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The Volvo was barely in park before Oliver was unbuckling. Bucky had only cut the engine when the four year old was climbing out of his booster seat. Steve all but had a heart attack with his oldest trying to get out from the backseat and was beyond grateful for the child-lock on the doors.

"Oliver Thomas!" Bucky yelled. The alpha hardly ever rose his voice when reprimanding their children. But this was a matter of their sons' safety. Climbing out of the front seat, he opened the back door and pulled the young brunet into his strong embrace, "You never do that again, do you hear me? You could've gotten hurt!"

"'M sorry, daddy," Oliver apologized with his lower lip quivering. "Wanna see bebe and grampa. 'M 'cited."

"I know," Bucky deflated, but his fear was still palpable through the bond. Holding him closer, Bucky marked Oliver's back and assured, "It's okay. Just don't do it again."

Oliver sniffled, "Okay."

Situating Oliver on his hip, Bucky grabbed a container of announcement sugar cookies. Leaving just Finn and Steve, the latter climbed out of his seat so he could assist his son in the back.

As he settled Finn on his hip, Steve noticed the toddler's lower lip quivering and his eyes glassy with unshed tears. Brows furrowed, Steve asked, "What's wrong, cookie?"

"Dada mad," Finn's little voice shook. Then, he threw his face into the crook of Steve's neck, letting himself cry.

"Aw, sweetie," Steve rubbed Finn's back and assured, "Daddy was just scared. He worries that you and Ollie are gonna get hurt, that's all. He's not mad."

"Pomiss?" Finn asked, pulling back to look at his papa.

"Promise," Steve assured, wiping the tears from his son's face.

Marking him, he kissed Finn's forehead as he carried him towards the house. Walking a little slower than normal to give the toddler's scent some time to become less sour. Because that was the last thing that any of them needed for Thanksgiving. One sour pup was too much, let alone two.

Finally reaching the front door, Steve entered and got to work slipping off his own shoes while removing Finn's as well. Bucky was standing in front of the coat closet, waiting for them with the container of cookies under his arm.

Shrugging out of his coat, Steve teased his husband, "Plan on sharing those? Or should I go back home to get some more?"

Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes while sarcastically laughing. Affection flowing and meshing with one another's before he reasoned, "Wanted to wait for you. So, you can see their expressions too."

Hanging up his coat, Steve turned to get Finn's too but paused when he found Finn hugging Bucky's legs. Bucky's brows furrowed and Steve quietly explained, "He was afraid you were mad at them."

"Oh, honey," Bucky crouched so he was face-to-face with the almost two year old. Reiterating what Steve had told him outside, "I'm not mad, I just want to keep you both safe. Sometimes being afraid can sound a lot like someone being mad."

Pulling Finn into a hug so they could scent each other, Bucky handed the container of cookies to Steve. Bucky leaned back in the embrace so he could pepper Finn's face with kisses. Not stopping until Finn giggled. Then, he hugged Finn even tighter because he never wanted to make their sons cry in regard to him or his emotions.

"Are those cookies?!" Sadie called from the staircase. And with Sadie bringing them to attention, the chatter and laughter from the kitchen and dining room paused as some of their older relatives looked around walls and left rooms to greet the two men.

"Ya holdin' out on us?" Mandy quirked a brow at her older brother.

"If I was gonna do that, I wouldn't have brought them to begin with." Bucky clarified, letting Finn go upstairs where his brother and cousins were.

"He had about six before we came," Steve said, not exaggerating as Bucky had shoved the sixth one into his mouth on the way out of the house.

"Then, no more for you," Mandy's fiancée, Aubrey, joked, reaching for the container. Steve moved it out of her grasp, which made her retract and pause. "What? No cookies until after dinner?"

"Not exactly," Steve chewed on the inside of his cheek.

Mandy's brows furrowed as she stepped closer to her brothers. Lowering her voice, "Okay, what's up?"

Before Steve could even think of an excuse, Bucky took the container and crossed the space for the kitchen. Announcing, "Cookies!"

"Ooh!" Tibby exited the half-bath and followed Bucky into the kitchen. Mandy and Aubrey followed where the cookies were going.

Hearing the kids heading down the stairs, Steve moved out of the way. Letting everyone else crowd around Bucky, who stopped once he reached the dining room. From the edge of the living room, Steve watched as Bucky set the container on the table.

"Okay," Bucky chuckled, looking around the room to make sure that everyone was there. Finding Steve, their eyes locked, and he waited until Steve nodded before he lifted the lid from the container. Passing a cookie to each of his parents first, Bucky watched them as they read the writing on the onesie shaped cookie, Coming Soon!

"Shut up!" Winnie squealed, pulling her son into a hug while George looked around their family to find Steve. A large grin was on his face and tears were building in his wise eyes. Steve couldn't help but feel a little emotional himself.

Being wrapped up in hugs as he walked towards the table to be beside his mate, the pair was congratulated. Steve couldn't help but feel everyone's well wishes. After all, he and Bucky hadn't been secretive on them trying to have another baby. So, now that they were having one, it truly felt like a weight had been lifted.

"Oh, thank god," Mandy exclaimed, her shoulders sagging in relief. "I've been waiting for you to say something before I did. I'm pregnant too. You have no idea how good it feels to say that now."

Aubrey face-palmed and told her soon-to-be spouse, "Way to step on their moment, darling."

Wincing, Mandy apologized, "I'm so sorry. I've just been holding that in for a while and was afraid that I'd pull a You and announce it at the wedding and then you'd be angry with me."

"It's fine," Bucky assured while Steve genuinely added, "Congratulations!"

With cookies being devoured and everyone ecstatic about the news of two developing family members, Steve was glad that it wasn't all about him. And while Natasha joked about how he should want to stand out in such a large family, Steve preferred being in the background even more. Instead of being attention starved and assuming, "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha," Steve was glad to be left to himself.

Well, as long as he knew he was still loved, of course.

Wrapping his arm around Steve's waist, Bucky kissed his temple. They had only found out the news about their developing pup for two days, but he knew that his husband was glad that they didn't have to keep it hidden any longer. After all, his husband wasn't very good with secrets. But that was just another thing that Steve loved about him.

As dinner was distributed, and the conversations flowed from one subject to the next, Steve knew – as always – that what he was thankful for this year was them. His family.

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now