Heartbreak (Requested)

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You had gotten home from your last mission, ready to find the boy you had been a guradian for since he was a baby

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You had gotten home from your last mission, ready to find the boy you had been a guradian for since he was a baby. You held onto the bags with groceries as you walked the streets of Konoha, happy to be back home. "you are back!" Naruto ran over and hugged you thightly. "There you are" you giggled and hugged him back. "oh, look at that, your own headband" you smiled proudly. "Yeah! I am a genin now! Come you need to meet my sensei!" he grabbed your arm amd dragged you along thowards the ramen shop he loved soo much.

"Kakashi sensei! Look I want you to meet my Auntie!" The blond haired boy cheered happily as he let go. You looked up at the silverhaired man in front of you, trying to hold back a blush. "soo you are the one watching over Naruto, nice too meet you.. Kakashi Hatake" he seemed to be smiling as he held out his hand, but it was hard to tell with the mask he had on. "I am Y/N L/N, Naruto's guardian" you took his hand and greeted him. "hope he haven't caused alot of troubles soo far" you blushed nervously as Naruto gave you a stare.

That was your first meeting with the famous copy ninja. He was handsome indeed, as rumours had said, and it seemed that the kids had caught on to the akward intoduction and small Stares you both gave eachother each time you met while picking up Naruto. Soon Naruto invited the team over for dinners, which itself was fine for you.. But after a few times they started to make exuses on why they had to leave before dinner, making you and Kakashi be left alone.

"what about all the food Naruto?" You looked at him as he got his backpack on. "I promised Sakura and Sasuke to camp with them in sakura's backyard." you looked at all the food and sighed. "what about all this then?" you looked at him, wondering what had gotten into the kid lately. "kakashi sensei can eat for me, bye Auntie sama!" Naruto run out the door leaving you and Kakashi looked at eachother dumbfolded and blushing. "well, I sure hope you are hungry" you said nervously.

That was years ago now, more like 4 or 5 allready. Whatever the kids were up to seemed to work. You sighed as you looked at the wedding picture on the shelf. "are you still worried?" Kakashi wrapped his arms around you from behind and smiled as he looked at the picture. "You are just as beautiful as you were on that day, ms Hatake" he chuckled and kissed your cheek, making you smile. "You still love to use that don't you?" You rested your head against his neck softly. "well, it makes you smile, dosen't it?" You turned around and looked up at him with a blush across your cheek.

"He will be fine... He is with the toads" he kissed your forhead, knowing You were worried for Naruto. "I know, I am just worried for him.." you sighed. "He is soon all grown up too.." Kakashi smiled and held you close. "well, He is a good kid.. And he will make it" he assured you. "and I know he wants to be a uncle?" you giggled and tried to hide your blush. "Is this you saying you want kids?" you raised a brow as you saw the blush spread across his face. "well, yeah... It is.." You pulled him down and kissed his lips softly. "married and wants kids, Who would have thought that when I met you?"

The ground started shake making pictures fall down off the wall as you held onto Kakashi's shirt. "what the hell was that" You ran over to the window, eyes widening in shock and fear as you saw the smoke from the other side of the village. "We are under attack.." you whispered before grabbing your vest and took it on. Kakashi did the same as he looked at you. "Don't take any risks out there" he commanded. "the same goes for you" He kissed your cheek before putting his mask back on, and you both ran out the door.

You went over to help the civilians, evacuating everyone you could and gave commands to the Genin. When most had been evacuated you searched for survivers, looking throught collapsed houses, and digging them out.  "Y/N, go to the west side, it might be more people over there!" Iruka yelled at you. You nodded, before you went on over to the west side. The destruction of the village was insane.. You had never seen anything like this before.

You stopped in your tracks as you saw the familliar silver hair in one of the ruins." Kakashi!" You ran over and started to dig him out before you dragged his body up on the ground. "please be ok, please" You cried out as you tried to wake him. When he didn't respond you placed your head on his chest trying to listen for his heartbeat, but no matter how long you waited for it, it never came. "no.. No!" you screamed out as tears poured down your cheeks. You placed your trembling hand on his cheek, not able to move or take your eyes off him. "You promised to be careful.. You can't... Please!"

You spotted a shadow and looked up, before a huge blast hit the middle of the city, luckly it missed you both by a few houndred meters. You had to keep moving, too fight off the enemy who did this. "I'll be back" you whispered as you kissed your husbands forhead before you got up and started to run thowards where the blast had hit. "Ms. Hatake! Over here!" you noticed Hinata and a few others as you ran over. "What is this thing!?" You looked down at the huge hole in the middle of what used to be the village. "oh my" You fell to your knees in horror of the sight in front of you. Never had you seen such destruction

"Naruto kun" Hinata's voice made you head snap over to the toads in the middle of the hole. "no, he shouldn't be here" you clenched your fists as all you could do was watch as Naruto took on Pain on his own. You felt helpless as you watched what was going on in front of you, not only had you lost your husband, but now you were gonna loose the Child you had raised as your own. "We need to stop this!" Hinata took your hand making you look at the young girl next to you. "I will help"

A loud bang was heard as both Hinata and you looked back, watching Naruto being pinned to the ground. As a reflex you got up and run as fast as you could thowards them. "Hinata, try to get him free!" you commanded as you aimed for the readhead pierced man in front of him. "You leave him alone!" You jumped to kick him, but a force stopped you and threw you back making you hit the ground harshly. You groaned softly as you got yourself up, watching Hinata fly aswell.

"leave them alone!" You charged again. "Your weak attempts will not stop Pain" the man said, Before you could do your firestyle jutsu you were flying up in the air, before a quick pull made you get thrown into the ground harshly in front of Pain. You gasped as blood spilled from your mouth. A sharp pain hit your chest, making you cough more blood as your vision got blurry. You had failed, and you knew it.

You don't know what happened after everything, but you could hear voices talking to you, before your body was shaken, making you open your eyes and gasp. Shikamaru and Hinata was over you with worried eyes. "what happened.. Where is Naruto" Your throat were sore and it still hurt to talk. "Naruto turned into ninetails, and fought pain.. But they left the village awhile ago, and now all of you are suddenly waking up" Shikamaru helped you up as he explained, still shocked about everything that had went down.

Kiba ran over and Helped you, while Choji got Shikamaru before he collapsed. You leaned against Kiba as he helped you up from the hole. "We need to take you to the medical ninja's.. You are still hurt Y/N sensei" He looked worried, but you shaked your head. "I need to know if Naruto is ok.." you pleaded as you looked at the young man. He nodded as he walked over to the others, still holding you up standing.

"Auntie sama!" You looked thowards the direction you heard the voice and your eyes widen. "oh my god" You teared up as you saw Kakashi carrying Naruto on his back. Naruto got down from Kakashi's back and run over and hugged you. "thank god, you are ok... You both are ok" you cried  as you held him thighly, pulling Kakashi in as he came over. "I thought I had lost you both" You were afraid to let go, in case it was all just a illusion. "Naruto saved us all... He defetead pain.." You heard the whisperes.

"I am soo proud of you" You kissed Naruto's forhead before he got dragged away, soo the village could applaud him. "I thought I told you to not take any risks.." kakashi held you close, before wiping away a tear from his eye. "same to you... I thought you were gone for good" you held onto him, not wanting to let go. "seems Naruto made sure we got a chance, yet again.." You nodded slowly as you watched everyone treat him like the hero he was.

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