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The sudden cry woke Jeongin up pretty quickly seeing as he was in the same room, but he didn't know if the others had heard.

What was he going to do if the others had heard?

Quiet sobs from Felix's side of the room caused Jeongin to come back to his senses. He had moved quickly to check on his baby.


Felix wasn't his baby. Felix was Chan's baby. Felix was Jisung's baby. Jeongin had no right to call Felix his baby.

But when Felix tugged Jeongin's arm and looked up at him with those big brown eyes, Jeongin knew that Felix was his baby. Yes. Chan had been his caregiver since debut. Yes. Jisung has been calling Felix his baby since the first time they met. But Felix was looking to Jeongin for help. Felix wanted Jeongin.

"M-make the mosters go away, Innie—" Felix muttered, squealing as another crash of thunder rained out through their dorm.

Felix wrapped his arms around Jeongin's long torso and buried his head in his stomach. Felix's clammy hands grasped into the loose fabric of Jeongin's night shirt as he gasped for air.

"I've got you, baby boy." He muttered, pressing a kiss to the top Felix's head. "Innie's right here."

Jeongin rubbed circles into Felix's back, soft whispers escaping his lips.

"Innie, can't– can't breathe—" Felix cried, his tears soaking Jeongin's shirt.

"It's okay, Prince." He mumbled into the coloured hair. "Just calm down. The thunder can't hurt you."

"Can- Can Lixie sleep with—"

"Yes baby, you can sleep with me." Felix visibly relaxed as Jeongin proceeded to scoop him up out of bed and into his arms.

"Thank you, Innie." Felix mumbled, his face buried in Jeongins neck. It was still odd for Jeongin to be carrying Felix around, but he would get used to it eventually.

Jeongin placed Felix down in his bed. Felix adored the feel of being in Jeongin's arms, even if he doesn't want to admit it. Jeongin's scent was just very calming to Felix, so Jeongin's bed almost put Felix to sleep immediately.

But then Jeongin got in bed beside him and Felix really felt safe. He was comfortable. He was calm. He was so absolutely little. And he was so so sleepy.

Jeongin and Felix fell asleep once again, Felix's head buried into Jeongin's chest and Jeongin's arms secured around Felix's waist.

It was peaceful. It was simple. It was perfect.

Until the next day arrived.

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"Oh my God, you guys did do that—" Exclaimed Jisung, waking Felix up. Felix didn't bother to tell him to go away. He just nuzzled closer to Jeongin, his thumb loosely in his mouth.

"Holy shit– Minho!" He chirped, leaning his head out of the door frame to call his lover.

Jeongin pressed a finger to his lips and shushed Jisung.

"He's trying to sleep, you moron. The thunder scared him last night." Jeongin explained, pealing Felix off of his bare chest.

The blankets shifted in such a way that Jisung could see that Jeongin wore pajama pants, and Felix wore something else with the loose white shirt he wore. He was almost disappointed.

"So you two didn't fuck?" Jisung asked, causing Jeongin to flinch as he was tucking Felix back in bed.

"No!" He exclaimed in a whisper shout. "Felix is too innocent for that, you of all people should know that!

"So you don't have a Daddy kink? Cause it's nothing to be ashamed of. Chan has an Oppa kink, so it's not weird or anything–"

"Han Jisung, I swear to fucking God, I will destroy you."

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Felix yawned as he walked into the living area of the Stray Kids dorm.

It was 10:00am and Felix had only just woken up. He looked around for someone to cuddle. Maybe get him some snacks.

He located a head of fluffy black hair and proceeded to climb into their lap.

"Lixie wants fruit gummies." He mumbled.

Minho looked like he was about to kill the boy on his lap. The little punk had the audacity to steal his boyfriend, make loud ruckuses in the middle of the night, and apparently climb into his lap and ask for something. Minho was going to—

"Here you go, baby." Jeongin mumbled, handing Felix a plate with apple slices, celery sticks, peanut butter, and fruit gummies. He then handed Minho a sippy cup, which wasn't uncommon for Felix to use when big, and told him: "don't let him choke".

Minho was big shook. He looked to Jeongin for answers, but was then distracted by Felix's soft giggles.

"MinMin's so nice." He purred, basically shoveling celery sticks into his mouth before nuzzling close to Minho.

As much as he wanted to say he hated it, Minho couldn't help but get this warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Jisung walked out of his room, where he had blocked himself to finish writing some lyrics. He was trying to find his boyfriend for some intimate time, but instead he found Minho playing with Felix's hair, braiding small strands while the younger giggled at whatever cartoon they were watching. He couldn't help but coo at the sight. His two babies were getting along and he couldn't be happier.

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While Felix and Minho were having a moment, Jeongin got cornered by Seungmin, Changbin, and Hyunjin.

"What happened last night?"

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