Chapter 2

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Third-person POV:
After the USJ incident, some of the students were questioned by detective Tsukauchi. Meanwhile, the police check if the security cameras still work, so that they can try to find where the league of villains went. But what they found was something much more, stranger.

Tsukauchi POV:
I was questioning some students about what they saw or any of the league's quirks until a police officer came up to me. "Pro heroes, detective tsukauchi we may have found something, you may wanna see this." one of the police officers told me and the pro heroes to some with him. I and some of the schools' teachers (pro heroes) were heading towards the camera room.

"Why are we even here, we know that when the league attacked the camera's we're disabled". Vlad King said while carrying principle Nezu.

"Yes we know that, but when the league escapes the cameras turned on again," One of the police officers said."And we're trying to find where the league escape, but we found something stranger" another police officer replied." What's stranger than a bunch of villains attacking the USJ." Midnight said.

Third-person Pov:
"Will you may wanna come and see this then?" One of the police officers said.

The detective and the three pro heroes were now in the camera room." Take a look at this camera footage." said the police officer. The police clicked on the security footage near the landslide area. The footage shows a mysterious portal that had a glitch effect around it, three figures were thrown out of it out of the portal. The three heroes were shocked.

"Why haven't you guys done anything yet, they could be villains for all we know!" Vlad yelled the officer. "W-will we tried sending dispatch but they retreated," The police officer said in a scared voice." What now, the police department is trained to take down down normal villains." detective Tsukauchi stated. "Will they said the three were very skilled at both in long-range and close combat." the officer stated.

"Well what are we waiting for, we better put these villains behind bars," the present mic said. The other two nodded and headed to where those people are.

Dream's POV:
The three of us were thrown out of the portal one by one. After getting thrown out of the thing, I was the first one to stand up, while the other two were still sore from landing on their butts. When I looked at the portal it was gone. 'Welp looks like it's gonna be a long way home I thought.

When I looked down and saw a piece of my mask on the ground, then I touch my mask it was broken
'Great now I need to be tapped I." thought.

Soon both Tommy and Tubbo are slowly standing up. "What, where are we?" Tommy said." Will remember me being pulled into the portal, you and Tubbo got pulled in to and now we're here." I said. "And I think besides we should get supplies because the glitch nether portal is gone." I stated.  "Wait can't you just go on creative mode Dream?" Tommy asked." Alright, I will try." I said and it worked, now I was floating off the grass both Tommy and Tubbo looked excited."Dream could you give me some gapples and weapons please!" Tommy said happily that Dream can use creative mode.*sigh* "Fine, Tubbo you want anything," I asked Tubbo.

"Yeah, I will just take whatever Tommy wants," Tubbo said, who had calm down.

Third-person POV:
The three were now stacked with items and weapons. All of a sudden noise was heard from the nearby landslide area. "Get ready you two!" Dream said in his leader's voice, the other two knew Dream was serious so they all were ready to fight. Out came a bunch of police officers surrounding them.

"Will we fight them, but remember not to kill them?" Dream said, knowing that if he didn't say the last part they would go crazy. The police officers looked scared when Dream said the last part but they tried their best to show no fear but failed. 'Weaklings can't even hide the fear in their eyes.' Dream thought to himself, but all of a sudden a bullet was shot by one of the officers. But Dream dodged quickly surprising the police officers. After a while of fighting the officers retreated, and the three didn't even break a sweat.

"Those officers were no match for my fighting skills," Tommy said confidently. "Tommy we don't know if they are the strongest people here, who knows they might have someone stronger than me and techno combined." Dream stated, but Tommy was too far away to hear what Dream said.

Tommy's POV:
I was overjoyed, I can't believe I defeated those officers. I was walking faster than the other two rambling about how skilled I was, but the two weren't responding that's strange Dream would be lecturing me about walking fast. When I turned around I saw both Dream and Tubbo laying unconscious on the floor.

"Dream! Tubbo!!!" I yelled and I started to feel sleepy, but I notice was three figures standing there, so I took out a bow and a poisonous arrow and shot one of them before felling unconscious.

Mid Night POV:
I, Vlad, and Mic are searching for the three, but then we heard a voice."Those officers were no match for my fighting skills." A childish voice said, the three of us hide behind a tree."Mid Night you should put them to sleep." Mic said and I nodded in agreement.

I soon step out of hiding and tore a piece of my clothes and purple smoke started to form around them. The two figures fell unconscious, while the third was still rambling until they turned around and saw the other two laying down unconscious. "Dream!Tubbo!!!" The person yelled, Mic and Vlad came out of hiding. "Thats easier than i expected." Mic said, but out of nowhere an arrow was shot and it hit my arm. "Agh!" I yelled in pain and felt dizzy all of a sudden. "Mid Night!" Mic yelled, Vlad observed my short arm. " I have never seen this type of poison before, we should get a poison professional to see this." Vlad said.

Third-person POV:
"I'm sorry misses Mid Night, but the poison that was injected into you is not a poison we know of," The medical professional said."What do you mean."Detective tsukauchi said. "Will the poison is more advanced and deadlier than any poison in the world to this day," The professional said." Will is there a cure at least." Mid Night said terrified of death. " Will we already found a cure but it's very expensive, but it only has a 50% chance of working" the medical profession. "Will is there another way," Vlad said after putting the three vigilantes in the police car.

"Will there is the person who poisoned you they might have a cure," The medical professional said." That could work but they're unconscious." Mid Night said." Will we put you on temporarily life support while we wait for them to wake up" the professional said."That could work but before all that I have to interrogate them first, and besides my quirk lets me identify lies and truths" detective Tsukauchi said.

"Wait you could identify between what's a lie and a truth?" Present Mic questioned."Yes but I can only know what's a lie and a truth, like if a person said something true I would know but not what they are hiding behind the truth" detective Tsukauchi stated.

"That sucks let's just hope for the best right guys," Midnight said the other three agreed and hoped for the best...

Words count: 1305 words

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