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"Do you want Jeongin to be your permanent caregiver?"

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix's cheeks flustered up and his palms became sweaty and he began tugging at his, or rather Jeongin's, shirt.

"I don't know."

Chan began gently playing with Felix's hair, calming him a bit. He had been trying to figure this out for the past few days, or at least since Jeongin told him he didn't want to be temporary.

It hadn't occured to him that Jeongin really could be his permanent caregiver. He didn't want to put Jeongin in that position, especially not while he was still so young and didn't know what he was going to do with his life after all of this. He didn't want Jeongin to do something he would regret.

Chan knew that he had to talk to Jeongin to see if he felt similarly about Felix. He hated the thought. He hated that Jeongin could steak Felix away from him. He hated all of this. He hated it and yet he knew that he would do whatever was best for Felix, whether he likes it or not.

"What's going through your head, Lix?" He asked softly, just making Felix feel like he could talk with him and be safe.

"I don't know, hyung." He answered honestly, running a small hand through his pastel hair. "When I'm around him my stomach feels all weird and bubbly, and my heart clenches, and I my cheeks start to hurt because I smile too much." He admitted, tears of stress running down his cheeks.

Chan couldn't help but coo at his little friend. His friend was so confused because he liked Jeongin, as much as it pained him to admit it. Everyone seemed to know it.  Everyone but Felix didn't seem to know it yet.

"Felix, you like him."

Felix knew deep in his heart that was the problem, but he didn't feel that it was that easy. Felix knew that he liked Changbin as well, but he didn't get the same feelings around the older.

"Channie hyung, I'm scared..."

»»----- ✼ -----««

Chan put Felix back to bed after their little talk. He wanted the younger to feel better in the morning, and that would require a good night's sleep.

When Jeongin walked out of the restroom in his pajama pants, he began on his way back to the room, but he was stopped by Chan who asked to talk to him in the living room.

The room was empty because of their curfew. While the eldest member wasn't there, the team as a whole seemed to break that curfew so much that they were going to need to go to sleep earlier to be able to get back into the swing of things.

So Chan and Jeongin sat down on the couch, facing each other. Jeongin couldn't help but worry about the conversation they were about to have.

"I'm sorry that I let Felix's secret get out to the rest of the group, and I'm sorry I've been spoiling him, I understand if you don't want me to be around Felix when he's little anymore, I hope you can—"

"Jeongin, you did nothing wrong."

Jeongin was shocked. He could have sworn that Chan would be upset with him.  He thought that his baby would be taken away from him. He thought that he would be told that he wasn't even allowed to look at Felix again.

"Jeongin, you did something I thought wasn't possible. Felix is openly little in front of the group. Felix and Minho are close. Felix listens to you, Jeongin." Chan praised.

"Jeongin, I want to know how you feel about Felix."

Shit. This was it. Now he really wasn't going to not want him to be around the little. Jeongin knew there was no reason to lie to their leader so he was as honest as can be.

He felt woozy whenever he was around Felix. His head was in the clouds, his heart was beating out of his chest, and his stomach did flips. He knew exactly how he felt about Felix. He knew all too well how he felt about Felix.

"I think I love him, hyung."

»»----- ✼ -----««

After his conversation with the boys, Chan decided he needed to figure out how he was going to deal with this. He knew that Jeongin liked Felix. He knew that he himself liked Felix. The problem was that be didn't know how Felix felt about Changbin, Jeongin, or himself.

So Jeongin finally got to return to the room and get in bed next to Felix, who was asleep again by then. Despite his lack of  consciousness, Felix still nuzzled his way into Jeongin's arms.

Jeongin couldn't hide the grin that stretched from ear to ear, but luckily he didn't have to. At this point everyone knew how he felt about Felix. Felix was just in the dark. In the dark for now.

He just wanted to love this small freckled prince in his arms without any restrictions. He wanted Felix to understand his feelings and he wanted Felix to return those feelings.

Unfortunately, Felix was still so head over heels for Changbin. It was hard for Jeongin to watch the boy he loved chase someone that didn't feel the same.

Jeongin didn't sleep that night. It was hard for him to even try to sleep. He was just thinking about how happy he was to be this close to Felix. How happy he was to be able to play with the older's hair. How happy he was to be able to cuddle with the older. How happy he was to be able to spend this time with the older.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Jeongin didn't get a wink of sleep, but he still got up at 7am, like he had been the entire time Chan was gone, and he made breakfast for the team.

When Jeongin finished the first plate, it was Seungmin's plate because he woke up 10 minutes after Jeongin, two people made their way into the dining room.

Chan was shocked. His Maknae was now making breakfast for the team. Seungmin walked up and grabbed his plate pretty easily.

"Jeongin, you don't need to do that." Chan tried to take the tools away from Jeongin, but Jeongin was still stood in front of the stove making breakfast.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix walked out the bedroom, visibly disappointed to have woken up without Jeongin. But, Changbin came out of his room about the same time.

Felix wasn't upset with Changbin for being so rude and mistreating him. He didn't know any better. Felix was never big when Changbin was mistreating him. Felix didn't know that Changbin was messing with his feelings.

But Changbin ignored Felix, and that hurt. He just walked away, not even a morning greeting. Felix wasn't little, he knew full and well that Changbin just ignored him.

So he sulked his way into the kitchen, Jeongin having already prepared his eggs. Jeongin immediately noticed Felix's depressed state. He pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead and ruffled his hair, placing the heart shaped breakfast in front of Felix.

»»----- ✼ -----««

"Are you okay, Kitten?"

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