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Carrying Finn and holding Oliver's hand, Steve started for the Howling Commandos Brewery private tasting room that Mandy was using for her dressing room. Knowing that they were running late, Steve smiled at his mate, "Wish us luck?"

"I'll meet you out there," Bucky gave Steve's temple an affectionate kiss. Reminding the boys, "Listen to papa, alright."

"Okay," Oliver waved with his free hand. Finn kept his head resting on Steve's slender shoulder and tiredly waved at his daddy.

Making the same trek down the hallway that he made for his own wedding, Steve reached the room and let Oliver knock for him. The toddler was only so happy to comply. Tibby poked her head out of the room to see who it was before grinning and letting them in.

"Oh goodness," Tibby covered her mouth to reigning in some of her excitement. Complimenting the boys, "You both look so handsome."

Steve smiled, nuzzling into Finn's space and tugging at Oliver's hand, "What do you guys say?"

"Tank you," Finn bashfully hid his face in the crook of Steve's neck while Oliver proudly said, "Thank you."

"Of course," Tibby smiled. Turning, she asked, "Can you zip me?"

"Sure thing," Steve confirmed, letting go of Oliver's hand so he could zip the back of Tibby's long sleeve ruby red velvet dress.

"Thank you," Tibby giggled, turned back to face her brother-in-law. Before she could say anything else, she was looking over Steve's shoulder. Bringing her hands up to cover her mouth while her hazel eyes turned glassy from unshed tears.

Turning, Steve found what was making the younger woman so emotional. There, Mandy stood in an elegant lace gown. Off the shoulder with long lace sleeves, Mandy fidgeted.

"You look stunning," Steve complimented, meaning every word of it.

"You sure?" Mandy asked, touching her stomach and the small bump that was there, "It doesn't look bad?"

"No, it doesn't look bad," Steve honestly assured.

"Absolutely gorgeous," the eldest Barnes child, Becca, added.

"Positively divine," another blond man said.

"I just –" Mandy worried her plump lower lip with her teeth "– I bought it before..."

Chuckling, Steve moved his groomsmen jacket to show his own bump, "At least you're not about to bust the elastic holding your pants together."

"No, I'm just going to rip my dress," Mandy giggled. Looking up at the ceiling, Mandy begged, "Please don't let me rip this dress."

Beside him, Tibby held her hands up, fingers crossed. It was infectious, and Steve couldn't help but do the same with his free hand, just as the rest of the wedding party did. To his further amusement, he noticed that the ring bearers and flower girls were doing the same. Even the sleepy Finn.

"Ya gonna wake up, bub?" Steve asked his son.

Shaking his head, Finn yawned. Nuzzling Steve further as he hid his face from the adult he didn't know. Meanwhile, his brother and cousins were seemingly showing off. Chasing each other around and tagging one another.

"He's precious," the tall, muscular blond with perfectly straight white teeth cooed.

Although Steve and the man hadn't been properly introduced, Steve knew of him. The beta was Mandy's coworker, Garrett Johnson. Before Steve had even met the Barnes family, he had sat once or twice on a bench with the successful realtor's face on it.

All Good Things: Green Series 5 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now