Things Happens For A Reasion

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For years your parents had been going on and on about the arragement they did for your future when you were 3 years old

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For years your parents had been going on and on about the arragement they did for your future when you were 3 years old. They never really said what it was about, only that it would benefit you and your future, and it was a clan arrangement, other than that you never really paid no mind to it.

You were the only child, and a girl at that.. Meaning dating or something remotely close to the subject would have your father up in arms and ready to kill the man who dared to give you a secound look on the streets. It didn't really help that your father was a shinobi either.. Civillian men backed away, aswell as shinobi's, which made your dating life very limitied, and never anything serious at all.  Have you had your fun on mission in different villages? Yes, offcourse.. Would you ever tell your father? Not if you wanted to live. It didn't really matter anyway, you have had a few crushes throught the years, but nothing serious.

Not until you found out what the agreement your parents had made was, and with whom.  You almost pity the man who were cursed to be married to you, at least in the beginning. When you first had met up with the last Hatake, it had been an akward meeting. Kakashi was the hokage now, and had been for a few months after the war ended, which made the whole thing a little suspicious from your parents end. Since it was a clan arrangement, and him being the hokage, it made it almost impossible for him to decline the offer from your parents.

The wedding itself had been small and closed off, having only Kakashi, you, your parents and his assistant there as witnesses to the whole ordeal. That had almost been 6 months ago now, and you had gotten to know the man fairly well.. At least since you lived togheter. Kakashi was not like the rumours you've heard, other than enjoying the books that is. He was sweet and patient, and never forced you to do anything, or rushing anything between you two. After living togheter for months you both had fallen into a good routine, he let you know if he'll be home and what time, and you had the dinner ready before you both enjoyed some quiet time before bed, or you watched him trying perfect some of his jutsus, it really depended on how tired Kakashi was.

When you had gotten the note that he would be late, you made sure the dinner was a simple one soo it could be heated up for him when he got home as you enjoyed the evning for yourself on the porch. Married life had given you alot of free time, at least when you were married to the hokage.. Being sent out on random missions were not happening anymore, unless it was necessesary. which could feel like you almost were retired allready. After a while you noticed it had started to get dark, and in your little bubble you had forgot to turn on the lights in the backyard.  You looked up at the dark sky and noticed the clear star filled sky, making your head tilt a bit as you just enjoyed the view.

Maybe stargazing would be a better option than reading tonight? Last time you had just watched the stars like that had been on the mission before the war. The smile on your face were bright as you went inside and got some blankets and pillows that you dragged back outside. You found a good spot on the grass and placed it all out, making sure it was comfortable and you could keep yourself warm while you were stargazing. When you were done and finally were able to lie down you sighed happily and looked up at the sky, trying to find the different figures in the sky.

"You know" Your eyes fell to the man sitting next to you. Still he was able to appear out of nowhere or unoticed, which you almost had gotten used to by now. "The only thing more beautiful than the stars......would be me" The little pause Kakashi made in the sentance made you smile. One thing you had grown to love  about him were his dry humor, and a comment like this were to be expected from him. "Welcome home, You seem confident on that statement?" Your brow raised a bit while you smiled. "I am, I never lie about things like that" Kakashi looked down at you, smiling with his eyes. "You are fucking married to me! You are supposed to say yes dear, I know" His smile faded a bit as you could have sworn you saw a frown underneath his mask.

You shaked your head as he chuckled next to you. "I have heard wives are supposed to be the one starting arguments, or bossing the husband around.." you teased as you let him lie down next to you, and pulled some of the blanket over him aswell. "well, then I think we both have failed in a typichal marriage.."

"maybe we have, imagine the divorce papers .. Divorced because of no fights" Kakashi looked over at you raising his brows. "Are you going to divorce me? I thought we just started to get to the best parts" You could hear the joking tone lingering in his voice, but you could also see the little concern he had in his eyes. "No, I don't plan on it.. I am actually happy that I was promised to you and no one else" You met his eyes and noticed the small blush above his mask, and the little suprised expression on his face. "you are? Even if it was arranged?"

"yes, I am.. What about you?" You two had never really had the talk about the arranged part of it all. "Well.. Actually I am.. I thought it would be really uncomfortable and a struggle.. Hence why I never replied before I had to" Kakashi carefully took your hand in his as he admired the ring on your finger. "what do you mean? I thought they waited with sending you anything until you took the office?" You hummed curiously as you looked up at the sky again. "No... They actually sent the documents once a year for the past 6 years.." You sighed a bit, happy to know your parents had not taken advantage of him becoming the hokage as you first thought. "Are you dissapointed?" He spoke softly, but not letting go of your hand as he was concerned about your reaction.

"no, more reliefed.. I was scared my parents had trapped you.. But knowing they had tried for years makes more sense i guess.." You got closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. "Honestly I would not have been ready for something like this years ago... I was to busy enjoying missions and all that" You giggled thinking about how hard you would have been to be married too back then. "hmm, you think you would have been the bossy wife back then?"

"bossy? Kakashi, I would have kicked someone ass just for fun.." You popped yourself up, resting on your elbows as you looked at him with a smile. "We got togheter at the right time then.. Because I used to be a nightmare too.. But I can't help wondering how it would have been between us if I didn’t ignore those letters" You almost cringed a bit thinking about it. If he was as he had described, and some of his friends had decribed to you, it would have been constant fights if that were the case. "You shouldn't dwell on things like that... We got married at the right time, and soo far have a good marriage.. Things happen for a reasion" You pulled his mask down softly and noticed the small smile on his lips. "maybe you are more beautiful than the stars afterall.." You kissed his lips softly, before he could see you were blushing.

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