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"What the heck is going on here?"

»»----- ✼ -----««

Felix's head snapped in the direction of Chan when his voice rang out through the dorm. Minho, reluctantly, set Felix on the ground so the little could attach himself to the eldest.

"Papa Bear!" He chirped, jumping into Chan's muscled arms.

"Hi, Baby bear!" Chan cheered, happily holding onto Felix. Anything be was worried about was forgotten immediately. The young boy giggled so loudly that Jeongin felt his heart melt and Minho could have cried.

"So, Pixie, what were you up to?" He asked softly, lightly pinching the younger's freckled cheek. Jeongin's heart flared up with jealousy. He wanted to be the only one allowed to do that.

"Lixie ate with Innie and MinMin and Minnie and Jinnie and Sungie and Binnie!" He cheered.

Chan felt his heart swell, but he needed to know what happened.

»»----- ✼ -----««

"Jeongin," Chan started after , scaring the ever living shit out of the maknae. "How did you manage to do that?" He asked.

The rest group knew this was going to take a moment, so they all took their seats in the living room and got ready for the long conversation they were about to have with their leader.

"Well, it's not much, but I just didn't try to hide it." Jeongin answered honestly.

"At first I did, after I got him to slip the first time I was scared out of my mind that people would figure it out. But then Jisung found out and Minho got into a fight—"

"Minho got into a fight?" Chan asked looking over at the feline-esk male, scowling.

"I was being heroic, so don't give me that shit. Ask Felix. I'm his Prince MinMin now." He mused with a grin. Felix had long detached himself from Chan and was now clinging to Minho's side, giggling at the nickname.

Chan was so lost. How had one Maknae changed so much about the dynamic of their group? How could this happen in such a short period of time. How could his little be so happy with someone that wasn't him?

He's so proud of the members for accepting the boy at face value, despite the slight ping of jealousy Or at least he was. Until Changbin spoke up.

"He only calls you that cause he's weird and thinks he's a baby or something."

"That was uncalled for, Hyung." Jeongin scolded, standing from his seated position to pick up Felix's toys and blankets.

After a few more questions, and Chan believing he had died and this was heaven, but Felix needed a bath, and Chan was gonna give that to him.

»»----- ✼ -----««

When Chan separated Felix from the group he wasn't expecting the slight whines he got.

"Channie!" He cried softly, gently hitting his hyung's chest. "Put me down!"

Chan was shocked. His little was always so polite and we'll mannered, what happened? Did Jeongin break him? Was he just acting up for some reason unbeknownst to the whole of them.

"Lix wants Innie!" He cried, trying to peel himself off of Chan

"Innie's cleaning up your toys, Baby Bear."

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