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"Do you want to watch a movie?"

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Felix didn't expect for Jeongin to pick the movie he picked. Felix thought Jeongin was more of a scaredy cat like himself. But here they were.

Felix sat beside Jeongin, his legs resting in the younger's lap while he clung to his side. Every jump scare or sound that scared Felix made him work his way further info Jeongin's lap.

The younger boy really hadn't expected this to happen when he suggested the movie. He and Felix agreed that they would each get to chose a movie. They them played rock paper scissors to decide whose movie they would watch first. Jeongin won, so he picked Train to Busan as their first movie. Felix would go next with Disney's Hercules.

Jeongin didn't find the movie he picked scary. Maybe that was because he found it more sad that scary, but Felix found the movie horrifying. He was on the verge of slipping he was so stressed out by the film. He tried to hold it back, but within the last ten minutes of the movie, when the dad died for the safety of his child, he lost it.

He began crying all over the place, his small hands trying to grasp onto Jeongin's shirt even though the maknae wasn't even wearing one.

While watching Felix react in such a way to the movie, he realized that Felix had never watched Train to Busan. He didn't know what to expect. That was 100% Jeongin's fault for not asking, but can he really be blamed when the movie came out almost half a decade ago.

He paused the film immediately and pulled the little fully into his lap. He began his mission (code name: "comfort the baby because you love him) by peppering soft kisses all over Felix's cheeks.

"Hey, Lixxie, babe. Look at Innie, please?" The older shook his head, moving closer to Jeongin to hide his face in the younger's neck.

Jeongin doesn't know it yet, but being this close to him, and being able to take in his scent, would always calm Felix down the best. He could distract himself from anything if he could just live his life surrounded by this smell of vanilla and cinnamon. It was an odd scent to imagine on the younger, but that's what he smelled like. It was sweet, but had a bit of a kick to it. It was comforting.

"Would-would Innie leave Lixxie like that?" He asked softly soft hiccups escaping past his lips as he tried to calm his tears.

Jeongin melted. He couldn't believe that Felix thought he'd ever leave. Of course, this could be understandable considering Changbin's relationship with the smaller, but Jeongin wasn't Changbin. Jeongin had already told Felix that he would give him all of the love that he needed and then some.

"Kitten, I would never ever leave you. I wouldn't leave even if you wanted me to." He whispered, kissing the side of Felix's head.

If this is what Felix was afraid of, he needed to have a chat with Changbin.

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Jeongin changed the movie to be Hercules for Felix. The childlike boy began dancing around as soon as the first song started.

Normally, Jeongin would find this adorable and video tape it for himself and the other two caregivers to watch again later, but Jeongin couldn't really focus on anything but talking to Changbin.

He knew that it was a generally bad idea and that he was probably going to end up beating the ever living shit out of the older because of a stupid remark he makes about Felix and his headspace, but he would avoid that to the best of his abilities. If it did happen, then so be it. Changbin was probably asking for it anyways.

Jeongin was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a gentle weight fall onto his shoulder, and soft puffs coming from beside him.

Felix had fallen asleep in the first 30 minutes of Hercules. A new record for the freckled beauty. Jeongin ruffled his fried, yet some how still soft, hair before shifting to pick the older up and bring him back to bed. It was only one in the afternoon, but he was exhausted from crying. The sooner Jeongin could talk to Changbin about Felix, the less Felix would be crying in the future.

Jeongin took a little bit of extra time when putting Felix to bed by making sure he had one of his new favourite caregivers sweatshirts on and his favourite stuffie on had. Next to his bed would site a sippy full of water and his pacifier. Jeongin wanted to know that if he didn't get back before Felix woke up, he would still be comfortable without him.

He also took this time to admire the older, just as he always would. He couldn't help it though. Felix's face was Jeongin's favourite face in the world. Nothing would ever be able to take Felix's place in Jeongin's heart. Even if they don't work out. Even if Felix decided that he doesn't feel that way about Jeongin, Jeongin will forever and always see Felix Lee as his baby boy. His prince. His Kitten.

After another 10-15 minutes of just observing the smaller, Jeongin began on his way to find Changbin. He asked many members, only to find that he would be located in the gym that fine afternoon. How lovely it was to know that there would be equipment for Jeongin to take his rage out on rather than Changbin's face. Or maybe he'd just throw some equipment at Changbin. It might not be ideal, but it was certainly not frowned upon.

He marched his way to JYPs training facility and looked for the musclepig himself.

Target locked.

Jeongin took long, intimidating strides over to the older, his hands rested securely in the hoodie he had grabbed for himself while acquiring one for Felix.

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"Changbin Hyung. We need to talk."

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