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Scrolling through nursery ideas, Steve found a nautical themed one. Waves wallpaper as the accent wall. Little decorative anchors for the dresser's knobs. A knitted whale plush in the crib. It was cute, Steve could admit that much. Yet, his heart was still set on the orange foxes.

"Okay," Dr. Cho smiled, entering the room. Sitting on the table already after being poked and prodded, Steve started pulling his shirt up. Beyond ready to see their little one.

Rolling the ultrasound machine closer, the doctor asked, "Are we gonna try to find out the sex today?"

"Yes," the men answered in unison. Smiling up at his husband, Steve offered his hand. Winking, Bucky accepted and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.

"Well, let's take a look," Dr. Cho replied.

Quietly, the pair watched the screen and their baby moving on it. Their wonderful, amazing, beautiful –

"Girl. Congratulations, you're having a girl."

Pleasantly surprised by the reveal, Steve looked up at Bucky. Just as he had reacted to their sons, Bucky's smile was crinkled all the way up to his eyes while tears streamed down his face. Steve couldn't stop smiling. Not even when Bucky leaned over to give him a kiss.

Handing Steve a towel, Dr. Cho said, "Once you're clean, you're free to go. I'll see you in four weeks, but don't be afraid to call if you need to see me sooner."

"Thank you," Bucky smiled, wiping his tears.

Wiping the goo from his skin, Steve kissed Bucky again. Fixing his clothes, Steve let Bucky assist him down from the table and Steve teased, "You know what they say about assuming things. It makes an ass out of you and me."

"Guess so," Bucky giggled. Hearing the giggle, Steve looked up at him, amused. Bucky shrugged, "I can't believe we're having a girl."

"I know," Steve poorly bit back his grin; excited as well. Then, not missing a beat, Steve suggested, "Lulu?"

Holding the door for Steve, Bucky made a face and rejected, "What about, 'Maya?'"

"Ooh," Steve zipped up his coat, "That's not half bad."

"Yeah?" Bucky asked, pleasantly surprised as he draped his arm around Steve's shoulder, reeling the petite omega closer, "This day just keeps getting better."

"Don't let it go to your head," Steve playfully elbowed him in his ribs.

Working around everyone's busy schedules, the pair left the office with their next appointment written neatly on a card. Being the romantic asshole that he was, Bucky opened the door for Steve. So, Steve, of course, rewarded him with a sweet kiss.

On the drive home, Steve offered, "Trixie?"

"Pass," Bucky stopped at the red light. Messing with the radio, he smirked at the catchy song from the 80s, "Jenny?"

"Hard pass," Steve immediately vetoed, "Ever since Jennifer's body, I haven't been able to think of the name in any context except for horror."

"Fair enough," Bucky softly chuckled, giving Steve's thigh a comforting squeeze.

"I've always loved, 'Andrea.'"

Driving through the intersection, Bucky briefly glanced over at Steve, "We are not naming our daughter anything close to my sisters' names. It would give them too big of a head."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but agree. After all, he knew how everyone reacted when they named Finn after Natasha. And he really didn't need any more of that.

Pulling into the driveway, Steve climbed out first and instantly felt how full his bladder was. Rushing into the house before he could wet himself, Steve maneuvered his way around his sons and their toys like an obstacle course.

"Well," Natasha called out after him, "You could've at least told us the sex!"

Steve ignored her as he emptied his bladder. Knowing that she could wait a few more minutes at the very least. Once done, Steve returned to the main part of the house. Natasha was trying to get information out of Bucky, but his husband childishly zipped his lips.

Rolling her eyes, Natasha spotted Steve and prompted, "Well?"

Glancing over at his mate to make the other alpha wait just a little longer. Sharing a look with Bucky, Steve nodded. Excitedly, Bucky informed, "We're having a girl!"

"Mazel tov!" Natasha replied, truly meaning it. Simply gushing, "This is a call for celebration!"

"Oh, no, that's –"

"Hell yeah, it is!" Bucky enthusiastically agreed, "I think it calls for pie!"

"Well, now I'm definitely tagging along to the diner," Natasha added, grabbing her coat while Bucky helped the boys into theirs.

From all the excitement, Oliver and Finn were practically bursting with their own giddiness, even if they didn't quite understand what was happening. They knew that they were going to be big brothers, but Steve wasn't sure if they even knew what a sister was, let alone that they were going to have one.

Nevertheless, the group climbed into the Volvo with Bucky securing Ollie and Finn in their seats and Natasha taking the only open seat in the back. Once Steve and Bucky were settled in the front, Bucky reached over the center console to take Steve's slender hand in his. Steve beamed at the gesture and the news, feeling nothing but love in the bond and in the air around them.

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now