845 13 2

« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• weapons
• swearing



The heart beat lingering in my throat

The sound of the car underneath me roaring over the road

The gun next to me in the drivers seat waiting to unload into someone

He took her and I'd let him pay for that

She belonged to me, she will always belong to me

Not with me, to me

Her brain, her body her everything was like a weapon waiting to ruin everything and everyone in her way, and my way

She just needed a good push


She still needs the push

As soon as I arrive at the house I shoot the guards at the front door

I shoot at the lock making it give me a free way inside

I open the door slowly seeing several guns pointed at my head

My wrist grabbing one of their men holding the gun against his head whispering faintly in his ear

"Drop your gun.." I look around the room at the target that I became

"I'll shoot! I will shoot the fuck out of him! Tell me where the Varano girl is!" I yell at them the confusion spotted onto their faces

A dark headed boy looks my way pointing his gun at me

"What do you want with her?" The boy asks me the impression of making me wanna roll my eyes

"What you are her fierce protector now-.." I want to go on but a shot of gun stops me

I focus my gaze to the top of the stairs and see a u gun pointed to the roof and the hands of my sweet angelo

I look at the hole in the roof and focus back on her

"You boys.. really need to learn I'm not yours to own, learn to respect me or I'll shoot in your heart breaking it twice!" I immediately felt that comment being turned to me

I stare at her

Her body, her eyes telling me to loose control

The ache in my heart wanting to show her what's real control, the control she didn't have

She pretended she had but she'd never be able to have control

The stinging sound of her heels dragging her towards me

"I'm not coming home with you" she says pointing the gun at my heart

I look at the pure base of metal pointed at it but I couldn't seem to think of anything

I grabs the front of the gun and push it against my heart

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now