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"You know what's a good name?" Natasha asked. When Steve didn't say anything, she answered, "Natasha. Just think about it, Natasha Barnes."

Shaking his head, Steve led the way into the diner. Going over to the section that they usually sat in, he picked the open booth in the middle, near the jukebox. Shrugging out of his jacket while Oliver climbed onto the seat.

Before they could ask for the booster seats, a waitress came over with them in hand. Assuring that she'd be right back with some kids menus and crayons. Clearly on top of it, which Steve could appreciate.

While Steve slid in next, Natasha took a seat across from them. Steve said, "We're not naming her Natasha."

"Why not? It's such a pretty name," Natasha debated, helping Finn settle in his booster seat.

"I never said it wasn't," Steve playfully rolled his eyes, "But we already honored you when I lost the bet."

"Fine," Natasha exaggerated, picking up one of the menus at the end of the table. Looking over the items, she asked, "How're the double cheeseburgers?"

"Delicious," Bucky answered, not needing to look over the menu because he got the same thing every time they came.

"No, no burger," Oliver pouted, "We get pie!"

"Of course, we're getting pie," Steve assured, smoothing his recently cut hair, "But we gotta get real food too. This is dinner."

The four year old slumped in his seat, still pouting. Steve chose not to acknowledge it since he would get out of it soon enough. Especially when Steve spotted the waitress returning with the kids menus and crayons. So, he took one of the menus and started flipping through it. His mouth watering with just a glance at the tasty pictures.

Setting the kiddie stuff down, the waitress asked, "What can I get started for you?"

"A lemonade for me," Natasha answered first.

Finn perked at that, and Bucky said, "Make that two more, please."

"A pistachio shake with two extra cherries for me," Steve rubbed over his bump, trying to appease the growing baby. Opening the crayons for Oliver, he asked, "Do you want lemonade too? Or do you want milk?"

"Chocolate milk?" Oliver asked, looking up at Steve.

"Sure," Steve allowed, smiling over at the waitress as she wrote it down.

"I'll be right back with that," she smiled, tucking her pen into her apron pocket.

"Thank you," Steve added before she could get too far. Returning his attention to the laminated menu, he debated what he should get. Especially since he seemed to be craving everything.

Deciding to put his cravings on the backburner, Steve asked Ollie, "What do you want to eat, squirt?"

Poking his tongue out as he concentrated on his coloring, "What is dere?"

Dramatically, Steve tossed his head back while Bucky barked out a laugh. It was the same question that he always asked whenever they came. Steve always hoped that his oldest would be able to remember, but considering he, himself, was perusing the menu that he knew almost by heart, he couldn't fault the little boy.

So, Steve read out the items on the half-colored kiddie menu, "Mini-corndogs, cheeseburger, chicken tenders, and mac and cheese."

Thinking, Oliver tapped his finger at the dimple in his chin. Then, he asked, "What's Auntie Nattie getting?"

"A double cheeseburger," she answered, still looking over the menu.

"I want a cheeseburger," Oliver decided. Natasha looked over the top of the menu to wink at her godson.

Steve smiled, rubbing over his bump and her future goddaughter. It was so easy to see that she'd make a wonderful mother. And he hoped that one day she'd be able to prove him right.

"Okay," the waitress returned with a tray of drinks, "Do you need a couple more minutes?"

"No," Steve smiled while Bucky added, "We're ready."

"Perfect," she grinned, taking out her order pad and pen while Steve and Bucky dispersed the drinks. Quickly, she wrote down the order. First, the kids', second, Steve and Bucky's, and third, Natasha's. "That'll be right out."

"Daddy, song," Finn asked, pushing at Bucky's shoulder.

Smiling, Bucky climbed out of the booth and then helped Finn out of his seat. Since Finn was going to the jukebox, Oliver wanted to too. So, Steve slid out to let the older boy out.

"I wanna pick!" Oliver raced to beat them there even though he needed his father to help him.

"You get to pick one and so does Finn," Bucky reminded, "Who picked first last time?"

"Finn did," Oliver claimed, even though he probably didn't remember.

"So," Natasha started, "Do you have any names picked out?"

"Nope," Steve shrugged, "But we've got some time."

"Right," Natasha agreed, nodding. "You know, it doesn't have to be Natasha. It could be Natalia. Or Natalina. Or Natalyn. Or –"

"No, Nat," Steve chuckled. Reaching across the table, he took his best friend's hand, "I love you and I love that Finn has your middle name. But no, Nat."

"Fine," Natasha exaggerated, but gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

When the boys returned to the table, Steve happily slid out of the booth and helped Ollie back into his booster seat. Before he could take a seat, Bucky playfully swatted his bum. That earned an elbow from Steve and a barked out chuckle from Bucky.

As they sat, waiting for their meal, a little girl wearing a Sleeping Beauty play-pretend gown caused Steve's mind to wander while her mother helped her look at the jukebox. Imagining the bows and headbands. They already had the Disney Princess costumes and dressed up with the boys, so it wasn't difficult to imagine doing so with their daughter. The nursery in his mind shifted from orange to something softer. A pink, perhaps, and a floral mobile.

Returning his gaze to his husband, Steve settled on, "Flora."

Not even having to think it over, a large grin split across Bucky's handsome face as he nodded and agreed, "Flora."

Weakly, Natasha teased, "It's no Nat, but it's okay, I guess."

"Definitely better," Bucky joked while Steve suggested, "A little Rory, perhaps."

Natasha smirked, "I can work with that."

The boys continued coloring and Bucky stretched his hands across the table, Steve took his hands in his and joked, "I think that was the fastest we ever decided on a name."

Stroking his thumb along the back of Steve's hand, Bucky teased, "We're getting pretty good at this parent thing, huh?"

"Yeah –" Natasha took a drink of her lemonade "– Maybe with the next one it'll instantly come to you guys."

"The next one?" Steve good-naturedly scoffed, shaking his head even though the grin stayed on his face. All the while, Bucky crossed his fingers, "We can only hope."

"Already thinking of the next one?" Steve asked, amused.

"Yup," Bucky confirmed with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Steve teased, "Better keep up, old man."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Bucky leaned over the table to kiss him. Once Bucky settled back in his seat, Steve rested his foot next to Bucky's. Their shared affection flowing between them and strengthening their contentment. Steve's heart was full. This was his life and he felt like he could finally breathe.

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now