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"Where does Chan put your bath stuff?" Jeongin asked Felix, not that he expects a reply. Felix was too busy wavering between the line of Big space and Little space.

It hadn't occured to Jeongin earlier because he didn't know at the time, but Jeongin has seen Felix in this state a lot more than he thought. He used to just think that Felix was spent, worn out, or just tired of people, but looking back at it he should have seen the signs a lot quicker than he did. The smaller was just babbling to himself, every once in a while a coherent word would come.out of his mouth, only to be giggled at as he buried his head further into Jeongin's neck.

Carrying Felix into the dorm was a struggle. The other members were all as awake as can be because without their leaders they didn't think they needed to follow curfew. Jeongin would try to make sure he and Felix followed curfew. It took Jeongin 10 minutes to get past the living room without Seungmin and Minho seeing him carrying Felix.

As soon as Jeongin set foot in the hallway, the bathroom door opened and there stood Jisung. He looked at Felix, who was half asleep on Jeongin's shoulder, and then back at Jeongin and gave a nod.

"He overwork himself again?"

Jeongin let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Yeah, Chan told me he'd be down in the practice room, but he was just sleeping against one of the mirrors." Jeongin responded, pushing Felix's hair out of his face.

"I'm assuming he needs a bath?" Jisung didn't know that Felix was little. At least Jeongin didn't think he knew. But Jisung knew that Felix didn't like to bathe by his lonesome, so he didn't even think twice about letting the maknae bathe his 'baby'.

"Yes, could you please tell me where his toiletries are so I can give him a bath?"

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While Jeongin was filling Felix's bath, the older was sitting on the toilet wrapped up in a towel.

Jisung had told Jeongin that Felix liked a lot of bubbles, so Jeongin was loading the bath with bubbles. He wanted the little to feel comfortable with him.

Once Jeongin had finished and put all of Felix's bubbles and rubber duckies in the tub, Felix got in and suddenly Jeongin felt like bathing Felix was a terrible idea.

Jeongin wasn't flustered by seeing someone naked. He was 19 years old and living with a bunch of boys. He'd seen his fair share of porn and accidentally walked in on Minho and Jisung plenty of times. He was flustered because it was Felix.

Of course, Felix was wavering between the ages of 20 and 3, but that's not the point. It was still Felix naked in a bubble bath, with Jeongin having to bathe him.

Jeongin was not prepared for it.

But then Felix began splashing around in the bubbles, giggling and "nyoom"-ing with the rubber duckie and Jeongin couldn't help but grin.

Even if Felix didn't want Jeongin to be his new caregiver, Jeongin would do his best to support Felix and take care of him.

"Come on, kitten, I've got to wash your hair."

Felix scooter over to the edge of bathtub and waited for Jeongin to grab his shampoo. Of course Jeongin grabbed the wrong one and Felix threw a fit.

Felix pointed to the Johnson's Shiny Drops Shampoo. Jeongin could of hit himself. Of course he had to use the kid's shampoo. Of course it made a lot of sense now. Felix did always smell like a baby, of course he just thought that was his mind telling him Felix was his baby.

Felix was very calm when Jeongin began scrubbing the shampoo into his hair. He was just so polite and well behaved. Was it because he liked being spoiled or was this little space Felix. Who knows.

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Felix was sat down on his bed, wrapped in a towel, while Jeongin went through his pajamas.

"What do you want to wear, bubba?" Asked Jeongin. Felix didn't respond.

Jeongin turned to look and make sure Felix was still awake. He was.

"Bubba?" Felix shook his head.

"Lixie?" Felix repeated the action.

"Baby Bear?" Felix huffed. He was Chan's baby bear. But he wasn't Jeongin's baby bear.

Felix pushed himself off the bed, his towel still wrapped over his shoulders. Felix grabbed his lavender coloured cat plush and held it up to Jeongin.

What the fuck could the cat mean? Jeongin had to think back to what he has called Felix. And it dawned on him.

"What do you want to wear, kitten?" Felix grinned at Jeongin and held up the cat plush again. He wanted to wear the cat onsie.

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Jeongin had tucked Felix into bed and pressed a kiss to his forehead, but Felix didn't want Jeongin to get in his own bed.

"Innie- can you read me a story?" He asked softly. Jeongin disagreed as it was already way too late for them to be up. Felix didn't fight Jeongin's final decision and left it at that.

Felix was generally an obedient little, but he did have his moments. Like when thunder rained out through the halls of the Straykids Dorm at 2:30 in the morning.


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