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"Stevie," Bucky softly prompted. "Wake up, doll."

Groaning as he rolled away from his body pillow, he reached for his glasses. Without needing to feel around for them, Bucky was readily handing them over. Sliding them on his face, Steve was greeted with confetti poppers, noise makers, and a tray of food.

Tears instantly welled in the rim of his eyes as he sat up. Touching his chest, he asked, "All of this for me?"

"Of course, doll," Bucky grinned. Encouraging the toddlers to join their papa on the half-made bed. Making sure to warn them to, "Be careful."

Letting the boys nuzzle close to him, he made sure that they weren't too wiggly when Bucky set the tray of heart shaped red velvet pancakes on his lap. Whipped cream topped the short stack along with pink, red, and white heart shaped sprinkles.

"Thank you," Steve sniffled, kissing the top of Finn's head, and then kissing the top of Oliver's.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Bucky leaned down to kiss Steve's temple.

Sniffling again, Steve corrected, "It's the day before Valentine's Day."

"Potato, tomato," Bucky incorrectly quoted.

Rolling his eyes, Steve unwound his arms from around the boys so he could dig into his breakfast. Not that the boys seemed to mind as they turned to watch him as he ate a spear of fluffy pancake. Dramatically, Steve groaned in flavorful pleasure, giving the boys the most desired reaction. Especially when they were quick to say they helped.

"Alright, alright," Bucky started ushering the boys out of the room, "Let papa eat in peace."

Steve smiled and blew him a kiss before digging into the festive meal. And while he could hear the radio with cheesy 90s love songs, he was glad to be able to eat in relative peace. Even if Greg did join him, hoping that he would be as generous as Bucky usually was.

Deciding to be kind because she deserved to be pampered too, Steve let her lick some of the whipped cream from the tip of his finger. She was only too happy to have the treat and tapped his arm, wanting more. So, Steve gave her a little more before whispering, "Our little secret."

Once he was done with the pancakes, he removed himself from bed to get around for the day. Having an appointment in the afternoon, he dressed in a cozy sweater and leggings. Just to make it easier on himself while also staying warm.

Rounding the corner, Steve was shocked to find that the breakfast was just the beginning. On the kitchen counter was an assortment of balloons tied together. Some classic red and white heart shaped foil balloons. Some simple pink ones. Some clear with red, white, and pink heart confetti inside. It was all too much, and Steve had no idea what he was supposed to do with them. Especially not once Oliver and Finn started hitting each other with the balloons.

Meeting him around the island, Bucky playfully had a red rose between his teeth and wiggled his brows as he handed a pink gift box to him. For a moment, Steve wasn't sure he should open it in the kitchen where their sons were present. However, Bucky removed the rose from his mouth and assured, "It's for Rory."

Quirked brow, Steve lifted the top and unfolded the sparkly white tissue paper. There he found a small white blanket with a satin trim and an adorable plush lamb's head and arms in the center. Much like Oliver and Finn's lovies, and Steve's chest clenched at the memory of seeing the Squirt one for the first time all those years ago.

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now