Harmless Fun

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"Tell Kakashi he won" The words echoed throught your mind

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"Tell Kakashi he won" The words echoed throught your mind.. The conversation with Genma were still bothering you. "Won? What did he win?" The way he suddenly  had said it made your guts turn.. And you still didn't know why. "Oh, He knows what it is about, no worries shorty" The way Genma gave your shoulder a sympathic pat before leaving you at the gates didn't make you feel better. 

Kakashi had been a close friend for years, aswell as Genma.. And lately things had taken a turn between you and Kakashi, a rather unexpected one. The fact you had feelings for your friend were a secret you intended to keep to the grave.. But how it had been between you two lately had been confusing, to say it simply. It started a month before the mission.. That he simply became more caring, and almost sweet in a way you haven't seen before.. And offcourse on a weak drunken night you both had ended up in the sheets togheter.. And even conntinued after that.. Was it a good idea? Both yes and no if you had to be honest.

It had been a whole thing the last month.. Where it always ended like that when you saw eachother.. Aswell as how his behaviour had been different with you. Almost as he had the same feelings as you, and just as you tested out the waters.. At least that is what you hoped for.. Until you saw Genma's expression when you asked about the win. Maybe you were thinking to deep into things? You had a talent for that..always putting yourself down, when most likely the oppesit were the reality.

"You are back early, didn't expect you for two more days" Old man Teuchi smiled as you sat down by the counter at the ramen shop. "We got done early, so whats better than to celebrate with the best ramen?" Since Genma was going to Tsunade with the report, you had more than enough time for some food before going home. "The Usual?" You nodded and smiled. "make it extra large too please" God, how you had missed the smell of ramen the last week. "Be right up!" Teuchi answered as he got to work. It didn't take long before the bowl was placed in front of you, making you smile as you started to dig in. How it tasted like heaven after living on fish and foodpills for a week.

"I guessed I would find you here" You looked over and found Kakashi in the chair next to you. "didn't know the word spread that fast?" You smiled a bit before conntinued eating, wanting your meal while it was piping hot. "Well, i saw your teammate, soo i figured you had to be back too" You nodded and placed the bowl down when you were done. "Am I that obious?" Your brow lifted slightly as you looked at him. Sure you had your routines.. But they shouldn't been this trackable. "For those who knows you, yes.. It would either be here, hospital or home" He held up three fingers as he smiled behind his mask. With a shrug as a response to him you payed for the meal and got up. "That is almost to accourate, but fits most of us really" You smiled and started to walk, knowing he would follow as he used to. "Well, how did it go then?"

"Good, we solved it faster than expected. Which is just a bonus really" You were happy about it, at least when you knew it was because of your skills and the teamwork with Genma. "So nothing exiting happened? Nothing to gossip about?" Kakashi sounded smug as he asked.. Like he knew something  you didn't. "no, not really.. Very basic standard mission.." You thought a bit to see if anything was worth mentioning. "oh, They had good fish dish at one of the inns, but thats mostly it" You stopped when you arrived by the appartment and looked up at him, seeing he seemed to be in his own thoughts. "Oh, Genma told me to tell you that you won.. He said you would know what it was about" You said casually, hoping Kakashi would tell you more than what Genma did.

It was clear, His body tensed as his eye slightly widen before looking at you. "What did he tell you?" He asked bluntly.. Almost too blunt for your liking. "nothing.. Just that you would know what it was for.. I aksed but he wouldn't say" Now you knew it was something more serious.. Because Kakashi never tensed over something little, or unproblematic. Maybe you could push it a bit, see if he would tell you. "I don't know what you two have been up to.. But wathever it is I hope you two have kept me out of it this time" You gave him a teasing point before you unlocked your appartment and walked inside.

You were suprised when Kakashi joined inside and looked at you. "He told you something, what did he tell you?" Your brows narrowed as you looked at him, suprised by this. "He didn't say anything.. Just a pity pat on the shoulder.. But you know how Genma is" You tried to explain it away, but he cut you off. "I mean it Y/N, what did he say?" You frowned by the seriousness in his voice. This was apperantly more serious than you had imagined, which made you understand why you had the bad gut feeling earlier. "Kakashi....Genma didn't say anything.. Just that I should tell you that you won, what you won I don't know.. What is this about? Is about me? Us? Whats going on?" You didn't like the way he reacted.. It was like you had said something wrong.

"There never was an 'us!' " Kakashi raised his hands in a defensive manner, before he realised what he had said and looked away. You were a bit taken back by the sudden outburst as you just stood there and looked at him almost horrified. Never had you seen him acting like this.. It was soo unexpected..and hurtful too really. "I am gonna kill him" You heard him whisper in a low tone as he went for the door. You could clearly feel it, the chakra flow from him. "Before you do anything I would like to know what this is about.. Because Somehow I feel this involves me, and I have no clue whats going on?" It came out much harder than intended, but you couldn't help it... If it was serious enough to kill eachother over it had to be something deep.

""It was a bet, okay!" He stopped in the hallway and didn't look back at you."Genma and Me had a bet, thats all you need to know.. Nothing else" You could see his eye shot back at you. "what kind of bet?"  You meant to say it louder, but even you felt small under Kakashi's angry chakra flow... Making you whisper instead. "You should not worry about it, Y/N.. This is between me and Genma" You stopped him as you walked over. "No, don't even try that right now.. Something is going on and neither of you want to be honest about it!"

"Because it dosen't concern you!" Kakashi now turned and looked at you, making you shake your head. "Ok, if you won't tell me I make Genma tell me.. Because this is stupid" You walked thowards the hallway yourself, wanting to figure this out. Kakashi grabbed your wrist before you could reach the door, stopping you from leaving. "It is better that you don't know"

"How is it better? Right now it feels like you both are lying to me" You sighed heavily, not looking back at him. "It was about you... The bet.." He paused for a bit before letting go of your wrist. "We had a bet on who would be able too... See if you were easy.... It was a stupid drunk thing" He started to explain it away right away, as you thought about what he just had said and it clicked, it clicked to damn loud. "That night.. That was what it was about?" When the answer didn't come, you knew.. It was clear.. "out.. Now" You couldn't face it right now, not after this confession. "I know it was stupid.. But we were drunk..."

You raised your hand to stop him. "No, that is not something to be hels as just a drunken joke between the boys.. I proved you both right didn't I?" You glared back at him, more from hurt than anger at this point. "Y/N.." You shaked your head, knowing how stupid you had been, and not even being able to keep the tears away. "God, I am stupid... Falling for something like this" You muttered to yourself as you ignored the pain in your chest, at least tried to for now. "Friends are supposed to be there for you when you cry not be the reason you cry.." You pointed at the door again, wanting him gone before you broke down completely. At least this time he listened and left, leaving you alone to try to deal with the damage that had been done.

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