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"Let's get you home, Kitten."

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Jeongin couldn't help but chuckle at the way Felix melted into his arms on the walk home. He had better have the most toned arms ever for how much he carried around the grown man.

He was a bit anxious to open the front door of their dorm. What would the others react like. It wasn't like Jeongin had done anything wrong, but he was taken back to the first time Felix slipped in front of him. He didn't want the others to see them. He didn't want someone else to see the state that Felix in.

The only difference this time was that Jeongin didn't have to be afraid of how they would see Felix. Felix was the baby of the group now. He was everyone's pride and joy.

Jeongin gently kicked towards the bottom of the door, trying to keep his grip on Felix so that the older man wouldn't slip out of his hands.

He could hear the commotion in the dorm as multiple people tried to get to the door first. There was a lot of cursing and yelling. A triumphant chortle came from behind the door before it was opened.

There stood Changbin, grinning at Jeongin and Felix like he just won the lottery.

The whole group collapsed in the living room, Minho and Hyunjin wrestling with each other on the floor to decide who gets to hold Lix first, Jisung and Seungmin cheering for whomever they felt would win (they both had their bets on Minho). Chan was being held back by Jisung who wasn't sure that Felix would want to see the eldest.

Felix gently lifted his head from Jeongin's shoulder to see the group and tilted his head at them all.

"Why are you all so noisy?"

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Stray Kids were quick to make themselves presentable for the little. He said they were too noisy and they fixed it.

The first person to walk up to the pair was Changbin who apologized for everything wrong he had ever done to Felix. He even apologized about the most mundane of things like stealing the younger's chapsticks. Felix forgave him, obviously, he had no reason to hold a grudge against someone who was simply confused by what he didn't understand (he had every right to hold a grudge against a man who played with his heart but he didn't because he is a sweet and forgiving boy).

The rest of the boys had pretty much the same old spiel about how worried they were. Minho actually began crying and had to be escorted out of the main room by Jisung and Seungmin who were concerned for his mental health.

The last person to approach the two was Chan. Jeongin knew he was glaring. He knew that no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't hurt the older. Chan was invincible, not because of some mutant powers, because Felix would always forgive. Felix would always forgive people no matter how badly they treated him. No matter how much they hurt him.

"Hey, Lix." Muttered their leader. His voice wavered a lot in saying the younger's name. He paused for a minute, waiting for the freckled boy to say something. Anything. When he was met with silence he decided that there was no better time for him to apologize for all the shitty things he has done.

"Look, I know that I've been a really bad friend and a bad caregiver. I played with your heart and probably confused you and that's not okay. I don't expect you to accept my apology. I wouldn't accept my apology. I just want to know if you would still be willing to be part of the team and still see me as your leader."

Felix took a moment to himself, looking to Jeongin who would offer him no help in this situation. It was not up to Jeongin to tell Felix how to respond to their hyung.

"I'm going to need some time, hyungie." He answered honestly, looking to his feet so that he wouldn't have to see how disappointed Chan was in his response.

If he had looked up, he would have seen Chan smiling at him, accepting of the way he was being responded to. Chan was relieved by the fact that Felix was going to give him any kind of a chance.

"Come on, baby, let Innie give you a bath." Cooed Jeongin who just wanted to get Felix to himself.

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As the bathtub filled with hot water and bubbles, Jeongin helped Felix strip. He seemed absolutely exhausted and wanted to be in bed.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Jeongin asked, pressing a kiss to the little's head. He helped Felix into the tub, making sure that he didn't slip. He looked to Jeongin with a smile.

"I'm fine, Jeonginnie, promise." He answered, sinking into the war water and playing with the bubbles. He let Jeongin start to wash his hair before laughing to himself.

"What's so funny, kitten?" He asked, fully aware of the fact that Felix was no longer little.

"You smell like shit, Jeongin." Teased Felix.

"And whose fault is that?" Jeongin teased back. Jeongin had spent so long running around trying to find Felix that he was definitely smelly and sweaty.

"You need to take a bath."


Jeongin stood from where he had been washing the older and began pulling his shirt off. Felix flustered up, covering his eyes so he couldn't see Jeongin.

"What are you doing!?"

"I'm taking a bath," He chuckled. His clothing hit the floor and Felix knew that his ears were burning red. "Scooch forward."

Jeongin slid into the bath, behind Felix. He wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of his neck.

"You're a dork!"

"Yeah, but I'm your dork."

»»----- ✼ -----««

"What pajamas do you want to wear tonight, Lix?"

"Do you really need to ask that question?"

Jeongin pulled out Felix's cat onesie, tossing it to him as he was big and could put it on himself. Meanwhile Jeongin dressed himself in his typical sweatpants for the night.

The two were so in sync all of the time. Felix knew what Jeongin was thinking, and vice versa. They were a match made in heaven and anyone of their fellow bandmates could see that.

Felix sat himself down on Jeongin's bed, waiting for the younger to get changed and come to bed with him. Jeongin had other plans though. After he was changed and comfortable, he made his own way over to Felix, pushing him back onto the mattress.

"Jeonginnie, what do you think you are doing?"

"Shh, let me do this." He whispered to Felix, pressing gentle kisses to his face, making sure to spread an even layer of affection from his forehead, to his cheeks, to the tip of his nose to his lips.

"I love you so much." Jeongin mumbled against Felix's skin, cherishing his touch.

Felix couldn't help but giggle at all of the affection the maknae was giving him. "What was that, Innie?"

"I love you, Kitten."

"No take backs!"

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