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"'Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,'" Steve sang along, wiggling to the song as he covered the emerald-green walls with the soft pink.

"'One fell off and bumped his head,'" Oliver joined in, messily painting the wall with the windows.

Steve largely smiled and continued, "'Mama called the doctor and the doctor said.'"

"'NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED,'" Oliver and Finn both shouted.

Looking over at them, Steve couldn't help but smile at his sons. Oliver, trying his hardest to control the paint roller and standing on his tiptoes to reach higher on the wall. Finn, on the other hand, was, in fact, using his hands. Simply dipping his hands in the paint pan that he was sharing with Oliver and then placing them against the wall. Promptly spreading the paint as he finger painted the wall.

Hearing the volume of the stereo playing the nursery rhyme lower, Steve turned to find Bucky entering the room. His socked feet causing the tarp to crinkle noisily. Smiling, Steve pulled his odor reduction mask down to greet his husband. Standing on his tiptoes to kiss him as he started, "How was work today?"

"Fine," Bucky smiled, playfully tugging on the straps of Steve's paint-stained denim overalls. Wiggling his brows until Steve chuckled. Ducking his head down, Bucky kissed Steve's mating bite before asking, "What color is this?"

"Satin Slipper," Steve happily answered, pulling his mask up so he could return to his task.

From across the room, the boys ran over to greet their dad. Removing their own masks as they tugged on his clothing. Finn getting paint on them while Bucky crouched down to hug them both. Letting them scent him while he marked them. Rubbing their backs and kissing their cheeks. And, as always, blowing raspberries on their skin.

Steve smiled to himself before returning to his task. Dipping his roller into the tray to gather more of the light pink, Steve continued wiggling to the kids' music. Expertly painting the rest of his wall. When he went to paint the next wall, Bucky came up behind him. Wrapping his arms around Steve's waist to rest them on his bump. Although Bucky couldn't feel Flora move yet, Steve could. Her little flutters being their shared language. Both of them loving the alpha.

"Ya want me to help, or ya want me to shower?" Bucky asked, hooking his chin over Steve's slender shoulder.

Thinking about it, Steve said, "Help, please." Theatrically lowering his voice, Steve added, "I love the boys, but they're shit at painting."

Barking out a laugh, Bucky loudly kissed Steve's cheek, "Well, you're not supposed to be painting anyway. I told you that I'd do it this weekend. Sam and T'Challa are coming over. What are they supposed to do when the nursery's already painted?"

Good-naturedly rolling his eyes, Steve said, "Fine. You can finish up the nursery tomorrow. I have things I wanna do anyway."

"Yeah?" Bucky asked, putting the lid on the paint while keeping an eye on Finn to make sure he didn't run through the house painting things pink with his stained and splattered body. "What kind of things?"

"I saw some things on pinterest," Steve shrugged, taking off his mask and leaving the room.

Intrigued, Bucky quirked a brow while guiding their younger son into the bathroom across the hall. Telling him, "Stay." Startling bath water, Bucky asked Steve, "Things like – oh, I don't know – crafts."

"Could be," Steve exaggerated, helping Finn take off his clothes that were practically died pink from all the paint he somehow managed to get all over himself. Even getting it in his blond curls. "Cookie, how did you get so messy?"

Giggling, Finn started climbing onto Steve, getting paint all over Steve's old, ratty clothes. Chuckling, Steve held Finn close, the way the almost two year old wanted. Letting the toddler scent him and sloppily kiss his cheek. Steve loved it though. Both of his sons were affectionate, and Steve tried to encourage that whenever he could.

"I'm gonna get a start on dinner," Bucky turned off the water, "Craving anything in particular?"

"Hmm," Steve thought for a moment as he placed Finn in the tub. "I don't much care what it is, but I want honey and pickles on it."

Used to Steve's weird cravings by now, Bucky simply nodded, "What about you, bub?"

"Nick-nen nug-nets," Finn answered as Steve soaped up his curls.

"Ooh, chicken nuggets," Steve looked up at Bucky, "That sounds good. I think there's some Dino-nuggets in the freezer."

"Dino-nuggets?!" Oliver exclaimed ecstatically from the doorway. In his Paw Patrol underwear and mismatched socks, the four year old danced around for a moment.

Chuckling, Steve shook his head, "C'mere, dork. You can eat them after your bath."

Leaving his discarded clothing in the hallway, Oliver walked around Bucky and climbed into the tub next to his brother. As soon as he settled, he instantly went for the bubbles and gave him a bubble beard, making Finn giggle uncontrollably.

Fondly, Bucky stood there for a moment before leaning over and kissing Steve's forehead. Leaving the bathroom to get dinner started. Just another Friday in the Barnes house. Just the way Steve liked it.

After the baths and after the Dino-nuggets, and after they put the boys to sleep, Steve and Bucky collapsed into their own bed. Content with just being in bed beside each other. And just like he did with their other two kids, Bucky moved between Steve's legs and started telling Flora about the day he met Steve. Wanting all their children to know their parents' origin and how much they loved each other right from the jump.

Rolling his eyes, Steve didn't even try to hide his smile. Simply reaching over for his tablet. Deciding to pin a few more things to his currently favorite board. Loving all the decorations he could make for their daughter.

"It was the best decision I ever made," Bucky informed her. Pressing a sweet kiss to Steve's abdomen, just below his belly button, and prompting Steve to lovingly card his fingers through Bucky's soft brown locks. "And it led to you."

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now