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"What if I don't want to be temporary?"

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Felix couldn't sleep that night. How was he supposed to be able to sleep? He had just been told that the boy he had just been calling "daddy" wanted to be his permanent caregiver. It made his heart flutter. Felix didn't like that it made his heart flutter. The fluttering in his heart made him feel like he was betraying Changbin. His heart only flutters when around Changbin, but now it's happening around Jeongin as well— what would his mother think about him being interested in two men at once?

He was almost embarrassed. But he tried to ignore the fluttering in his heart. Jeongin probably just enjoyed being a caregiver. Once he meets the little for him he'll leave Felix. He will leave Felix alone and lice a happy life with some twink who could probably give him more love than he would ever get from Felix.

Felix knew that this could be the case. He knew that Jeongin could get tired of him and leave and that was scary. But that's why Felix didn't want him to be his caregiver. He didn't want to feel loved only to have been used and thrown away. His little space was not something that anyone who can hurt him should be involved with.

He tossed and turned and eventually he just started staring at Jeongin while he slept. This was the first night since the thunderstorm that Felix has slept in his bed alone and he was struggling. He didn't have the same amount of warmth that he was used to now. He didn't have the security of strong arms wrapped around him. He didn't have the smell of vanilla and cinnamon to comfort him as he tried to sleep.

He tried to stop himself, but he couldn't help it. He had to get back into bed with Jeongin or he wouldn't be able to sleep. So he slipped out from under his covers and climbed into bed with Jeongin, and Jeongin immediately wrapped his arms around Felix's waist and the older felt his face flush immediately.

Why was he feeling like this?

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When Jeongin woke up, he felt something nuzzle into his chest. He was so confused, but when he looked down he couldn't have felt better. His little koala was nuzzled face first into his chest and he loved it. He could only hope that Felix would stay like this forever and that he would reconsider his relationship with Jeongin.

Jeongin pressed a kiss to Felix's forehead before untangling himself from the older. He left the room to get to the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. The other members began filing in. Jeongin felt less like he was the maknae now, and he honestly enjoyed the respect he had gained by just unlocking his inner caregiver space.

When Jisung walked into the kitchen with a rather "abused" Minho slightly limping after him, Jeongin began to question the innocence of the two, but Minho seemed happy with the marks coating his neck and inability to walk.

"Where's our favourite baby?" Asked Minho, his arms wrapped loosely around the shoulders of his boyfriend.

"Still sleeping, probably."

"Who cares it's not like he's special or anything for being so weird." Hyunjin whacked Changbin in the back of the head for his rude comment. Just because he had feelings for the older, didn't mean that he would accept such rude comments from him.

"Binnie hyung! If Felix heard that he would be heart broken right now!" Hyunjin scolded under his breath.

It took every fiber of Jeongin's being to not just march on over to Changbin and beat some sense into him right then and there. Instead he opted for the less aggressive option of spitting in his scrambled eggs.

Once he finished making everyone else's food, and he cleaned the skillet from Changbin's spit eggs, he began on his and Felix's eggs. Felix likes his eggs sunnyside up and shaped like a heart, so Jeongin always does his last so as to not make the others wait on his eggs.

Minho made his way into the kitchen and jumped on the counter, watching as Jeongin made the heart shaped eggs.

"Are you really that whipped?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jeongin, you're making him heart shaped eggs. You bathe and dress him everyday. You let him sleep in the same bed as you. Jeongin, are you really that whipped?"

"I guess. I mean, I've been trying to make subtle moves on him. He doesn't seem to be too interested though."

Minho sighed, almost disappointed in the younger for accepting that Felix . He didn't know how to help Jeongin because it was true. Felix was entranced by Changbin Binsuals.

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Felix waddled out of the bedroom, his baby blue blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a matching blue dinosaur themed pacifier in his mouth. Changbin scoffed when he saw the younger boy and stormed off to his room.

Felix was too little to really pay attention to the bitch fit Changbin had just thrown, so he continued on his way to the living room, looking for his Innie to take care of him and give him the affection he craved. Of course, as soon as he sat down, Minho picked him up, although clearly not used to carrying such a long creature. But Felix's body did kind of just melt in his arms like a cat's so maybe it wasn't all bad. Maybe he'd let little Felix play with Soonie, Doongie, and Dori.

Minho brought the smaller boy into the dining room where Jeongin had already set up Felix's meal. His heart shaped eggs, peanut butter and celery, bacon, and his orange juice in a sippy cup.

"Jeongin, I have a special delivery for you!" Chirped Minho as he sat Felix down in the chair.

When Jeongin walked out of the kitchen, Felix didn't know what hit him, but his cheeks flushed a deep rose colour. He had seen Jeongin shirtless so many times, why was this so much different.

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"Are you okay, Kitten? You're burning up."

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