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« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• weapons
• swearing


"You have to get out of here Aylin! You know why they want you" my older brother yells at me making my ears want to dominate the sound of his voice

I tilt my head back letting out a deep breath the thick tension between me and Kasper being stuck in my head

Yet the one thought in my mind that I wish I could shake off was Rhydian..

The tension between me and him was different, yet my heart or head couldn't tell me what one was the good kind of different

"Maledizione Aylin! Non mi stai nemmeno ascoltando! Questo potrebbe costarti la vita, quella picolla acrobazia che hai fatto!" I hear my brother's voice enter my mind slowly as the thoughts of Rhydian fate away

'God damn it Aylin! You aren't even listening to me! This could've cost your life, that little stunt you pulled!' I let my brothers sentence repeat in my mind with the gun strongly between my fingers and my hand palm

I let out a shaky breath and tilt my head back my eyes connecting with the hazel ones of my brother

"Talk to me like that again and I'll shoot your fucking brains out" I say in a calm tone walking carefully out of the room not hearing a word form out of the mouth of my brothers

I look at hundreds of people staring at me in the main hall

The guns pointing at my head

I'm trapped

I let out a exhausted smile and yell at them

"Fucking do it already! Shoot me!!-.." I yell as hard as I can at them

As a hand covers my mouth and turns me around towards him my body leaning against his

"I know you are new to this mi amor but you shouldn't yell for trained shooters to shoot you, cause they will" he strokes a piece of my hair behind my ear and I notice I'm watching every step he takes

From his finger gently touching my ear to his tongue gliding in his cheek, from his hands on my lower waist

"Why am I here.." I dare to ask with him grasping at my waist

"Well your father and I didn't have a good bound.. but as you are the new leader now I expected to change that-.." I break him off while I look at him taking a step back

"And why would I do that, you destroyed five of our bases in a matter of months, and I was the one to clean the mess" I shrug

"I'd rather watch your body burn like it's my new next meal then work with you!" I turn around his arms around my waist once again pulling my back against his front

The hot breath of his in my neck made my hairs jump up

I let my head fall back on his chest

My tongue gliding over my lips

"If you want me to be your meal darling, I'll let myself be served" he whispers in my ear

I wiggle out of his grasp

"Let me show your room.." he says with a smirk plastered on his face

"Who said I'm staying here?" I ask him

"Me" he said and dragged me by my hair upstairs

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now