I Made My Decision

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"You should not be doing that" The gruffy yet familliar voice made you turn around, hands having a firm grip at the mop

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"You should not be doing that" The gruffy yet familliar voice made you turn around, hands having a firm grip at the mop. "Cleaning is necessesary, even in my condition Pakkun" You smiled at the dog in the window. "why are you here? Did he send you?" You raised a brow and conntinued to clean.

"I don't need to be watched, I told him I take care of it myself.. He don't need to bother" You placed the mop away, finnished with the floors. "It may not look like it Y/N, but he cares" Pakkun sat up in his spot looking over at you. It was starting to show, the belly was getting rounder by each week. "I know he does, thats not what I am saying" You sighed and started to walk to the kitchen to make some tea for yourself, Pakkun following behind.

"Are you gonna do all of this yourself?" He jumped up on the table, eyeing your every move. "It was my fault this happened, I won't force him to do anything.. No one has to know the truth." You filled the cup and sat down on the chair as you looked at the dog in front of you. "You seem overly confident... At least when there is two you are about to have" Pakkun frowned deeply. "You don't belive I can do it? It isn't like I have no other option now.. Thanks to not getting the symptoms it was found out to late.." your eyes looked at the tea a bit, before taking the warm liquid up to your mouth to take a sip.

"don't think I am complaining about the company, but why are you here? I haven't heard anything in two months, and now you show up in my window?" you look at him with a raised brow, suspicious of the sudden contact. "Just wanted to check up on you" You rolled your eyes at the answer you were given and sighed. "as you see all is well, no need to worry" You got up after finnishing the tea and placed it in the sink for later. "I am going to lay down, you know the way out" You petted Pakkun's head and smiled a bit. "Next time tell him to show up himself if he want to know anything"

With that you walked out of the kitchen and thowards the bedroom, ready to get some rest after a long day of cleaning. "Who said I am not showing up myself?" You stopped in your tracks at the voice behind you, before turning around looking back at the kitchen. He stood there carefully, making you narrow your brows slightly before you realised. "I had to make sure you were not angry with me" Kakashi straighten up as he looked over. "soo you transformed into Pakkun to fool me?" The ninja nodded slightly.

"that explains why he didn't ask for treats" You sighed, thinking the dog actually had started to get some manners. "I wanted to talk to you.. About everything." Kakashi carefully walked over and stopped in front of you. It was not hard to see he was thinking about what to say... But normally what do people say in situations like this.. "I can't let you sit with all of this on your own.. We both made this happen.."

"Kakashi, I know.. But I don't want you to jump into something like this without thinking it throught.. This is not like a battlefield."

"I know"

His plain answer made you look at him confused. "We had a good thing going.. And we both trusted those pills way too much..." He started carefully. "I have been thinking the past two months, about everything and what to do" He carefully reached out and took your hand in his. He was never good with words, at least not wording his feelings for that matter. "I rather have you and the kids, than not be in your life at all... I know there will be work, and hard times.. But I am here"

"Are you sure about this?" All you wanted was for this to happen.. But knowing how he was, and his schedual, you didn't want him to carry this burden aswell. "I made my decision.. Even if this completely scares the shit out of me" You giggled a bit, the thought of Kakashi the copy ninja with all he had been throught, being scared of a normal family life.. It was charming. "I didn't think anything could scare you.. But I have to admit It is normal to be scared.. Thats what they told me"

Kakashi nodded before bringing you close as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close. "I am sorry it took this long to figure it out." He whispered, quilt clearly in his voice. "don't be.. I am just happy that you want to do this on your own, and not because you are being pushed into it"

"now, Lets make sure you get that nap of yours.. I think I join you for it" He smiled with his eye as he usually does as he started to guide you to the bedroom. Kakashi knew he made the right decision, but you knowing him... It was gonna be alot of overprotective ninja from now on.

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