Chapter 6

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Dream's POV:
We are now standing at the door where Tommy and Tubbo are in.

"So your gonna open the door or not" Aizawa said to know that if he opened the door he would probably get attacked.

I opened the door and right away the two took out their weapons and held it at Aizawa's throat.

"Wow, hey guys calm down to let him explain," I said the two draw their weapons away. "Okay thanks, Dream" Aizawa said catching his breath.

"Okay so the principal of UA decided to let you guys into the heroes course for now until further notice" Aizawa said calmly.

"What so we are going to school NO!" Tommy yelled. "You heard the man Tommy and besides there is no other way," I said." Alright you three follow me," he said motioning us to follow him so we did.

Third-person POV:
The three vigilantes are now following Aizawa to the bus."Alright, you three get on the bus" Aizawa said in a tired tone. "Oh sweet I haven't been on one since the hunger game" (this is not canon I just want to add this in) Tommy said.

'Strange' Aizawa thought but push the thought aside. "Alright you three the principal said you could stay at the newly built UA dorms," Aizawa said. "Dorms?, Dream you didn't tell us about them having dorm room Dream," Tubbo asked his older brother.

"Will after villains attack the USJ a few days ago, the school decided to build dorms for the students to stay in so we can monitor them," Aizawa said. "So it's like prison right?, yeah I've been to prison once," Tommy said. 'Wait that child has been to prison already!?' Aizawa thought, shocked that a minor has been to prison.

"Oh right before we go to UA we have to go to two places first," Aizawa said. "Noooo" Tommy complaint. "The first place is to visit the hospital because one of you shot a poisonous arrow at a pro hero," Aizawa said glaring at the three. "Wait, first of all, you guys were the first to attack us" Dream said offended.

"Will dream, I kinda shot one of them before I fell unconscious" Tommy said rubbing the back of his neck. "Well the poison happens to be very poisonous and the medical professional said there is no accurate cure, so they decided to put her on medical support first then you guys could cure her" Aizawa stated.

"Wait most of our poisonous arrows only have effect for 2 minutes" Dream stated. "But I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience" Dream said apologetically. "That alright if you guys cure her then your free of charges," Aizawa said.

Dream's POV:
After the conversation, there was a long silent pause until Aizawa announced that were here at the hospital. "Alright you three follow me you don't have to get lost" Aizawa said motioning us to follow him, so the three of us formed a row I go first while Tommy and Tubbo followed behind me.

After a few minutes of walking, Aizawa stopped. "Alright we're here don't do anything stupid when we come in," Aizawa said.

As soon as Aizawa finished saying that he immediately opened the door. He was the first one to enter, while I entered after him then Tommy and Tubbo. As the four of us entered the first thing we saw was a woman in a hospital gown reading a book.

"Wow Tommy you just shot a woman" Tubbo said jokingly. "It was self-defense okay!" Tommy yelled causing the lady to look at us.

"Oh, so they corporate didn't they" The women said." Yeah, they did, oh and Dream the cure?" Aizawa asked me. "I have it right here" I said taking out a bucket of milk, while the two looked at me confused. "Your joking right how is that gonna cure her," Aizawa said in a slightly piss tone.

"Well just trust me, I have been poisoned a lot " I stated. "Are you sure it can cure this" Aizawa questioned. "Well I have been poisoned a lot of time and I'm still standing here," I said while the women nodded.

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