Chapter 3

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Third-person POV:
Techno was at sitting at home reading his 'art of war' book relaxing a bit, but he was still weird about Dream he hasn't come back yet. It was weird that Dream's theory was correct and that he is in danger.

"Hey, son he will be alright, besides he's the admin after all so he's able to access creative mode remember," Phil said trying to cheer him up, but there was no use." Techno you know that you and he are the most powerful PVP in the Dream SMP right?" Phil stated, Techno smiled.

"True I guess he will be fine," Techno said in a monotone voice.

"I'm gonna go make some food, you want anything mate?" Phil asked techno. "I will have mash potatoes then," Said techno, Phil just chuckle and begin making food.

Technoblade's POV:
I was reading my 'Art of war' book trying not to think that something bad happened to Dream since he has been gone for days now, but Phil said he's the admin so nothing can go wrong right? While Phil was making mash potatoes, I was recognizing my bookshelves.

Out of now, Ranboo burst through the door, surprising the both of us Phil almost dropped a plate, while I fell off the ladder when I was reorganizing my bookshelves.

" What's the matter Ranboo?" Philza asked confused as to why Ranbbo burst through the door all of a sudden.

"Theirs a problem a problem around the SMP Phil!" Ranboo shouted. Phil and I looked at Ranboo confused about what he just said. "Wow calm down mate, here take a seat and tell us about it," Phil said.

After He calmed down we gave him a glass of water." So what's the problem Ranboo?" Phil asked calmly.

" Will, there's this glitch nether portal that keeps appearing and pulling people into them" Ranboo stated Phil looked confused while I was now in deep thoughts ' I should have stopped him from going why didn't I' were now the words that keep repeating in my head. "And Tubbo did inform me he will be coming home late because he found a glitch nether portal but he never came back home" Ranboo stated.

"I should've seen this coming it's all my fault," I said to myself. "Come on mate it wasn't your fault, I mean non of us saw this techno," Philza said. "No, it's my fault Dream said he was going to investigate it and I let him," I said trying to hold back my tears. "Its alright mate crying is normal," Phil said hugging me while I cry into my father's shoulder.

Third-person POV:
After 30 minutes of Techno crying, He finally calmed down.

"So what did Dream say about it, if anything happened in the SMP he would know," Philza said. "Will Dream said that Tommy messaged Dream he and Tubbo found glitch nether portal, but he said he didn't know or Karl didn't inform him about it" Techno started.

"So he said he didn't know about it, and Karl didn't inform him that's strange both of them know everything" Philza questioned. "But who are the other people that got pulled into it" Techno questioned.

"Will Sapnap, George, Eret, Quackity, and Fundy I think," Ranboo said with questionable memory.

"What about we go through the portal" Techno suggested. The two looked at Techno like he was crazy. "What I'm saying is, what if they can't go back maybe it's a portal to another dimension" Techno stated.

"That could be the reason," Philza said. "Maybe we should go through the portal, and besides it's been a while since we went on an adventure," Techno said and the two nodded in agreement.

"Can I come with you guys?" a voice said from behind them when they turned around they saw Ghostbur. "Ghostbur how long have you been there listening to us," Techno said "Will a couple of minutes now" Ghostbur replied with an innocent smile."Wilbur can you not use that form" Techno said in a monotone voice. "Alright," Ghostbur said and transform back into alivebur. "So can I come with you guys I could make infinite tnt you know," Wilbur said?

"Fine then you all agree we should go through the portal right," Techno said making sure everyone agreed, they all nodded in agreement. "Will then let's get prepared shall we?" Techno said with a smirk.

The four were now preparing to go through the portal when it appears again. The four were each gathering supplies, Ranboo was brewing potions and splash potions, both Wilbur were killing mobs gathering exp to enchant stuff, Philza was killing animals and cooking them to make a bunch of food for the journey ahead of them, meanwhile, Techno was making weapons and sharpening them.

Wilbur's POV:
After all the four of us are done preparing, we were now walking and searching for the glitch nether portal Ranboo was talking about. "So why do we have to wake, why can't we just ride horses " I complained. "We can't ride them because we don't know where it will appear and it might hurt them in the process," Techno said. "Fine," I said in defeat.

It's been an hour since we started searching for it, I was about to give up when Philza said he will craft the belt. After a while, I saw in the distance a Strange looking portal.

"Hey, guys I think I found it" I shouted.

Third-person POV:
After the tree found Wilbur they saw the odd-looking portal from afar. "So is this the portal you guys were talking about?" Wilbur questioned. "Yes it is we better go through it before it disappears again," Techno said.

The three were now checking their inventories to see if their missing anything, while Ranboo checked his shucker boxes to see if he forgot to brew any potions. When they finished checking if they have all that they need for the journey ahead of them. "Will it's now or never ready you guys?" Techno said and the three nodded.

The four are now on by one going into the portal. The first was Technoblade he step up first and the portal started pulling him in and he did not hesitate to let it pull him in. The next one was Philza Minecraft the bravest man to ever walk this earth went. The next was Wilbur who was hesitant but went in anyways and then Ranboo who was doing this to find his husband went in last.

Now the four were pulled into the portal, all prepared for what awaits them on the other side...

Words count: 1110 words

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