Marks Of The Soulmates Part 2

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It had gone weeks since Kakashi had seen the mark on your wrist

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It had gone weeks since Kakashi had seen the mark on your wrist. He needed time to think about this whole situation, and in the mist of thinking about said situation he had been sent on the escorting mission with the team. Which it turned out to be a whole different mission afterall, with rouge ninjas and more conflicts, making the whole mission taking longer than expected.. And less time to think about his own situation. It didn't hit him until he witnessed the two in front of him.. How Zabuza had uttered the last words to his dead friend... Or rather say, soulmate.

It had hit something in him as he watched it go down. He would never had guessed by the way they were thowards eachother.. But somehow it hit a bit deeper than what Kakashi thought it would. When they had arrived back at the village he had went home to take a shower and getting changed before getting the report ready, figuring it would give him some more time before he found You, and come clean about his mark.

When everything was done, he spotted the friends sitting at the usual dumpling spot.. But one was missing. Gui were the first to notice him, making the Mighty man smile widely. "Kakashi, my rival. You are back I see" the two others looked up from their tea and greeted aswell when he came over. "no dumplings today?" Kakashi looked over the table, that usually had dumplings next to their tea. "oh, god.. No.."Kurenai made a face of disgust. "When did you guys stop liking sweets?" Kakashi placed his hands in his pockets, wondering why the three acted wierd.

"You haven't heard have you?" Asuma looked up at him. "I just returned from a mission, soo gossip hasen't really reached me yet" He answered plainly. "The other day the east gate was attacked.." Gui thought a bit, trying to figure out how too word it all. "The scrolls sent by messangers usually comes by there.. And the messange were a bit more special than first thought" Gui scratched his chin as he thought. "and?"  Kakashi spoke up after a while, when Gui didn't conntinue. "Y/N had the guard duty that day" Asuma spoke up and put a cigarette to his mouth.  "what?" This caught Kakashi's attention.

"No worries, she is home.. We made sure she wouldn't leave the appartment" Asuma lighten the cigarette. "Since no one thought it was a special delivery, there were only a team of three at the gate.. And when backup took time Y/N decided to play the decoy" He fidled with the zippo in his hand. "Me and my team were sent out, with Gui's.. We came in time luckily, but she was allready.." Kurenai frowned. "Spidded like a dumpling as Y/N put it" Gui chuckled. "It is not a laughing matter Gui!" Kurenai scolded. "it was kind of funny how she put it" Kakashi just looked between his friends, as his head were spinning from the infornation he got. "It ruined her non hospital record, she made sure to be mad about that" Asuma muttered. "but she had to ruin the dumplings" They shaked their heads, not noticing Kakashi had left while they spoke.

You groaned as you heard the knocking at the door. With a small huff you dragged yourself over and open the door to see who was knocking. "what where you thinking?" Kakashi walked straight into the appartment not bothering even saying a small hello. You sighed and closed the door behind him. "You heard I guess" The scolding was not something you were in the mood for as you walked thowards the kitchen. "Offcourse I heard" Kakashi followed behind. "As you can see, i am fine.. Nothing bad happen" You shrugged. "tea?"

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