his side. "But I need to get better so we can beat everyone and go to nationals."

Yana bit her bottom lip. "When was the last time you even had a full night's rest?" She glared at her boyfriend. While she didn't mind staying late after practice or almost all his being time taken up by volleyball, everything must be in moderation. She knew that Oikawa was overworking himself.

Oikawa wafted away her statement. "I'll be fine!" He chirped, "Oh look, I'm home! See you later!" Oikawa gave Yana a quick kiss on the forehead and waved both Hajime and Yana goodbye.

Once Oikawa disappeared inside his house Yana and Hajime resumed their walk back home. "Do you think he'll actually rest?"

Hajime rubbed his forehead, "Oikawa is a very stubborn person" He could practically see the repeat of all the previous years he had to drag Oikawa out of the gym. Hajime had hoped that Yana could convince him otherwise, while it did help a little bit, it wasn't fully effective. Once Oikawa had zeroed in on his goal, he wouldn't stop till he reached it.


Oikawa clenched his hands into fists testing them. His palms had angry red welts from the obsessive practice he had been doing for the past few weeks. He had to admit his body had started to feel the fatigue from all the hours he had put in. Despite his body telling him to rest he paid no mind to it. "I have to stay focused. I need to stay focused. We won't lose again." Oikawa practically dragged himself up the stairs and back to his room. The dull aching of his body was an annoyance, it wasn't enough to be called 'painful', but it was definitely enough to be categorized as 'sore'.

- ----THE NEXT DAY-----

During morning practice Oikawa felt like he had a foot in the grave. He hadn't slept well the night before and morning practice seemed to be more challenging than usual.

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