Helping A Friend

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When Kakashi came to you asking for help you would never have imagined what he truly asked for

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When Kakashi came to you asking for help you would never have imagined what he truly asked for. "ok, let me get this straight... You want me to act as your girlfriend for the weekend because your ex is in the village?" You studied the ninja in front of you as you still prossesed the information he had given you. "Yes, and the students overheard it too.. Meaning they will also be lurking around.." Kakashi sighed, as he looked over it allready. "and you think one weekend is enough, maybe for you ex.. But your genins Hatake are known to be presistant when it comes to theese kind of things.." You sighed.. Of all the things your friend could have asked for, this was the worst. "I know.. But you know how to change your looks a little, like you did on the mission we did back in the hidden grass"

You groaned a bit as you remembered that mission. "This is a one time thing, got it?"  You looked at him and made sure he understood the warning in your voice. "I promise I will not ask for this again." You nodded as you noticed he shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable about this whole situation. "Ok, I will come over tonight, and stay for the weekend.. Just know from the moment you open the door I will be in characther" Undercover missions were your specialty, soo at least kakashi were lucky having a friend in that field. "ok, I will be ready to see you around 7? And you don't need to change your apperance too much.. If anyone asks later we just broke up" With that he left your appartment.. Soo much for getting drunk this weekend.

At least he gave you some hours to pack, and all.. And figuring out how to play your role.. You knew Kakashi fairly well.. But you had never seen a romantic side from that man ever.. Which trying to figure out a good girlfriend persona for him would be harder the more you thought about it. In the end all you could to was just follow his lead.. That was the most logical solution you could find, that didn't make you frustrated. Maybe this was harder than you first thought afterall..

When you got everything ready and packed you started to leave for his appartment. You decided to go for your own apperance for this little weekend mission.. People always took you for a cupple anyway, so better go with the safe option. When you got close to his appartment you could feel someone was watching you.. Apperantly his students were as stubborn as you thought they would be. With a small sigh you knocked on his appartment door, getting ready to see how he would behave since his students were around. When Kakashi opened the door you were met with the typichal smile of his before he took your hand and pulled you inside. "The students are lurking?" he tilted his head before you followed behind him to the livingroom. "offcourse, isn't that a part of the package?" You teased, knowing very well Kakashi's experience with kids were minimal, and he often asked for help when it came to understand them.

"How would I know? Still getting used to it all" he chuckled and shaked his head before dragging you over to the couch. "But It is fun that they think I can't sense them in the three outside my window" He pulled you up on his lap, which was suprising at first.. But atleast you were able to hold yourself calm. Your head rested on his shoulder like it was something you normally did, as he took out his book and started to read.

"don't fall asleep on me now.." He spoke after a long time making you open your eyes. "It has been a long week, and I didn't know you were going to be this warm and comfortable"  The way his eye closed let you know he was having a smirk on his face, he was really going to tease you about this in the later. "I am going to take a shower, maybe you would be kind and make us some tea while I do that?" kakashi perked your lips with his masked ones, making you actually blush a bit.. Atleast when you didn't feel like anyone were spying anymore, and he still pretended the relationship thing. "I can do that, just going to put my bag away" you got up from his lap and grabbed the bag before walking thowards his bedroom, not missing the chuckle that was heard from the livingroom, the game was on.

He wanted to play the relationship game, well then he was gonna get it. You know how to be a perfect girlfriend if you wanted to. You waited until you heard he had left for the bathroom, before going throught his closet, finding some of his comfy clothes you knew he wore from time to time and changed into them. You looked at yourself in the mirror and decided to drop the pants of his as you looked better in his faveourite shirt anyway.. You put the pyjamas shorts on underneath and walked back to the kitchen to make the tea. He was really gonna have a suprise when he came back out.

You hummed softly as prepared everything, and got done just in time for him to walk out. Kakashi looked almost confused as he had on the typichal black top with no arms and his jonin pants. "The tea is ready" You smiled for yourself as you could hear his sudden stop. You looked over and tilted your head a bit, noticing how he stared at you. "Everything alright?" the teaseing in your voice were hard to hide as you could see his cheeks turn pink. "No, like... It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” He kept looking at you, before walking over, but not to grab the tea, no.. He wrapped a arm around your waist and pulled you close to him as he leaned down." I kind of like it, It looks good on you" He whispered into your ear. "The weekend has just started, Hatake" It was on, if you both couldn't act like a cupple in his appartment, no way any of you would fool anyone in the village. At least it seemed like you both could suprise eachother soo far.

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