4. Last One Out of Beach City

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(To be honest, Even if this story doesn't get to be great or it sucks, I'll still keep on uploading unlike the other stories I have...)

We see Steven and Pearl finishing a puzzle, Gold's here because he's trying clothes on and he likes it, amethyst however is bouncing up and down causing the puzzle to be ruined.


Steven:Do you mind not bouncing so much?

Gold:Yeah, but why are you bouncing?

Amethyst:*shapeshifts back to normal* Oof! Uh, sorry. I'm just super excited. Greg is taking me to a show!

Steven:A show? You mean like at the... *puts on a fake British accent* Theater?

Gold:What's a theater?

Steven:It's made for entertainment, basically, it's like you get to experience the entertainment.


Steven:So is it a theater?

Amethyst:No, like at a... *puts on a fake British accent as well* Rock show! Ha! Like a band! At a house, with a bunch of people hanging out and doing stuff!

Steven:Oh man, that sounds cool! We have an awesome night planned, too! We're doing a puzzle, how about you Gold?

Gold:Oh, I'm trying these things you wear and surprisingly, these feel great except for the tight one.

Amethyst:*unenthusiastically* Wowee.

Pearl:I know it sounds tame. But it has 612 pieces. And no corners!

Steven:*picks up a corner puzzle piece* I.. found a corner.

Pearl:Oh! *gets disappointed* Oh...

Greg:*enters the house* Hey, y'all!

Amethyst:Greg, Greg, Greg, Greg! So, you ready to throw down in the pit?

Greg:No pits for me tonight. I'm sorry, Amethyst, it totally slipped my mind that Barb invited me and Vidalia over for cards.

Amethyst:Cards?! Ugh, who broke you guys out of the retirement home?

Gold:*muffled because of food* Retirement home?

Steven:When did you get Pizza on your mouth?

Greg: Anyways, Trust me, I'd love to go to the show! But Barb threatened to hold my mail if I didn't. She is not a woman of empty threats.

Amethyst:Ugh, man, forget it. I can't go show-lo, that'll be boring!

Gold:This Barb must be an enemy, tell me the coordinates and I'll terminate her!

Steven:No no Wait! She's not dangerous, she just wants Dad to play cards with her.

Gold:Hmm... I trust you Steven.

They then went back on the topic about how boring it is today.

Pearl:You could hang out with us tonight.

Amethyst:And do a puzzle? Ha, maybe we could fit in some knitting, too.

Pearl:*blushes slightly* That's... not what I meant. We could... go to the show... with you.

Gold:'I don't think the Cool Demographic fits with Pearl...'


Amethyst:Wha?! You wanna go to a show, with loud music and people pushing each other? *playfully pushes Pearl's arm*

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