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"Guys, Felix is little. He age regresses."

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Felix nawed at his lips as the group decided how they felt about it. But no one really knew what an age regressor was.

Minho was the first to speak up. "What is an age regressor?" Everyone was so confused by the concept they were glad that Minho asked.

Jeongin opened his mouth to begin explaining, but Jisung cut him off.

"It's a safe place for Felix. It's like a childish headspace where he can relax and be babied. He just doesn't have a whole lot of control over it." Minho now fully understood the concept, but the rest of the group was confused.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"How does that even work?"

"That's kind of really fucking weird."

"Oh my god, shut up!" Felix cried. He stood up from his seat, tears running down his face. "I don't care if you don't understand it, but don't talk bad about it, okay! It's a part of me and my life— if you don't like it than you don't like me!"

The boy marched away from the group and slammed the door to his and Jeongin's room shut, locking it behind him.

To say Jeongin was pissed, would be an understatement. He looked at Jisung and Minho, and they went straight to the room that Felix locked himself in.

»»----- ✼ -----««

Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin sat on their own recliners. Jeongin standing before them.

"Hyungs, I know that this is confusing, but whatever questions you have you'll just have to ask me." Jeongin wouldn't let them hurt his baby. That's his Kitten. He would do just about anything for him.

Seungmin was the first to start asking questions.

"Why hadn't we heard about this sooner? Why did he keep it secret from us? Why do you know what's going on? You're the youngest of us!"

Jeongin had to take a moment. He didn't know how to answer any of that. But he had to try his best for Felix.

"You hadn't heard about it sooner because Felix didn't want any of us to know. He was embarrassed by it and doesn't want to be a burden. I only got to know because Chan hyung decided that I was most fit to take care of our little angel, and I'm glad he chose me."

Seungmin gave a nod and stood up. "That's all I really wanted to know." He gave a slight nod and a wave to Hyunjin and Changbin before turning back to Jeongin. "I'm going to go talk to Felix. Tell him I'm sorry and support him I guess." He walked back towards the door Minho and Jisung were still standing outside of.

Jeongin returned his attention to Hyunjin and Changbin. Hunjin was rubbing Changbin's back while the older was sitting. He looked up at Jeongin. He had questions of his own, but he didn't want to overwhelm him.

"How does Felix, you know, regress?" Hyunjin asked, ruffling his almost but not really boyfriend's hair. "Why does he regress?" Hyunjin asked.

This was an easier set of questions and the youngest couldn't help but appreciate it, but what did he expect from Hyunjin? Jeongin smiled at Hyunjin taking a seat on the recliner across from them.

"Regression isn't a weird or tedious process. It's literally just Felix's brain flipping a switch and mentally changing ages. His age range varies from 3 to 7, but sometimes he reaches baby space, but I haven't had to deal with that yet." Jeongin explained, just grinning as he thought about his pretty and perfect baby.

"He regresses because it helps him relieve stress. Sometimes he regresses because he wants to be babied. Sometimes he regresses because someone yelled at him and it brings up bad memories. And sometimes he just regresses to regress. There doesn't have to be a reason."

Changbin scoffed at this. "So that's why we have those stupid 'don't yell around the maknae line, don't curse at the maknae line' bullshit rules!?" He asked, clearly upset.

"Why can't he be normal? People would like him more if he was normal." Changbin grumbled as he pushed himself off the couch and walked to his room.

Hyunjin slapped a hand over his mouth to keep himself from gasping. Jeongin looked like he was going to just obliterate Changbin, but Hyunjin was already off the couch and racing towards Changbin before Jeongin could even move.

"I'll talk to him, Innie, go help with Felix!" He chirped, running off towards Changbin's room.

»»----- ✼ -----««

"Felix, Cupcake, please let us in–"

"Go away, Jisung!" Felix cried from inside of his room.

"Lix, baby, it's Min-min. Please let me and Sungie in. We just want to take care of you."

"I-I just want my-my daddy!" He cried. Seungmin heard the desperation in Felix's voice as he approached the door.

"His daddy?" He asked softly, concerned about the older, leaning closely to Jisung who just jumped out of his skin.

"Jesus Seungmin, don't scare me like that!" He whisper shouted.

"Who is his daddy, Hyung?"

Minho sighed and looked Seungmin dead in the eye. "He probably wants Changbin, but we all know Changbin. He reacts the worst to this kind of a change. It is going to take a lot of time for him to even warm up to the idea of Felix being little."

Seungmin sighed. "What if he means Jeongin? I mean, we all saw how he and Jeongin interacted—right?"

Jisung gave a nod. "Jeongin. Jeongin! You're right! Jeongin has been taking care of Felix for a week now! He knows him the best!"

And speak of the devil, Jeongin made his way down the hallway.

"He needs you, Jeongin." Minho said with a sigh.

Jeongin didn't even hesitate to knock on the door.

"Hey, Kitten? Unlock the door for Innie, okay?"

There were clicks heard from the other side of the door and a doe eyed white haired boy peeked his head out.

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"Daddy, my heart hurts..."

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