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"Are you okay, Kitten?"

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix just shook his head and gave Jeongin a grin. He wouldn't let Jeongin worry over him more than he already was as his caregiver. But maybe Jeongin wasn't his caregiver anymore? Felix didn't know how Jeongin felt about still being his caregiver.

Sure, Jeongin had said that he didn't want to be temporary, but Felix didn't know if he still held that sentiment. Felix didn't want to force Jeongin into a relationship that he didn't want to be in.

And then there was Changbin. Yes, Changbin made him feel like shit sometimes, but Felix considered Changbin to be his first love. Changbin had always been so sweet to him and caring, but something changed along the way and now he felt like he was a burden to the older.

Felix was so confused on his emotions. Be didn't know whether he could ever give up on Changbin or if he could ever give in and fully commit to Jeongin. He was just so lost and confused and he just wanted to loosen up— and he's slipped.

"Felix, baby, that's not an answer, use your words." Jeongin teased, sitting himself down next to Felix with his own plate now.

"Lixie's head hurts." Felix answered, bringing his thumb to his lips, only to have Jeongin push his hand back down and lift a fork of egg to his mouth.

"It's okay, Kitten, just eat. We can go out and do something just you and me." Jeongin suggested as Felix took the egg into his mouth.

"Okay, Innie!" Chirped the older through a mouth full of egg. The younger was glad that Felix was so happy around him.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix had kicked Jeongin out of their room so that he could get dressed. But then his little 6 year old mind got overwhelmed and he had to ask Hyunjin to help him.

No, Jeongin didn't say anything that made this sound like it was going to be a date, and he's Felix was still deep within his headspace, but that didn't matter. Jeongin said that they would be going alone, and Felix wanted to use this as a chance to figure out how he felt about the younger.

Hyunjin basically shoved past Jeongin to get to Felix, telling him that Felix wanted his help getting dressed.

"Okay, Prince, what are you thinking?" He asked, leaning down to get closer to the little who was sitting on the edge of his bed with his knees in his chest and tears in his eyes.

"L-Lix just wants to look nice for-for Innie." He mumbled, his lip trembling slightly as he rubbed at his eyes.

Hyunjin couldn't help but coo at the younger. How was he supposed to say no. Hyunjin saw Felix thinking of Jeongin in this light as his way of getting over Changbin. Hyunjin would do whatever it took to get Felix in a happier space, and that would mean kicking Changbin out of his heart. For the most part at least.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Jeongin was pretty much locked out of his room for the time being because Felix was taking a while to get dressed. Jeongin knew that Felix wanted to surprise him, so he allowed the little to get dressed without him there.

When he called in Hyunjin, Jeongin got to thinking. Why did Felix need back up? It wasn't like they were doing anything that required a specific attire. But then it hit him. What if Felix thought this was going to be a date?

If Felix thought this was a date, Jeongin needed to impress. He immediately rushed into Chan's dorm, ignoring Seungmin, asking him to help him get ready.

When asked why he needed help to get ready, Jeongin simply said that he and Felix were going on a date. Whatever Seungmin was drinking was rejected as he coughed up a lung. Chan reluctantly agreed and helped the youngest get ready.

Chan's style was a bit different from what Jeongin usually wore, but holy shit did he have style. Chan dressed Jeongin and did his hair all nice like before allowing him out of the room. He hated that he would be helping Jeongin in his pursuit of Felix's heart, but he couldn't tell the maknae to not pursue a relationship with him.

Chan watched as made his way into the living room with all of the swag he could possibly muster. He needed a bit of work, but he was ready to become the Zoo Keeper.

»»----- ✼ -----««

While Hyunjin dressed Felix, the younger managed to slip out of his headspace. Hyunjin had been telling Felix about how happy Jeongin will be when he sees him all dressed up for him and that just made Felix relax. Talking about their day out as though it was going to be a date made Felix want to be big so he could flirt without being obvious.

"Hyung, are you sure this looks okay?" He asked softly. Hyunjin was currently messing with Felix's hair, placing it in a flattering way before setting a beret on his head.

"Felix, he'd be stupid to think of you as anything but perfect." Hyunjin was always going to have Felix's back. If Felix felt like he wasn't good enough for someone, Hyunjin would gladly tell him why that's wrong. He was ways there to tell him why they didn't deserve him.

When Hyunjin finished, he pressed a soft kiss to Felix's forehead and gave him a nod.

"You're perfect, Prince. Go get 'em." And with that Felix was out the door and there was Jeongin.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix wasn't expecting to see Jeongin so nicely dressed. He wasn't expecting Jeongin to look so, dare he say it, Daddy.

Jeongin stood, leaned against the wall, his hair styled down and pin straight. Over a plain black shirt, he was wearing what Felix could only assume was one of Chan's leather jackets because, as far as Felix knew, the younger didn't own any leather jackets. He also wore black skinny jeans and doc martins.

Felix could tell that he also got some help from Chan, because Jeongin wasn't as cute as he normally was. He had adopted Chan's more sexy and hot persona, and Felix couldn't say he was mad at it. Infact, Felix was all for it.

The younger being so attractive without even trying made Felix even more conscious of what he was wearing. He just had to hope that the younger liked it too.

Hyunjin cleared his voice, standing behind Felix, and Jeongin looked up from his phone, dimples showing themselves immediately.

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"You look amazing, Kitten."

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