Guilty Feeling

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3 years had gone by soo fast, almost too fast

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3 years had gone by soo fast, almost too fast. Being a forced retired shinobi now, you had gone into the family buisness after your recovery.. Selling baked goods along with your mother. Your chakra network had been severly damaged around a year ago, which had you to give up on the shinobi life. You didn't mind, at least after you got used to the whole civillian life that you were living.. The one who seemed to taking it harder than you were your boyfriend.. Kakashi, that you had been in a relationship for around 3 years..

After the accident he had changed alot.. And not in a good way. If people had known about you two they would have noticed aswell, but since your relationship had been private from the start you were left alone to notice the changes. He used to come around during the recovery when he had time, but now you had only seen him in the streets, him ignoring everyone as usual or having the cold stare that he usually had whenever anyone tried to talk to him. He had been rather colder than usual...

It was just one of the regular early mornings when you had gotten to the bakery around 4 am do get it ready for the day, that you saw him on the roof in full anbu gear. It was unusual seeing him around the village like that, which meant he were about to go on a mission, just got home or in the middle of one. Neither really made sence since he actually made his presence known. You didn't know why he was acting like that, but when he didn't move from the rooftop and kept staring at you throught the bakery window you waved at him, gesturing for him to come inside. If he had the time to stare at you for a long period of time while you were working, then he would have the time to actually come by and say hi.

As soon as you had vawed to the masked ninja he dissapeared, making you frown a bit before just conntinuing your work. Around 8 am your mother came in to take over. "Y/N, Did you check the notes for today?" She were going throught the calendar on the desk with a frown on her face. "No, is there something important coming up mother?" You washed your hands and dried them before walking over to the woman. "The baking trip to the land of grass... It is next week" She pointed at the red marks in the book and sighed. "Apperantly we have to cancel this year.. The roads are more unsafe than ever after what I got from your father" It was a yearly thing, some bakeries met up in one of the smaller countries for a market, normally your mother went each year since she loved that stuff.

"It is not uncommon to hire shinobi assistanse on journeys mother... The worst out there for people like us would be robbers anyway" You smiled, and got ready to leave. "Yeah, I can discuss it more with your father.. Maybe send you for a change, you are never out of the village anymore" You shaked your head as you picked up the baked goods that you couldn't sell and put it in your bag. "We have to see, a longer trip would be nice.. But it has been a long time since I was outside the gates."

She turned to look at you with her regular soft smile. "Think about it, maybe it will do you good.. Who knows, maybe you find a husband" the sentance made you cringe as you sighed. "mother, I am 25, still young and in no rush for that kind of thing" It was no secret that your mother wanted grandkids, apperantly she had to mention it all the time to make sure you knew. "You are not getting any younger either, Y/N... At least think about it" You just nodded before waving goodbye, ending the conversation there. You had not told your parents about Kakashi, that would only put unecessary pressue on him, which he was not ready for at all.

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